New Moon Tickets Already Selling Out

Reuters is reporting that New Moon tickets are already selling out at some locations! It's MADNESS, madness I tell ya!

Here is a link to Fandango where you'll get to buy advanced New Moon tickets and support ROBsessed at the same time. It's a win win :))

From Reuters:

By Carl DiOrio

LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - This "New Moon" is rising early.

Advanced tickets sales for Summit Entertainment's sequel vampire romance "The Twilight Saga: New Moon" are going so well that online ticket vendors are reporting sellouts of the earliest showtimes at many locations. Nine weeks before the film's November 20 release, MovieTickets is reporting more than a dozen "New Moon" performances as complete sellouts.

A Fandango spokesman said "New Moon" represents 57 percent of its recent ticket sales, with sellouts at some locations. By comparison, the coming weekend's anticipated No. 1 picture -- Sony's 3D animated feature "Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs" -- is the next most popular choice of purchasers at 9 percent of all Fandango sales.

This week MovieTickets asked visitors to its Web site which holiday release they are most anticipating. 3D sci-fi action feature "Avatar" was the choice of 67 percent of respondents. The film unspools on December 18 but also has been selling advance tickets to its earliest showings. Thirty-three percent of respondents said they are most looking forward to "New Moon."

Gozde: Buy your tickets and be there for Robert Pattinson's "Big Opening" ;)


Haystackhair said...

OMG Goz, that last pic. The manfur! EPIC WIN! THUD!

Suz said...

Ok. I already have my 12:01 19 Nov ticket purchase..

But to Support Robsessed, I got one for early Friday, too!

Yea, cause I love like that.

And I think 10am on a school day could be a better time to really really get a good lookie.

Oh and I am thinking of requesting headsets (you can) so I can drown out the tweens h00r moan al noises.


Unknown said...

I already purchased mine for 12:01,may purchase some for Fri and to support Robsessed!! ;)

Gozde said...

Aww, thanks guys :) Don't be purchasing extra tickets for us. The thought is enough :))

And Suz, headphones is a GREAT idea!

SluttyPattz said...

I thought about going on a weekday while the teens were in school as well, so I could enjoy the movie. I know they are going to squeee a lot which isn't my main conern is that constant chatter that goes on that unnerves me. I don't think I could take it while watching ROB without losing it on someone.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

no surprise here....... New Moon is the most anticipated movie of the year.......Thanks To Rob.he is the reason behind this,i hope when the smoke clear and the movie becomes a HUGE success they acknowledge it and Thank him with a big Bonus $$$$$$$

Suz said...

Yea, Goz.. and sadly at my age, I can really pull off that "I don't hear so well" routine

And DUDE, I am sooo seeing it more than once! So I am HAPPY to purchase all my (number never to be disclosed) tickets HERE!


Suz said...

@Teri any (female) judge would let us off !!

pretty sure.

Do whatcyha gotta do! lol

Anonymous said...

So distracted by shirtless Edward . . . um what was this article about again . . .

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Yep, got mine for 12:01 and one for Friday-I will probably go Sat & Sun as I took the whole weekend off!

I'm a Rob freak for sure!

Anonymous said...

Hey I didn't know you can get headphones!! I'm actually willing to wait a week, yes I said a week, and during the day when the tweens are in school to see the movie because I so don't want to deal with the teenyboppers and their screams. UGH!!! But I know my one friend already said that we're going the day of. I don't think I'll be able to hold out that long.

rpattzforever said...

Already got mine too! I can't wait! I really don't think November 20th can come soon enough...sigh...

Unknown said...

@Haystackhair just to make you more happy. My costume-designer friend gave me the info that she is certain he's going commando, because that is needed for that effect...

AnnaD said...

I bought tickets for me and my sisters and I've already got people begging me for the one extra that I have. It's not even sold out here, yet, that I know of. Rob makes everyone's brains stop working for brief periods of time on occasion.

And the assistant manager at the store I work at has already agreed to the manger and I that she will work the morning of the 20th so that the rest of us can go and be nerds. I told her I worked the morning Harry Potter opened so she go see the 12:01 of that so it was only fair.

Ahhh, to finally be able to openly geek out about New Moon...can't wait.

laura.giurgiu said...

Those abs are too good to be airbrushed on :)) just sayin'

Ana73 said...

i am really bummed...they are not selling tickets yet here where i live. i actually went to the theatre to ask and they said no, not until november. we have two theatres here in the city and only one will be doing a midnight screening. so i have to wait :((

Haystackhair said...

Annelies!!! GAH!!!! THUD!!!!

RPnKSaddict said...

Suz- got my 12:01 and Fri. at 3:20,and my Sat and Sunday at 10:00am. My sis and I are going to do a NM Blitz weekend. I can't wait!!!
I've never done stuff like this when I was a teen...I've decided I needed a second chance at 37 to have some pure unadulterated fun.

Who better to do it with than Rob!!

Anonymous said...

I bought my ticket the moment I received my Fandango alert. I bought the 12:01am showing, printed it off and went Squeeeeing down the hallway to show fellow Robfanatics.

I'm leaving for my Thanksgiving cruise two days later so the timing gives me all day Friday to sit in the theater and watch it over and over and over and over and over and over....well, you get the point!!

Robaholic said...

thank you Goz for that last pic, holy hawt. Looking into tix as we speak :0)

solas said...

Use of headsets is such a great idea! I had been aiming to go early Friday with the hopes that screamers would be in school, but who knows how many of them are of age to be done with school, and who knows how many that ARE of school age will just ditch?!

I just am not sure if all theatres have that option. Do some theatres have outlets in the seats/arms for headsets, such as airplanes have? I have never seen that in a movie theatre.

LadyArt said...

...and as I won't be able to watch the film here in Germany until February 2010 - I will mail-order the DVD in the US - as I had done with Twilight and all the other Robert pattinson films - and I will watch them over and over again......
I can't count the times how often I watched the new New Moon trailer - it is just gorgeous!
What an epic drama - esthitics balm for your eyes - or eye poetry as one girls wrote...

roxiegirl said...

Omg. That picture gets me all a tingly....kinda like reading juicy lemons in the fan fic. Just finished A Life Extraordinary. It was freaking awesome. Starting Dark Side of the Moon to get ready for New Moon. My stoopid theather (only ONE in my town) is not selling tics yet either. I think i'll take a vacay day that Friday and go when the teens are out of school. I can hardly stand the wait!!!

sunflower0674 said...

ugg. tix aren't on sale here yet. I'm thinking of going to 12:01 show but my daughter has school (she is 9 and dying to see it) the next day so we will prob go Fri when she gets out of school.

As much as I have tried to convert her to a Rob fan - she prefers Taylor - she just thinks Rob is ok (even though she has posters of him hanging on her walls).

Anonymous said...

@sunflower ~ That's okay leave Taylor for the young ones and Rob for us "wiser" women!!

sunflower0674 said...

LindaRose. I agree with you! Rob should be left to us older ones. But it is fun arguing with her on who is hotter.

Ripley said...

The amber contacts look painful.

kespax said...

Tickets are sold out everywhere across Australia I have mine.

And as soon as the gold class ones go on sale for the next day I'm getting some of those for the afternoon as I'm taking that day off.
I have never bought advance tickets before in my life - even for my obsession with Lord of the

With the time diff in Oz we get to see it a day before most I think, weeeeeee, I can't wait.

Oooooo how tragic does Robward look in those Italy scenes, he's all haggard and paler in the lips, tortured/circled eyes.

Unknown said...

@Haystackhair Thought you might like it ;)
I think a lot of people are looking very differently at those pics now :
I know it was weird for me knowing this a month after I stood at that square at that time... What would have happened if those extras would have known that...

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