Official Robward and Bellsten Poster

Look at his hands...And hers on his neck...And the lips...And...oh thud....

Robert Pattinson has the best hands...
Thanks to TwiFans :))

And 2 Robward Posters, we have seen the pictures in other formats before here are the posters:

Once again, thanks to TwiFans ;)


rpattz-turn-me-on said...


Anonymous said...

Oh,the hands!

T said...


Mrs. Spunk Ransom ;) said...

Wow, wow WOW.

So passionate..alot like the Taylob and Krisabella poster (: haha..

Robward is looking yummier than ever, thought no suprise there..

Wish the Rob drought would end..I dug up some old fan Stoli t-shirt photos and nearly fainted in happiness...:P

Kate said...


elikarae said...

Ok lovin this new poster, but is it just me or is his head looking a little off in size? o_O

Jewels64 said...

Holy Hell!!!

That is so much better than the cheesy blue tinted one they did for Twilight.... This one is HAWT!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

oh goz so true rob have the sexiest hands i have ever seen on a man,can you imagine him running those hands all over your naked body MMMMMMM OMG

Suz said...


Mrs. Spunk Ransom ;) said...

I just love the colours in New Moon.

In twilight, everyone looked like a vampire and exhausted..haha (:

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

this is way better than the jacob/bella poster EHHHH

Anonymous said...


Melissa said...

omg, like 100 times better than the Twilight poster!


They both look AMAZING.

Thanks for posting, Goz. :-)

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

oh goz so true rob have the sexiest hands i have ever seen on a man,can you imagine him running those hands all over your naked body MMMMMMM OMG

DreamingofRob said...

he looks weird
but still hooooot

Anonymous said...

Damn Robward is so HOT. Can't stop looking at him.

Celine said...

Thank GOD! Finally some Bella & Edward! I was getting sick of Bella & Jacob, and the whole love triangle.

Noe said...

holy shit! i think i just nearly died of lost oxygen circulating to the brain. i forgot to breath. this thing is f'n beautiful i can't stop looking at it. i am so buying this poster!

Isi*** said...

I love it!!

RPnKSaddict said...

Holy mother of Robward...Finally some Edward!!! (thud)

Loisada said...

They look so intensely possessive of each other...

The strange face angle actually makes him look less like Rob and more like a 17-year-old. But why the blood red lips Eddie? Been biting yourself again?!?! Just leave that to us sweetums!

Meeno said...

Personally, I would taken the picture with Rob on the left, same hand positions --- so that you can see his Cullen bracelet.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


GAH-he just floors me, and makes me think nasty thoughts...

Athena said...

Oh. My. Dear. Lord!

You said it, Gozde... those hands... those hands will be the death of me! *thud*

Seriously, I have tears rolling down my cheeks for those hands. Wow... so beautiful...

Edward's face does look a bit weird, but can you read the "She's mine!" in his eyes? *sigh*

But... is it me or they erased the hair on his arms????

@ Isi: great avatar you have there! :D

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Can you imagine those hands, slowly trailing down your body and doing tingly things?

Mars said...

Kristen Stewart must have a million horseshoes up her bum. She is incredibly lucky to be embraced by Rob in that way... oh, HIS HANDS! Those fingers... the piano scene in Twilight... HIS HANDS! Fuck. It's not fair. I also wish the drought were over, but I guess we'll enjoy his return that much more when it ends.

Tess said...

That FIRST picture is amazing.

It screams strength & determination! He's completely Edward here.. you can sense the power rolling off of him, and how Edward really want's to protect Bella from everything. Bella is holding on to that strength, just like she does in the book.

Perfect photo of both

mya bluesky said...

OMG The SEXY Hands...
@ athena: i also notice the same thing.where is the hair on his arms???

at new moon Robward looks older, maybe because of the pain on his face. everybody will looks older if taking so much pain on their shoulder.

Sarah said...

WTF is with that first picture? Where's Rob's neck? And Kristen isn't anywhere near that tall to come up to where she does with him.


Anonymous said...

Love the new poster, but Edward's head looks big, doesn't it?

Rob's hands, yes, his fingers and what he can do with them . . . sends a shiver to you know where!!

dabby said...

oh!i so love the poster..they are like that to each other lol!both are gorgeous.

Crazy Lady said...

Yikes, is that a real official poster...the first one?? His head looks bigger than his body than the other pics. I do love the hand positions though but the head is freaking me out...eyes great just the proportion of the head has to go and be redone! That can't be his head, can it?? Summit or whoever is involved with that poster needs to redo that. Other than that...majorly HOT, HOT!! Love the one with just himself though now that's even hotter!!

Unknown said...

I'm sooooo loving this pic I already saved it in my fone and made it my wallpaper!

I hate the first official poster, it has that feel that Robward was an outsider or an intruder and that most people think that New Moon is all about Bella and Jacob!NOT!!! it has been and will always be BELLA AND EDWARD!! (=sigh=), now I have new pictures to think and new dreams to imagine!!! Can't wait for New Moon!!

noisefaidaus said...

WOW!!!!!!!!!!! That man is so gorgeous and then him with Kristen OMG, they are so HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rayodeluna said...

He's sooo sexy! I love Edwardddd! Rob is out of this world! Those hands...the things that can be done with those hands!!!!

Anonymous said...

Rob's head looks ODD in the first poster, like it's too big for the body or as if they have shortened the neck. And the make-up is TOO MUCH! Why the lipstick???

Treasure_7 said...

Oh yeah I am glad to see Edward and Bella, I am really just not into Bella and Jacob at all.Edward really looks great even his hands are unique!

Agos said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Agos said...

Hi! My Name is Agostina and i´m twelve.
I´m a Robert Pattinson´s super fan!!
In these posters Robert is very sexy!!♥♥
I have a twiight series web page too.
This is in Spanish, because i´m from Argentina♥

Anonymous said...

he looks like the possesive boyfriend this might be when jacob calls bella in the end of the book but great job, he looks like hes holding her, like saying shes mine back off, great job with the picture he looks amazing thanks so much for posting this, great job, can't wait.......

Isi*** said...

@ Athena

Thank you!!
You're avatar is very funny!!

And i can read the "She's mine!" in his eyes!! ---Totaly!! : )

jmm4832 said...

This man has bedroom eyes, bedroom hands, bedroom everything. I could spend all day and night with him!

noisefaidaus said...

Look at the lust in Bella eyes!!!!!!
Can't say that I blame her.

Anonymous said...

To all you who think there is something SERIOUSLY OFF about that first poster... you are SO right. I can't believe it is real because it is so badly photo shopped.

Rob does tend to hunch, but his shoulders are not that narrow, his arm is not distorted and Kristen is not 5'10."

I'm an artist by profession and I SO wanted this to look good I spent my day off "fixing" it. Might b e a waste of time, but I like the results much better... Check it out.

Anonymous said...

To: Captivated2
Excellent job on fixing (and improving) the Edward-Bella and Edward-Jacob-Bella NM posters.

Thank you! You basically articulated what I (we) thought were wrong with the "official" posters.

The Edward and Bella poster is so much better with your manip! You are right about RP's distorted physique and KS' height.

Also, an excellent job with the RP-TL-KS poster. You are right about the posed Bella and the lack of connection between Edward and Bella. I bet the person who did that poster for Summit has not read the books.

Do you think Summit would consider a fans comment review first before declaring posters as official? Surely there are hundreds of very talented, artistic, art and design professional fans of Twilight (such as yourself) who can provide excellent insights (because they are more attuned to the Twilight saga?)

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