Robert Pattinson : People's Best Dressed (Scan)

That is a FINE selection of men right there :)


Thanks to MsJBell ;)


*Jess said...

GEEZE! lol I didn't know you'd snag it - I'll scan it when I get home for you. ;)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Yea, the suits kill me....

Anonymous said...

I've said it before and I'll say it again, He cleans up so well!!! He has that long and lean body that makes every suit on him look fabulous!!!! *sigh*

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I just licked your AVI...

SluttyPattz said...

so all the other look amazing, but when compared to Rob I mean NO CONTEST. I mean Brad Pitt even played a Vampire and wasn't as HOTTT!

OH MY - his skinny tie on his long body. OK I need to find a paper bag now I am losing air.

Anonymous said...

rpattzgirl ~ LMAO!!!!
Hey I'm starting LYLS tonight. Did you know that there is a Facebook page for Wide Awake?

Haystackhair said...

So pretty. Le sigh.

RPnKSaddict said...

I'm still a fan of the hobolicious scruff,
I agree with Gozde, it should be the best cleaned up list.

...wowie! said...

Both Brad's are mui yummy! But Rob takes the icing of my cake. rarr! ::wink::
Chase looks to fem for me and Will looks better dressed down. Just sayin'.

Rhetoric said...

Robert doesn't even try. That's an award in itself.
Chace looks like he's got too much going on. The others are alright.

Anonymous said...

hot damn that is a lineup!

rob looks good all the time...but i like him in the look quite a bit.

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