Michael Deacon of The Telegraph Bitches About Robert Pattinson and WE Bitch Back

Here is what Michael Deacon of The Telegraph says:

Being rich, famous and sexy is a drag, part 4,782

Robert Pattinson says he’s become so famous that he can’t bear to go out at night. “I haven’t found one place in the world yet where I could disappear,” he tells Premiere magazine.

Robert, allow me to be of service. Try my local pub, the Windmill Tavern in Gravesend, Kent. A straw poll of the regulars reveals that they’ve never heard of you. The reason for this is that they’re over 18 years of age.

Any readers of this blog who themselves are over 18 years of age may need to be informed that Robert, aka “RPattz”, is the star of the Twilight vampire films, which are monumentally popular with pubescent girls and, as I understand it, unknown territory to absolutely everyone else.

Surely the solution to Robert’s woes could not be simpler: he just needs to try going to restaurants, bars and nightclubs that are frequented by adults rather than 12 year-olds.

Sadly, he finds that even that’s no good. “When friends ask you to meet up, you have to tell them, ‘Sorry, I can’t go to that place,’ because you know the photographers will be waiting for you,” he explains.

But how do these photographers know which restaurant, bar or club Robert will be attending? In my experience, such establishments rarely have photographers stationed outside them. If you do see a photographer outside a restaurant, bar or club, it’s because either a) the celebrity’s agent has tipped them off (which I’m sure Robert’s no-doubt-charming agent wouldn’t do), or b) it’s the sort of restaurant, bar or club that is known everywhere as a haunt for publicity-seekers.

So pack up your troubles, dear Robert, and pop down to the Windmill Tavern. We’ll buy you a drink. If we recognise you.

Gozde clears her throat:

Dear Dickon (I know...low blow...),

I am so happy I found your "article". My chronic insomnia coupled with the Robert Pattinson picture drought was making me angsty and now I can bitch freely!

Our last poll showed that %62 of our readers are over the age of 19, only %7 is under 15, if you were following Robert Pattinson AT ALL you would see the fan pictures posted are not of teenagers but of women of all ages (Here is a link).

It doesn't surprise me that your friends at the pub in Kent don't know Rob. I am assuming they are not only over 18 but also lonely men who get drunk every night and bitch about how men like Rob got it good? No? Sorry...See that's how assumptions about people go.

I accept he was snapped in a couple of pap/celeb hangouts in the past months (only a couple) but what he was talking about in that article was people recognizing him at hole in the wall pubs... I would know, I post the pictures after fans ask him for one at a random bar/restaurant.

So pack up your pompous ass and go "poor little rich actor" someone else. Someone who actually deserves it. Someone who thrives for the paparazzi action. Someone who doesn't sneak out of his hotel like a criminal to get to work. Someone who isn't mobbed by crazy bitches on the street.

I am not saying "Leave Rob alone!" Ă  la Chris Croker since I don't think Rob has it bad. He is a famous actor and it comes with the territory. We are part of the paparazzi problem with demand and supply but your article is very condescending and is written with no knowledge on Robert Pattinson or his fandom. I would accept more from an "editor".


You can also bitch back in our comments or let Dickon know on his blog and give him his biggest hits this month/year :)


kimberlesk said...

Go get 'em Goz!!!

Srsly, for a guy who has a blog on the internet, he really doesn't know how it works. when Rob shows up at a bar/pub/restaurant, peeps hit the 'net giving his whereabouts and the papz come running! DUH

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

BRAVO goz BRAVO (clap of hands) give it to him he dont know shit about rob or his fans.......what an ASSHOLE

Anonymous said...

Go Goz, Go Goz!

By the way I'm 29, 11 years over 18. Way to do your research Mr. Deacon.

wintermistake said...

Goz-You rock! People can be so ignorant and this D*** character is a prime example. Don’t trash something/someone you have no idea about! And, how dare he think of himself as a classy editor? Any reputable self respectful journalist would do his homework instead of blowing air out of his ass!
The worst of it, is the idea that Rob can potentially see/read this crap and knowing him, would feel completely crushed :( Rob may also feel that at this point even in his home country, which he no doubt must be missing, he can’t escape people judging him.
BTW, just a statistic I’m a 34 year old married woman!

Hello, I Love You! said...

Right On Sister!
You tell him!

*eeye roll* What a moron.

WinWin said...

Gozde, I bow to you. I saw that and was too sleep deprived to respond. Love you to pieces.

Waves hi to Kinberlesk. I haven't talked to you in so long. How are you?

WinWin said...

oops, I meant kimberlesk.

Haystackhair said...

OHHHH GOZ!!!! great job girl. I will head over and ask him what ROCK he has been hiding under. LOL, lonely old men who get drunk every night. EPIC!

Celtibera said...

HAHA, well said, Gozde! ;)

...wowie! said...

Well spoken...and damn skippy!!!

jmm4832 said...

The assholes really come out of the woodwork, don't they? Jealous much?

Jenny Wilson said...

Dear Goz,
I agree 100%, who doesn't know Rob? No one that I care to know :)
A 27 year old, Robsessed, married, mother :)

Anonymous said...

Godze - well said. I have The Daily Telegraph - is this on the internet or actually in today's paper, cos I've chucked it in the bin already. I would like a link to his stupid blog to tell him what I think...this sounds like a sly little bid to get hits on his blog....silly little man.

Anonymous said...

Okay, YEAH. My mom read the books and saw the movies, and when we watch Harry Potter weekends on the ABC family channel, when Cedric pops up, my mom goes, "There's gorgeous boy!!" If she ever saw him in the streets she'd run up and get a picture with him just as soon as I would, and I am 20.

Anonymous said...

Oh and another thing....funnily enough I've never heard of HIM......

Anonymous said...

Gozde: You kick some serious ass!
I rarely comment here anymore (although I read daily) but today I am unable to stop myself.

You rock Rob's (and our) world! And we love you for it! Go forth and defend HHH!!!

Please inform us of any counter comment that dickwad may leave you ;)

Claudette said...
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Anonymous said...

Dear Dickon,

you're a jackass!

Kat said...



I don't know any teens who are anywhere near as obsessed with Rob as my friends my age. My little nieces introduced me to Twilight, but they are not Robsessed. My friends who share my Robsession are also in their 50's, as am I, and some in their 60's.

Even my dear husband points out every picture or mention of Rob he sees, so this guy must really only know old drunken men who never get off their barstools.

Mars said...

Hear, hear, Goz!

T said...

Bravo Goz!! I couldn't have said it better myself, who by the way is a 41 year old with a Robsession like you wouldn't believe.

Mattias said...

Haha! It IS interesting though that HE took the time to write this piece of crap about a person who - according to him - isn't really that famous or special for people older than 12.

Funny! Because HE seems to know Robert and what he says :-D and how can he sure that his 'friends @ the pub' don't know Robert? Yes! They TALK about him :-D Haha!

Oww, yeah I get it, maybe he IS 12? Or, like always, it's jealousy. Sad mr. Deacon, sad!

Greets, Mattias (age: 20) from Belgium! Yes, we know the - not that famous Robert Pattinson - here :-) .. SUPRISE Mr. Deacon!

Anonymous said...

CLAP CLAP!! Good job Gozde!!
Who does this pompous and uninformed journalist thin he is?

anna F said...

I was partly annoyed at this article.
But at the same time, it's pretty standart to attack celebs and take one quote without the context or his next sentence to make him say whatever you like. Not very professional, but it seems this type of journalism isn't that much about portraying things as they are, more underlining what you need to prove the point you wanted to make.
I know it's not journalism in its "noble" form (politics, economy...), but it doesn't make it any less lame to not do your job well.

Doreen said...

I gave him a piece of mind too!

Federico Zarco said...


TwiHartRK said...

That's right Goz give 'em hell! Someone please send Dickon and Laimey, Paris Hilton and Megan Fox to this pub - along with the B list that Laimey brown noses. They all deserve each other.

Anonymous said...
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RPnKSaddict said...

Right on Gozde!
What an ingnorant SOB. I hate it that people do not do their home work before posting unfounded cliams.

noisefaidaus said...

Once again Goz has said it all!!! As someone who is a fan and well over the age of even 19 this guy is an A**hole.
So many things I would like to say to him but Goz you pretty much covered it all, way to go!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Nicely put Goz!! This Dickon doesn't know his ass from his asshole. He's really out of touch with the 21st century. Has he even heard of Twitter . . . hello. Such ignorance. And just for the record, I'm 43 and heard about Twilight from my other 43 year old friend who is also hot for Rob.

Amber said...

I just don't understand why every Tom, Dick and Harry assumes that only teen girls are into Twilight. Hello? Where have you been the past 9 months as it's grown out of control? You think teens are doing that?!?

Man, he needs to become more acquainted with Twitter, cause none of the Rob peeps I follow are under the age of 18, most not even under 21. In fact, for the most part, I'm one of the YOUNGEST of the group I roll with, and I'm just shy of 28.

Federico Zarco said...

iiiiiiiiiiiissssssssss sssooooouuuu
wwwwwhhhhhhatttttttttt are you caressssss inngg?????::))))()(((:(?

TanjaB. said...

Hi everyone!

I'm a long time lurker here, but this is the first time that I actually post a comment. So... no one over 18 knows who RPattz is, uh? Well... me and my friends sure know! I'm 36, robsessed and proud of it. My friends, also proudly robsessed, are from 30 to 50 y.o. People should really do their research before posting crap!


P.S. Sorry for any mistake... English isn't my mother tongue. :p

RPLover said...

way to go, Goz, you frickin' rock!

I'm 31, married, a mother and I LOVE Rob! and my daughter is 2, btw, she's not a teen who got me caught up in this or something ;)

on the other side, I've never heard of this dickwad-er-dickon-oops-deacon ;) but it sure seems like he knows every move that our dear Rob makes! I'm guessing he is either a 12 year old fangirl himself with a case of the blues, or an old sad fuc*er with some confusing feelings towards boys and an inability to get it up.

either way, piss off, dude.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Goz, you are the embassador of Rob!

What a fucking prick!

I love all these people who think they know-and they don't know shit!

Standing ovation for you Gozde!
I heart you too....

Wardenbea said...

High FIVE to you Goz! BTW I am 30 and a 45 year old turned me onto Rob and when I went to a seminar there were people in their 60s there...so that jerk needs to get his facts straight. If in his town, know one knows him maybe they are to busy inbreeding! Eat a root Mr. D!!!!

AP said...

Hmmm, did someone not want to give a little interviewy to the Telegraph? His agent not being co-operative, it would seem? (Since you take a little dig at 'em) Nose very out of joint??

Michael: ask your girlfriend who Rob is - she'll help you out. :D

Loisada said...

Another epic spankdown by Gozde! You can't mess with our man anywhere on the Webdom without The Goz giving you the business.

Totally off topic: looks like the shiteous Nikes are catching on, now being sported by the original beautiful Renaissance man Viggo Mortensen at the Venice Film Festival. Praises to the sex god who made us men who read, sing, make art and shine on the screen!


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Welcome Taty,
You're going to fit right in...

Lisa said...


Goz, I love ya!!!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i think this was a desparate and pathetic attempt to get notice and more hits to his blog and guess what 'IT WORKED' people know any mention of rob get them media attention.

luvpatti said...

you are hilarious! Bravo!!!!! i have to admit, when rob has hung out at some hole in the bar in LA we've never seen pics, just heard stories from fans who give us the details of the sighting. However, staying at the chateau... come on!!! just about anyone and everyone goes there to see celebrities. they're all over the place. that def. was not a smart move this last time he was in LA.

love you and your blog goz!!


Anonymous said...

I've tried registering in to the Telegraph to leave a comment ages ago and it hasn't logged me in...I really WANt to leave a comment HELP!!!

Marenostrum said...

@lizzie - I left a comment myself. You should activate your account through your email first.

DesiEnM said...

@lizzybee i'm having that problem too...i alreaydy registered and it says...go to ur inbox and activate it...but i haven't received any email yet...damn it!

Mars said...

"Hell hath no fury like a Rob Pattinson fan." hahaha!

Krystle said...

Way to go Goz! Saw your comment on his crap blog! If Rob is so unimportant - why did Deacon write an article about him? hmmmmmm....

Anonymous said...

@Marenostrum and DesiEnM
I've tried that! It's so frustrating ...I have lots to say...I am so ANGRY!!!!

TanjaB. said...

Thank you, rpattzgirl!

It's just so nice to be among people who share your feelings about something. :)

Anonymous said...

I would be interested in the breakdown by decades of the people over 18 who adore Rob. I am way over 18 and wonder how many people in my age range are fans. But I'm not 57 as my ID suggests! My mom is 75 and has read all the books and while she doesn't drool over Rob like I do, she does admit that "there is something sensual about him".

Suz said...


you are fucking WIN


damn skippy

and Goz.... you are just WIN

Sadrilil said...

Way to go Goz..

I am glad to see someone standing up for what is right and I am sooo sick of hearing that the only people who like Rob or Twilight are teens.. Rob and Twilight alike have an amazingly diverse fan group and everyone should know it by now.. 33 married and a proud Robsessed member!

GiGi said...

I am 40 something....and I LOVE Rob, I wish I was 20 years younger then I'd feel alot better about it! But no matter....my teenage daughter took me to see Twilight and then I was hooked! Never before have I been so "taken" by any celebrity....but he's just so beautiful and different than any other. He leaves the likes of Pitt, Clooney, Brosnan, Jackman, in the dust! (They are all pretty fantastic, mind you, but don't even compare to Rob!)

Tenneil said...

Well Gozde.... you go girl!!!

Love it... tell'em like it is!!!

Some ppl srsly amaze me... His head appears to be STUCK somewhere... maybe up his azzzzzz

peeling a fig said...

I think we've crashed the Telegraph's registry box. I have no response either yet...

SluttyPattz said...

Oh my Gozde, standing ovation directed at you. LOVED THE RESPONSE.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Me neither-he might be sorry he wrote that after everyone's done with him.

Angela said...

hey guys OT, I'm trying to find the clip from Extra TV last night about Robsten/moving in. Anyone know how to find it? I looked on the Extra site, but just an article. Want to see the clip.

Haystackhair said...

I too am waiting for my password so I can leave a comment. Nothin.

Ana73 said...

way to go Goz!!!

well i am 36, way over 18!!! i think this guy is trying to get some publicity for his little bar. the best publicity would be if rob walked in there. where is this place at???

JennB said...

Hey Goz - what's the link to the interview where Rob does that headbutt move?

And, also: yay!

Rob can come to Vermont any time. Celebs frequent this state and I don't think the paparazzi even know that the state exists. And if he needs to, I'll keep him safe by sequestering him in my house. Nice and snug.

Proud (but a little embarrassed) to be 36 years old and a FAN. Wasn't I 25, like, 2 years ago? What happened?

Honolulu Girl-Suz said...

You know the funny thing with teens as I have two. They move on. Where as mama (me) seems to be loyal and linger and let me state for the record. I would not harass you Rob! I may drool and stare and admire from a distance and possibly hover, or maybe walk by. But not harass.

solas said...

No desire to give Dickon (an appropriate name?) 'hits' on his site. Apparently his writing isn't worth much if he hasn't looked into this at all, which is what his article indicates:not a writer nor jounralist but just a complainer with a blog. All of the articles on the 'cougar' (I hate the title but will use it for reference)phenomenon; all of the articles and photos of TwiMoms, Moms for Rob, etc; all of the photos of fans obviously way beyond 18 jumping on the poor lad; all of the articles of people twittering when they see him so hoardes can come rushing at him within minutes--all of these were not read? understood? (Im a learning specialist; let me help you.)
And Goz, you said it perfectly:'..lonely men who get drunk every night and bitch about men like Rob have it so good..' Perhaps the reason women such as myself, with no desire for ROb, no phantasies or pining for him; with children older than ROb, are looking out for ROb, still admiring his talents, following and cheering his career, is because there is a dearth of such beautiful looks and talents in the men our age who are sitting around in pubs getting drunk every night, complaining instead of growing and developing into well-rounded catharted evolved and sobre men at least our equals.

Cherry said...
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Cherry said...


solas said...

By the way--many of us have been keeping an eye on Rob way before Twilight; I know when I saw him in GoF, I said--Who is that beautiful boy?
ANd over very little time, he has already done some pieces reflecting tremendous ability. A beautiful TALENTED boy.

Unknown said...

What's wrong with what he wrote? Seriously, Robert is an adult and he can be discreet if he chooses to. He is not a victim of his celebrity as much as of his inability to take control of it.

Numerous high profile celebrities evade the paps. They go to out of the way inns, restaurants, theaters, etc. He is limited by his own creativity.

Should he have to hide under hoodies? Absolutely not, in an ideal world. But even supportive forums like this create an insatiable demand for product, causing people to jockey for the sale.

Anonymous said...

@ Solas

That is so well put my dear...I agree absolutely. I am sick and tired of these sort of articles and we all know that this is a pathetic attempt to get hits on a
potentially defunct thread. If it wasn't for the fact that I am so Robstarved at the moment I probably wouldn't have bothered getting involved in this crap..... However I am bored and somewhat irritated by these silly stories and feel a need to punch someone or something....

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i loved rob the moment i saw him in HP GOF,iam a ROB fab first and a twilight fan second,i only got into this twilight thing because of rob,he is the only reason iam into twilight,ITS ALL ABOUT HIM AND ONLY HIM,with all that said iam 34,no kids (waiting on rob lol) with a crazy rob obsession and iam not ashamed of it,well maybe a little.

Basima said...

OMG, what a load of crap!
Bravo, Gozde for bitching back... he certainly deserved it.
I'm 33, married and a mother of two little ones (so my teens didn't tell me about RP either!). But I'm totally Robsessed and proud of it too... I JUST got hooked onto Twilight a couple of months ago, so before that I WAS living under a rock :$ but I knew what the twilight books/movie were and how big a mania they had created. If I had paid close attention then, I would have fallen for Rob as soon as (or maybe even before) Twilight came out. But I have this habit of reading the book first and then seeing the movie adaptation so I didn't see the movie until late in July 2009. OMG, I wish I could kick this Deacon guy's butt!!

solas said...

I don't see it as an 'inability to take control' of his celebrity, but rather the dislike, or fear, of the effects that seem particular to himself. He doesn't like the screaming. He doesn't like driving with 'paps' chasing him in a Diana-esque nightmare. He doesn't like being grabbed and choked. I wouldn't either. This isn't 'celebrity' or even the expected results of being famous; it is something to be avoided.
He had managed 'celebrity' well enough after GoF, and has friends doing HP who also manage well. What Rob experiences is way beyond expected effects of 'celebrity' and ought not be dismissed as something manageable or controllable or expected or desired.

Anonymous said...

@RPattz -Turns-me-on
It's funny you should say that...because yes ...I am a Rob fan first and foremost. My daughter introduced me to the books but she isn't a fan of Rob whereas me.well-say no moreLOL. I really do not wish to offend anyone but in my opinion the books aren't that great...I loved Twilight and I actually liked New Moon {OK skipping the boring bits with Jacob} but Eclipse and Breaking Dawn...I don't know. I've just finished reading Breaking Dawn and after the honeymoon and Bella's pregnancy I actually got bored?? Is that RIGHT LOL Ended up reading a Regency romance for God's sake!

Emily said...

Goz - 1
Um...Deacon, was it? - 0

Can't wait to see if has a response.
It is so on.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

sometimes i hear people say 'be a man and suck it up' or 'its all part of being famous so stop bitching' and i get angry because they dont walk in his shoes they dont know what its like to be him for one day,these folks are on the outside looking in they dont know what he goes through on a daily basis,if i had to switch places and be rob for one day i would go postal on somebody,for him to keep his composure this long says something about his inner strenth.

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

well, i never heard of Rob till i reluctantly watched twilight. and to be honest, i wouldnt have given a damn about some hollywood name, i'm not the 'fan' type...

SO THANKS TWILIGHT, for this fun little hobby! ROB is so effing interesting, and gives me hours of entertainment...
I WOULD HAVE LIKED TO SAY 'HOURS OF PLEASURE', but thats not going to happen... :)

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@lizzi i am with you,i saw the movies and brought the books because of rob,BD is my fav of the series.

Anonymous said...

Im 35 with a husband and four kids (all boys) and I love rob more than anyone i know. My husband is the one that told me about Twilight. I did not know much about it at all. I saw it and went crazy for Rob. My husband went out the next day and got all four books for me. Now I read them every night. My boys say Im crazy but my husband doesn't mind so who cares.

katie said...

LOL--omg, who is lolawants? I almost peed my pants reading lolawants' post, it's got to be one of you.

Angela said...

My husband minds, so I have to hide the books. I'm 38 and read TW just to see what my newphew liked in it. I was hooked and my life is upsidedown now. (literally going to counseling for it)

I've read them all twice now and Midnight Sun is by far my favortie, then Breaking Dawn. very satisfying.

I'm sure Dickon will be posting an apology for his stupidness soon.


u go girl!!!u know what to say!!
is this guy relevant??cause I've never heard of him in my life..geez!now I know only because he bitch about rob...talking about random found fame
I don't understand why people think rob's fans are teens why???I'm 22 and a lot of my friends and even the fanbase in peru are way older than 20

Shani said...

Yay, Goz!!!

That guy is just looking for more hits to his pathetic blog. He is such a loser and dickhead. Anybody with eyes can see that the fans are not all 12 year olds.

He can keep insulting Rob all he wants,but it's not going to change Rob's success or change the minds of his millions of adoring fans from around the world.So what if his drunk pals from some crusty unknown pub doesn't know Rob. Hell, we've NEVER heard of his ass. ROTFLMAO


CullenGal09 said...

Ok-here goes. This was an insensitive and insulting article, not only about Rob, but as his fans. D***on should think before letting his mouth overload his no doubt jaybird ass.....all he has suceeded in doing is awaking a "sleeping giant".

Solas-you said a mouthfull. I agree 100%. Here here.

Finally, Gozde, I hope you read this, because you are a wonder. You are the supreme example of a proper fan and way to defend his British Badness. Well done, well said-kudos, gal! ;)

Athena said...

Bangerang Gozde!!!! :D
*channelling the Lost Boys in Hook*

You said it perfectly!

I think "Mr Dickson" is a jerk, to put it mildly, who talks just for the sake of talking and drops Rob's name to get hits for his otherwise deserted blog. The only point that I think he does have is that someone most likely tips off the papz on Rob's whereabouts, but I blame Summit for that. I suspect that if it were Rob's agent, he'd have fired him a long time ago.

For the record, I'm turning 38 next week, 18 is such a distant memory that I'm no longer sure it even happened! I *wish* I was still a teenager! At least I wouldn't have to see wrinkles and white hairs multiply daily when I look in the mirror! Hahaha!

@ NewMoonRising: that is the one thing that really worries me about this article. Hopefully, Rob won't read it, but if he did and expressed his chagrin, I think I'd make my mission in life to strip the hide off Mr Dickson's back >:(.

Oh, and I've heard this morning that laws might soon be in place in Australia to stop paparazzi from harassing famous people. They talk fines and prison. Not sure it's confirmed or it will actually happen, but for now I am happy to hear that :).

CullenGal09 said...

Oh, and one last thing-I love Robert and know well who he is, and his work, and for your information Im 37 asshole!!!!

CullenGal09 said...

@Shan-hey you! ;) Love your comment-who the hell is MD anyway...LOL!

@Athena-hello, there. Just wanted to say i am so glad there are laws in the works there to protect celebs from unwanted harassment from paps and fans. I hope they are passed. They need such laws very badly here in the US.

AP said...

@French: I fully accept culpability in being one of those who, as a fan, is helping to operate the spotlight in which Rob lives. However, I don’t accept that my motives are the same as Mr. Deacon’s, nor am I likely to level criticism at Rob for being unable to avoid said light. (I think, as I said before, Mr. Deacon’s motives could stand a little scrutiny themselves!)

Are you experienced in avoiding the level of interest and exposure that Rob is currently undergoing? Just curious. Being “creative” in the age of instant media is increasingly difficult, and if he is to have any semblance of a ‘normal’ life, which he doesn’t, then there are times he has to participate.

If you had seen some of the lengths to which he has gone in the past to avoid scrutiny and also to shield his friends from the same, you might have a little more empathy for both his situation and the man himself.

Don’t know where that came from - I usually don't take bait! Must be nervy today and definitely hung-over.

egc1208 said...

I think this deacon character is a little ROBSESSED himself dont you think?
other wise, why the heck would he care so much about extremly goregus Rob!?
well the answers obvious cuz hes so goodlooking =]

Goz u did a great job! ;)

Unknown said...

That editor has to be regretting the day he decided to write about the lovely rob but not bother to do a stich of research past asking his drinking mates down the local.. rookie error.

kchambers77 said...


he can come down to new orleans. we don't give a shit about celebs.

Unknown said...

Thank you Goz we couldn't have said it better!

I go to some sites that have Rob or Twilight articles and I see people commenting that the only fan Rob or Twilight has are TEENS!! Puh-leez!! They're not the only people on earth!! They should look around more and keep their shut eyes wide and open!! Was it the teens the ones that mobbed our poor Rob in the street (that's why he got hit by a cab), no it wasn't. Was it a teen that grabbed him in LAX on his way to LA? no it wasn't.
Rob even has a fan letter in EW coming from a 65 year old woman, for crying out loud!!

Some people are just lazy and stupid altogether to make up these things.

Unknown said...

and might I just add, teens can't probably be in bars and pubs BECAUSE THEY'RE NOT ALLOWED YET!!

xoRobxo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
xoRobxo said...

Just went to Mr Dick-Head's blog/article or whatever that shit he wrote is.
And I loved this comment left:

"hmmm, I am 62 years young, quite a few years beyond 12 years. I would know Robert Pattinson anywhere. Last night I heard his voice on TV as I passed by the room, my heart began to flutter, that proved I was a live and kicking

"It amazes me that so many younger people think that their mothers, aunts and/or grandmothers cease to feel anything romantic after a certain age. Show me the by-law that dictates that people check out emotionally at a certain age. I have no intention of changing from the older but in touch person that I am.

Remember your words when you hit your 60’s."

I hope that tickles his pompous ass!!

September 3, 2009 8:51 PM

Khou said...

Amen!!! U go girl!!!

Lilpaskittle01 said...

All I have to say is if you look up the word Douchbag in the dictonary you will find Michael Deacon's picture there! I'm 26 years old and my 26 days away from being 48 year old mother was the one that got me started on the Twilight books, then watched the movie and got me started on Rob. She things Rob is HOT! I have yet to met a WOMAN not girl, that isn't in love with Rob. He really needs his head checked before they let him write anything else for The Telegraph! Total DOUCHEBAG ASSHOLE. I agree with alot of the people let him walk in Rob's shoes for one day then he would probably be wanting to rewrite that whole article. It's been a bad day for me so I had a lot of theraphy leaving a nasty comment on his little so called blog.

Cali said...

Our blog debates and differing opinions are all well & good, but I just LOVE when the ROBsessors form a United front!! Woohoo!! Silly man didn't know who he was dealing with!

Unknown said...

BRAVO Goz!!! Very well said! Thank you for saying it all in behalf of all of us.

Unknown said...

What a pompus ass. I am a huge Robert Pattinson fan and I passed puberty more than 30 YEARS AGO. And I would like to know where these bars/resturants are that cater only to young teenagers! I can't wait for New Moon to come out, but I am also just as eagerly awaiting Remember Me, and can't wait till I can get my hands on Little Ashes. I think this idiot has been living under a rock. And I am 47, NOT 13.

Unknown said...

And I forgot, (sorry but I just had to add this)if Rob is this big nobody and the only people that know if are teenagers, Why did the Academy Awards want him, oh, yeah, cause they needed to boost ratings. He gets mobbed where ever he goes, the paps stalk out his hotel. And I have never heard Rob complain, he just states facts!

Sarah said...

Ah.... I kind of agree. Rob just needs to go to places where MEN predominantly go. No no I'm not talkin strip clubs or whatever...But... try little shows of kind of obscure bands, or rock bands with medium commercial success - on a random night may be up to 80% guys in the crowd. *shrug* And God, if there's women, and it's a 21+ crowd, I would EXPECT them to behave normally if they run into him.
When it comes down to it though he's not an idiot. I'm sure he comes up with new ways to avoid things or his friends help him out.

One more thing - Don't think just because we haven't seen any papz pics of him that he has escaped them all this time now. I'm sad to think the reason for the lack of pics is not because he succesfully avoided them, but because he mostly stays holed up in his hotel or on set. =/
And call me a selfless bragging bitch, but I wouldn't mind not seeing pics of him if I knew it meant he can go out sometimes like a normal person.

Anonymous said...

Jump up high five hand smack!!
**hip bump w/Godze** You tell 'em sista!!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I'm trying to post there (upon registering waiting reply email, still nothing):

Reply to: Michael "DICK"
I guess you have your reasons for publishing "Being rich, famous and sexy is a drag" and committing this monstrosity on "Robert Pattinson".
I'm Robert's fan and what you wrote is a direct OFFENSE to Mr. Pattinson and me.
On behalf of Mr. Pattinson, I can say that he is "the One" out there for many of us (www.robsessedpattinson.com). Maybe if you get to know him a bit more, I'm sure you will feel differently too.
But now you owe Him and Us explanation, certainly an apology, etc. ...

(I'm past my teens and twenties, from Europe, female)

Unknown said...

and micheals reply..
"Goodness me, what have I done? Many years ago I worked for Just Seventeen magazine, in the days of Busted and McFly, but never did I come across readers with such passion for hunky posterboys. Honestly. Twelve-year-olds were so much more polite in those days.

I now wish to take back something I wrote in the above blog. Originally I gave the impression that Robert Pattinson (note to some of his fans: his surname definitely does have two “n”s in it, I’ve looked it up) was popular only with small children.

I was wrong.

What I should have said, to be strictly accurate, was that Robert Pattinson is popular only with people with the *mental age* of small children.

Apologies for any confusion caused.

Thank goodness I didn’t say that anyone over the age of six who enjoys Harry Potter is mentally deficient. Goodness knows what response I’d have got.

Anyway, I’m going to stop being snooty now, in case I get arrested by the fish police for shooting every last member of the piscine populace in this extremely inviting barrel.

PS Robert: if you do fancy coming to my pub for that drink I mentioned, don’t worry. Your fans won’t be able to get near you. The local creche has nice high walls."

Ugh, what a dick.

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