Robert Pattinson, Chris Weitz & Cast's Reaction to the BLACK Volvo Question

Fan at Comic Con:
So guys, I noticed the stupid shiny Volvo which is supposed to be a sedan AND silver is a black SUV... Why is that?

:)) Thanks to Erica for sending us this picture.

P.S.: It is quite sad I that I feel the need but: the post is a JOKE. Noone asked them if Robward was becoming a soccer mum in New Moon.

P.S.2: I love you Chris Weitz. I love you despite the awful wigs and the black Volvo...


Linda said...

I bet Rob and Kristen are secret twins... it's not the first time they move exactly the same...

Miss C Wicks said...

its not Christ that has the bad wigs its david slade lol the only one that looks a bit off is jacob a but thats a prize winning hair piece next to "bella's" wig in eclipse lol

Haystackhair said...

She's like a satellite...LOL. LMAO Goz!

Gozde said...

Oh no TwiObsessed, Chris started the evil wig pushing. You must have missed Jasper and Carlisle's wigs! Especially Jasper! Man! That wig is AWFUL!

TINK said...

This is so damn funny to me...classic :)

Maryann said...

LMFAO I LOVE this post!

Haystackhair said...

OH and the banner? GAH!!! THUD!

Anonymous said...

too funny. it looks like their reactions are with the question. lol

Anonymous said...

ps. i love how rob and kristen play with their hair the EXACT same way! too cute.

Emily said...

LMAO! I love it.

Chris: "Hmmm...good question"
Rob: "Uhh..."
Taylor: "Pfft, who cares?"
Kristen: "What? Did you ask why is my hair black?"
Ashley: "Awkward...I'll just drink my water until the next question."

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I love Rob & Kristens mirrored hand drags through the hair-

Anonymous said...

lmao! are the queen of these posts ♥


Candeecarol said...

What is the square root of PI? Uhmmmm, I use to know that!

TwiHartRK said...

LOL!! A joke? Oh ya, I get it. BWAHAHAHAHAHA. Great pic! Thanks.

AP said...

Hah! Fell down! Luv Taylor's face in this context. He's trying to come with a suitable response regarding how they did it for the fans - it's a tough one, Taylor!

Like the return of the eye sparkle banner thingy.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

whats with the hands through the hair at the same time R/K ,is that a nervous reflex or what?

Anonymous said...

A rule of attraction is, when you mirror the opposite sex in their movements it is a sign of attraction. I'm just sayin!

Probably a nervous, awkward, and shy thing.

Angela said...

I was thinking about that Tyra show and how they gave the car away, I just assumed they'd use another one, but now I'm thinking that is kind of a sad show, saying goodbye to the silver volvo, even if it was a hatchback.

i think Rob will be iconic for having his hand in his hair. It will be his trademark. Kristen started doing it more once her hair was cut.

picture and joke are hysterical. I can't wait to hear the real answer to that question.

"well, we gave it away on Tyra, then Volvo stopped making silver cars, and they wanted us to use the SUV, we thought it was an insignificant detail, surprised by the response, blah blah blah."

Suz said...

now THAT is fucking funny!

AP said...

Ok, UP with..come UP with, not come! Not a sexual innuendo! Just meant he always says "we do it for you guys.." Nuf. What comes of rushing because I'm out of time - in fact, late.

Ellie said...

Friggin' hilarious!!!!!!!

Thanks for posting it, Goz! xo

Krissy said...

Seriously...couldn't they have passed the hat & leased a Silver Volvo Hatchback during filming of New Moon?!

Truly. Major @@ going on here. It's not like the Yellow Porsche was really stolen there in Italy.


My Twilife said...

LMAO BAHAHAHAHAHA Love it! Perfect pic....thanks for the giggles!

Treasure_7 said...

Yes! I liked the way they were playing with their hair the same exact way too!

AnnaD said...

My dogs think I'm crazy I'm laughing so hard. That was great.

erikitty said...

I though you guys would get a kick out of this... I did! That's why I had to share ;P

erikitty said...

I got lots of random pics that day... most of the ones of Rob are blurry though :/

~~Swept Away~~ said...

Why Why Why is it not the silver volvo? Damn Tyra! They did give it away on her show didn't they? I thought they were blowing smoke when they said it was the actual car from the movie. UGH

Let me explain why I am so upset. Now, be warned, this may sound a bit obsessive (who am I kidding you ladies will understand completely... I hope).

I am currently stalking the silver volvo... yes here in Wilmington NC. Now I know this is not the actual silver volvo Rob's beautiful body has touched, but it is it's twin :)and it makes me smile and tingle in places I dare not mention here!

One day, while on my way back to work, from my lunch break, the silver volvo passed me in the opposite direction. My first reaction was to hang a U'ee and follow it. But my adult mind kicked in and rationalized that I would have a hard time explaining to the boss that I was late because I needed to follow a volvo.

A few weeks later I pass the silver volvo parked. Oh hell yes! My prey is weak and vulnerable and this time I do hang that U'ee. A silent approach and I am able to snap a couple photos of the beloved siler volvo from a few angles.

I see it parked from time to time in this same place and hope against hope that one of these times I won't be alone in my car so we can stop and take photos of me sprawled across the hood. I have not actually planned a time to go take this pictures... because that would be crazy. Right?

Now I don't want to have to start searching for a black volvo suv. I am not ready to end my love affair (ahem stalking) with the silver volvo.

This is normal right?

P.s. Purchased my New Moon midnight showing tickets last night on Fandango... this is normal too... right?

erikitty said...

I wouldnt' say that it is normal.... but.... I got mine too!

Khou said...

Rob & Kristen are starting to mimic each others nervous habits. Heck, they're dressing the same. They are becoming ONE :) Yeah, it sucks they couldn't paint the freaken Volvo silver. I don't think anyone would've really cared that it's a SUV instead of a hatchback but to change that and not even have it be the same color!!! Aaahhh...the things that bother us Twilight fans...

Rachel said...

Everyone looks boring ~~
thx for sharing!!!! funny funny ~
The twins : Robsten

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