Photoshop Hell...Atrevida Magazine's "Special Edition" Cover

Awwww people if it ain't broke don't fix it.
And if you dare photoshop the idea is to improve somehow on the original not make Rob look like some plastic man doll.
shame shame you know your name.


Anonymous said...

Was that Rob on the cover or a photoshopped Rob?

Anonymous said...

That will haunt me in my dreams for a long time... I think this is even creepier than zygote-rob...

crazylife said...

It looks like someone took different face parts and put them all together. Why would they not just use a photo of him?

Anonymous said...

This is the creepiest photo I've ever seen of Rob! You're right this is going to haunt us in our dreams for quite sometimes.

Amanda Gómez said...

jaajja omg his nose is like running to the other side jaajja and he was aout again with kristen.. o dear just say the true your in love!!!

Mars said...

Why ruin perfection?

Marna said...

I think they flipped his picture, that's why he looks extra creepy. You would think someone who works there would look at the cover & realize it doesn't look anything like him. Unless they were trying to make him look bad.

Amanda Gómez said...

but they want to sell !! isnt this the porpuse of geting him in the front page? by the way it looks cheap!

RPLover said...

yeah, I agree with Marna, seen flipped pics of him before and his nose always looks weird...question is, why flip this? or alter him at all? don't mess with (unperfect)perfection! ;)

Moychy said...

omg, what the hell did they do to them? They look like horribly made wax dolls ...

Kate said...

Ya I'm sorry but you can not flip a pic of Rob and get away with it. His nose just totally gives everything away. Isn't it weird how his nose looks fine when the photos are the right way around. Someone said one time that if you think about it this is what Rob sees when he looks in the mirror so this is why he always thinks he doesn't look good!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...


Mattias said...

No, It's not bad photoshopping, it's just in mirror.. I don't know WHY :-D It was a verrrrrrry bad idea! :-D

If you mirror the picture, it's just Rob. xxx

Tess said...

Ack! That's not Rob... that's a Baldwin Brother!

Athena said...

@ Kate: was thinking the same thing! I guess that's why he thinks his face looks "deformed" sometimes... but he shouldn't worry, we get to see the real thing and it's mighty, mighty fine! :D

orion said...

The real one is perfect, Why they want to change him? why they want to do him look creepy? My Gosh!!

Jeswah said...

OMG that is freaking me out. I can't even look at it!!! Arrgghh I'm going to have nightmares!!!

Anonymous said...

WTF?! Magazine "Atrevida" has REALY put on the cover Rob's photo flipped horizontally, it's Rob upsidedown, what...?! I checked website: It's magazine issue 181/2009 and has something about Robert and Kristen (,, @atrevida).

xoRobxo said...

It's two left sides of his face stitched together. You can tell because his eye lid is heavier on the left. In THIS picture both the eye lids are heavy~they are both his left eye. They in essence flipped the left half of his face over to the right side so this picture consists of 2 left sides of his face. If you were to make a line down your face the left and the right are always going to be a bit different. And if you put the same sides half of a face together you would think you would look the same but you don't. I remember seeing some photos in a tabloid that they purposely did that to a bunch of actors photos to see what they would look like~Julia Roberts for one~ and they looked like totally different people. But why the magazine would use a picture like that is beyond me

Tinadora said...

Well, "Atrevida" (impertinent, uncalled for) indeed... At least they're not lying. With a name like that, you know it's gonna be crappy stuff, so there you go. :p

L. said...

OMG it looks so bad , these Atrevida magazines are crap, they always take some interview from the internet or something and pretend is new ... it´s from Brazil by the way,the teens magazine here are realy bad ...

Anonymous said...

Like most posts said, the pic is flipped, it's not one side of his face Photoshopped together. He's just as critical of himself as we all are of ourselves. Unless you are conceited you don't see what other people see in you. That's why he's so attractive because he is so humble.

Anonymous said...

They flipped the image which makes hi nose looks 100 kinds of wrong!

Candy Girl said...

OK-I'm an idiot. How do you "flip a picture"? I've never heard of that.

Cassie said...

Maybe if I saw this on the store, i wouldn't buy it LOL
THE PICTURE IS FLIPPED, lol!! he looks soooooo weird!

Anonymous said...

CandyGirl ~ flipping an image is very easy in Photoshop or any other photo manipulation application. It's purely an option in the menu of the application.

Anonymous said...

See, I just flipped my avi pic.

xoRobxo said...

The whole picture is NOT flipped. The picture is composed of 2 left sides of Robs face. Rob's left side (when looking at the photo Rob's left side is on the right of the picture) is correct But the right side (left when looking at the photo) is a flipped version of the left. You can tell mainly because Rob's left eye has a heavy lid. And the right eye doesn't. In the photo both eyes have a heavy lid. They are both of his left eye. Since it doen't look like him ~why would they put that on the cover~certainly they would want to sell mags

RobaliciousLover said...


Anonymous said...

xoRObxo ~ Honey your wrong. I'm a graphic designer and I have an eye for this. Why would they go through the hassle of manipulating a photo as you say. It is most likely a mistake on their part of flipping the image, yes they flipped the photo. We've seen flipped photos of Rob before and his nose looks crooked as in this photo. And as for the heavy eyelid, he doesn't have a heavy eyelid in all of his pics. Check them out.

xoRobxo said...

@Linda~Hmm... Every photo I have seen and I have seen LOTS- as we all have, Rob has a heavy left eyelid. This picture is showing 2 heavy eyelids. I'm not saying they went throu the trouble to manip the photo~maybe just found one that someone else messed with. If the whole photo is flipped ~then if its flipped again it should look like regular Rob then. LOL~ well one thing we can all agree on is the photo def doesn't look like Rob and its a travasty they put it on their cover

Candy Girl said...

Thx-LindaRose. I don't use photo software much at all. Still don't quite understand. He looks the same in both the avis. It's the same side of his face in both pics, he's jut positioned differently in the frame. How would you flip a straight-on shot?

Krystle said...

I don't know what they did to the photo but they totally butchered his face. Here's what he really looked like on Oscar night!

Krystle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
xoRobxo said...

@Candy~I flip photos on my computer and they look the same~like a mirror image~I believe~like I stated in my previous post, something more was done to the photo. Not that the mag did something to it ~but found a messed with photo and (God Forbid) didn't know better

hemiola said...

I agree... if this pic has been flipped, I guess that's why he has said he didn't like what he sees in the mirror!

Anonymous said...

@CandyGirl ~ You need a straight forward shot of Rob's face to see the difference. It's very apparent with his nose.

@xoRobxo ~ Yes we can all agree that he does not look right in that pic and SOMETHING was done to it.

solas said...

WOW! You all are so technologicaly savvy! I had no idea it was photoshopped; don;t even quite know what that is--thought it was just a weird photo. We of the generation of the Flood cannot do this stuff yet!

solas said...

By the way--it's not as if the lad looks ugly. Haunt our dreams? Not quite!

Anonymous said...

solas ~ the man can never look ugly!! :)

solas said...

Exactly, Linda. :-)

Tenneil said...

this is just wrong...just wrong... It hardly even looks like our man?? WTF

new moon said...

My name is Mari, I'm from Brazil and bought resvista "bold", you have the option to choose between Rob and Kris on the cover, but I agree that Rob's face was not good ...

the English.

L. said...

I´m going to write a email for this magazine asking what they did . I´m a graphic designer and was analizing this pic and there´s too much editing , why would anyone edit Robert´s face ? It´s perfect !

They tried to fix his nose and the eyebrows look lower , the eyes were made lighter and the lashes darker , even his lips looks bigger on this stupid magazine cover .

Kathy#1 said...

Ok, that has got to be the worst pic i've seen of rob ever..and to think some dumbass thought he needed to be photoshopped...whatev..they should be sued...

shirleegirl said...

WTF - the man is perfect - what are they doing?

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