5 Reasons to Love Robert Pattinson

From ScreenStar:

There is no denying it; we are all placed under the "I Love Robert Pattinson" spell that will hopefully never break. Last summer, only a dedicated few knew this British actor was absolutely fabulous. It took the rest of the world a little longer to catch on, but eventually we did, and we gave it everything we have. There are many reasons to love Rob and we took on the daunting task of narrowing the characteristics to the top five.

Good Looking. His tussled hair, his chiseled jaw line, and his infectious personality had fans lining up after seeing his first Twilight based interview. Yes, there are many other important qualities to a person besides looks, but when you look like Rob, attention needs to be paid to the details.

British Accent. Crisps sound more delicious than potato chips, lift sounds worldlier than elevator and the loo is just more fun to say instead of bathroom. It is no surprise that Americans are infatuated with the British accent; we view it as sexy, debonair, and mostly unique. So when Rob hit the scene, opened his mouth, and his British brogue popped out, fans fell deeper in love.

Gave Edward Life. Twilight Saga author Stephenie Meyer painted the picture of Edward Cullen as The Perfect Man. Not only was he painfully good looking, he was sensitive, caring, and a good listener. When Rob morphed into Edward, fans flocked to him because he was brining their hero to life.

Humble. Without a doubt, Rob is the most famous person in the world; he tops Google trends, he has been in the top five of IMDb for the past year, and a week does not go by without him on the cover of a magazine. He has a great career, he can buy and do whatever he wants, however he never flaunts his wealth and stays humble throughout all the madness.

Part-time Musician. Not only can he rock out to Lynard Skynard(Gozde: Lynyrd Skynyrd honey:)) late night on set he also has a voice that record labels salivate over. Rob scored himself a spot on the Twilight soundtrack last fall with friend Sam Bradley and it helped the album top the Billboard charts. Pattinson is also a gifted pianist and fans will wait forever for him to be ready to release his own album.

It is hard to only pick five things we love about Robert Pattinson, so if you think we left something out, please add it below. Some runner-up reasons why we love Pattinson are; he nicknamed himself Spunk Ransom, seems to always be happy and smiling, he is not perfect, he loves his hair as much as we do, and he is very articulate in interviews and when interacting with fans. What did we miss?

Written By Colleen Joyce (Chief Writer) on Thursday, September 10, 2009 at 8:19am

via TwiFans :)


Kate said...

Yes Goz there are definitely more than 5 reasons to love him! ;-)

Haystackhair said...

Simply said, there are NO reasons NOT to love Robert Pattinson!

Haystackhair said...

WEll, except for the fact that I don't get to bang him. LOL

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

the things i love most about ROB, is his sense of humor, and his shyness,


CJ said...

I think you nailed it.

Mars said...

CJ said it! Colleen totally nailed it. This reminds me of the article they wrote a while ago listing not five, but THIRTEEN reasons why smart women like Rob.

Pat yourselves on the back, ladies. Only smart women like Rob :)

monika said...

hahah really Peter?

@peterfacinelli Rob did get his new Stoli shirt. Might b saving it for the premiere.lol

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

there are a million reasons to LOVE this talented,beautiful,handsome,humble,SEXY,shy young man,for me it has more to do with personality than his looks,he just seems so genuine and real,he is not fake and in hollywood that is very hard to come by..

RPLover said...

@haystackhair-can't say it any better than that! LOL so true ;)

Anonymous said...

oh girl...it's spelled Lynyrd Skynyrd...so sorry. I hate to be one of "those" people BUT this was one of my fave bands for years and years and I couldn't just let it go... :(

Sadrilil said...

not much else to add that was not included in the five or covered by you beautiful ladies. I think all of things cover it.. and I am with Haystack there is just no reasons not to love him..

solas said...

Did I miss seeing wit and self-deprecating sense of humour?

Unknown said...

what I love about him is the awkward way he behaves in interviews, it's just so strange to see a celebrity behave that way, whenever I see it I feel a little bit embarassed about him but then I tend to comeback for more..(I think it's me who's strange ^_^), and you can count on him giving the most interesting answers always!serious or not...

rpgirl27 said...

@monika- is he talking about the stoli shirt JAG & Jen and everyone sent??? that is just sooo frickin awesome!

Bex said...

His bed head hair and the way he constantly runs his hands through it, those fingers and the fact he's not overly fashion/trend concious...but let's face it, what's not to love!

rpgirl27 said...

hmmm...never new he liked Skynyrd, that is one of my all time fave bands EVER...I've seen them 2x live and it was fanf*ckingtabulous!
oh great, another band that will now make me think of Rob everytime I listen to them!

Ripley said...

Of course there are more than 5 reasons to love Rob and this is the site for us to post and agree on that. BTW love the panty dropping pics.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Rocking out to Lynyrd Skynyrd???

Holy Crow I would love to hear him do that!

totally agree girlfriend!

Candy Girl said...

Merely "Good looking"? That's heresy! More like "the epitome of male beauty","the face of an angel". or "the physical manifestation of the existence of God". But that's OK-I forgive you :).

Anonymous said...

There are definitely more than just 5 reasons to adore him. I can think of 10 fingers, I mean 10 more reasons. :)~

Anonymous said...

Class! More class then you usually see. Knows how to keep his friends which is a very tough thing to do, but he seems to have their loyalty, which means they have his as well. He's good to his family and speaks well of them. Knows how to be discrete, so few people today have that quality. He's honest. All the qualities I've listed above are the ones I cherish most in people.

Can't help but love the guy!

Anonymous said...

To be serious, His soul is what makes him so much more attractive. He's definitely more than just another pretty face.

Lynda_Bluecanoe ~ Nicely put!! He's just the whole package nicely wrapped up.

MMc said...

He's adorkable and hobolicious - I love your words.
He can be dorky and wear crappy clothes and still be awesome.

We really haven't heard many interviews since before Twilight came out last year. I think this year of fandom has probably changed him and made him more guarded but........I hope not.
Hope he will do some promotion interviews soon so we can find out.

MMc said...

Rob is a young man with an old soul - hear him sing.......he sounds older than he is - sounds like he has experienced pain. He's very passionate and not afraid of his feminine side.

Some of the things he says really take you back - like in one interview where he called himself a 'dick' and how he'd ruin you.

And my favorite answer - when someone asked him how he got his hair to do that...... he said........"I get 12 yr. old virgins to lick it"

Oh my - what a comment. Gives me chills.

Nora said...

Because we all know there are WAY more than 5 reasons, I'm only commenting to tell Gozde THANK YOU for posting the 'fingering the hole' guitar picture... LOVE that one!

And, the boom mike... well, it just makes me think more bad things...

Treasure_7 said...

Definitely more than five but a good start!!

Anonymous said...

Aw, there are more than 5 Reasons, definitely. Just google "13 Reasons Why Smart Girls Love Robert Pattinson". It's all there! (Just a clarification that the article does not claim that only smart girls/women love RP, or that you are not smart if you don't love him.) I like this article because it articulated everything that I thought/felt about RP as a person--after listening to/watching his many interviews. I admired him for his off-the-cuff witty remarks, unguarded endearing mannerisms and honest facial expressions.
He may not do the same insane number of promo interviews this time. Last year it was great because no topic was off limit. He did not succumed to media training. He gave his own great responses even to questions re girlfriends. The sad thing is, this time, we may see a more guarded RP during NM promo interviews. We've already seen it--at the last Comic Con, girlfriend questions were not allowed.

vicky said...

1. He's real, not plastic. (hard to find in Hollywood)
2. He's not afraid to be himself.
3. He's neither fake nor shallow.

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