Robert Pattinson Up for Scream Awards

Robert Pattinson and Twilight (the movie and cast) are nominated for Spike TV's Scream Awards which will air on October 27th at 10 PM!

Here are the categories and the vote links so you don't have to go through the whole site :) (P.S.: The the names of the movie/actor are below the voting boxes and make it a bit confusing, make sure you check the box next to the picture )

Best Fantasy Actor - Robert Pattinson (Vote HERE)

Breakout Performance- Robert Pattinson (Vote HERE)

The Ultimate Scream - Twilight (Vote HERE)

Best Fantasy Movie - Twilight (Vote HERE)

Best Ensemble - Twilight (Vote HERE)


Temptation said...

GOZDE if we are voting on fantasies alone Rob will blitz......I will vote on the condition that we can act them out after the awards ceremony.......

Unknown said...

The photo you have of Rob Pattinson resembles - a little - to one of Paul Newman's. Maybe because of the eyes... I wish Rob did not blurt out anything that goes through his head during interviews and was more enigmatic, more of a mystery man. It would help in the long run... Enough with the 'girlie' guy attitude, Rob. You wanted to be an actor, you dreamed of becoming famous, now- take it like a man.

kumari said...
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rpattz-turn-me-on said...

SCREAM AWARDS??? what the hell is a scream award? never heard of this one before..

Suz said...

This seems like a gimme...

hmm fantasy Ed Asner?? (WTF)
The Pretty©


After he wins, I'll make him scream.. then cry, lol

orion said...

Beautiful Rob! I voted for him...of course

Georgie said...

Scream Awards!? I can imagine Rob rolling his eyes over that one.
Hi Tempt, other ladies... It's been a quiet night on here earlier.

Georgie said...

Hi Orion, nice chatting on FB. JandR should be on shortly too. The late-night OzPattz!

Suz said...



orion said...

The weekend was worst, Georgie...

orion said...

OzPattz: I'm going to make me a cuppa and I'll be back in a few minutes. Don't go

JandR said...

yes Rob wins in all my fantasies...

Ingi said...

Ya dere r other categories also for twilight besides da one u mentioned

Georgie said...

@ Sandy: to each their own, but to me there's still plenty of mystery to Rob - for a start he doesn't let on who he's shagging - and I find his off the cuff and un-thought-out remarks really endearing, in fact that's what tipped me over to Robsessing LOL.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

so let me get this str8,these folks are giving him an award for starring in my SEXUAL fantasies,iam down with that,i will VOTE.

JandR said...

my son is making noises about using the laptop. My daughter's laptop died and she is using the desktop for a uni report so I have to get off for a while..sorry to leave you ladies just when we met up again... I'll be back!

Georgie said...

Hey Orion make me one too? I can't be bothered getting out of bed. That's the 2nd cuppa I've seen you have today. Speaking of cup of tea, Rob is MINE!

Georgie said...

OK bye JandR.

Georgie said...

If it means seeing Rob on TV again, I'll vote too - for all the categories! We only got the TCA's in Australia on the weekend, but hey better late than never!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

would rather him win an OSCAR for his role in my fantasies every night (and day) but what the hell,this is better than nothing.

orion said...

I'm back. I watched TCA's but like you, was late, only I saw him with the twilight cast

orion said...

Georgie: What we are going to do on the night after NM?

Anonymous said...

Morning Ladies!!
Well he does make me Scream and he deserves an Award for that. LOL! Hmm, wonder if they'll be attending this one. Must be tired of all these award shows. Of course CH is probably loving it! Well, he's got my vote!!

@Sandy ~ I disagree. Rob is still a mystery. We don't know him personally, just what he shows us on interviews. In fact those interviews are what makes him so appealing. I guarantee he's a lot deeper and has a lot more to say than what we've seen in interviews.

Georgie said...

Orion, I'm taking my girls to see Wicked at the Capitol Theatre - that's their trade-off for coming with me to the double Twi feature, LOL.

Anonymous said...

@rpattz tmo ~ Wouldn't that be the shit if an Oscar was in his future?!! I hope so!

Georgie said...

I'll be free on the Friday night though, the girls fly back to Brisbane and DH arrives, but I can shunt him off to his mate's place.

Gozde said...

Guys, I know Ashley, Cam, Paramore and Kristen are also nominated but we are not a Twilight site, we are a Robert Pattinson site ;) That's why we only feature Rob's and his movie's nominations.

Also he might go to the scream awards, they are not a small feat :) People attend the Spike TV awards.

orion said...

Yes, I know. But, we were talking to meet after for drinks, but I'm with Sabrina and I was hoping that maybe we can have next day afternoon, a drink. I really would like to be with all the OzPattz pack to share and talk our favorite subject and more...

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@ hi lindarose

i hope so to,he is talented and with the right movie choices he will definitely get there in the future.

Georgie said...

Thanks Gozde, I never would have known about these, hopefully it's a dress-up occasion - Rob in a tux...mmmmmm

Orion, are you staying in the city that night and live a long way out of the CBD? I know what Sydney traffic is like - DH reckons it used to take him 1 1/2 hours to get to school that was only 8 km away.

Gozde said...

MMM, I hope it's a dress up too but I doubt it :))

orion said...

Well, I'm 45 minutes away. I was thinking maybe to get a room. But if we are going to meet on the afternoon, I will go home leave Sabrina and my friend at home. And I'll be back to meet you guys overthere. I'm having the weekend off at work so will be no problem for me.

Cbone said...

I am very pleased now.. I have cast my votes for the man with the most. Holla!

Oh morning ladies!

Anonymous said...
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Georgie said...

Orion, do you know how long Tempt is staying? I thought she was going back on Thursday. Would she still be there in the afternoon?

Anonymous said...

Let's just hope that he has clean clothes for this gig and doesn't have to borrow his friends clothes again. But then again, that's our Rob and I wouldn't change him for anything!! Would love to see him in a tux again though. He cleans up so very well!!! *drools as thinking of all those Cannes photos*

orion said...

She said to meet on the afternoon of Thursday, so...maybe she will be longer, I don't know, Georgie

Georgie said...

Sorry everyone for organising our "social lives" on here but we hope to be the first Robsessors in the world to see NM at 1 minute past midnight on 19 November Australian time, which is still 18 November in the US.

orion said...

I will ask her again. I think most of the girls want to meet on the afternoon.

Georgie said...

Orion, OK if it's not too much for you to have to travel back; otherwise we could meet for brunch. Is Sabrina going to school that day?

orion said...

No, she won't go. No, I don't mind to go back because I'm having the day off at work, usually I'm having all weekend off.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

first off, thank you Goz for posting the links we care about the most!

Geez, will the awards show ever end for Twilight> But, more chances to see Rob pick up some silly awards and stare at his beautiful face!

Georgie said...

OK sounds like a plan! My girls and I will need a break from pounding the shops by the afternoon...if we don't sleep in too late.

Georgie said...

Rpattgirl, I saw your pic with Peter Facinelli on the weekend - WOW. Was that a chance encounter or did you know where to find him?

orion said...

OK.Good. Will be very nice to catch up with all of you. Anyway, I guess that won't be the last time to see each other, we have 2 more movies coming up and New

orion said...

I'm reading the RM nearly finish. Rob look beautiful in that pic don't you think?

Georgie said...

Yeah Orion; we'd make a good "OzPattz and the City" crew, meeting for movies and Rob chat...speaking of cougars, did you see Gozde's new post?

orion said...

Yes, I saw it, in twitter. I don't think so...anyway will see

Georgie said...

It's the bewitching hour Orion so I'll grab a chapter of ff and turn in. G'nite Orion, good morning others!

orion said...

Good night, Georgie! Robdreams for you!!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

rob should not attend any more of these awards shows,i think he is above these silly award shows by now,he should send his agent or manager to collect.

solas said...

When I first saw the title 'Scream Awards' I thought they were measuring the decibles of screams and ROb would win that hands down, even over the Beatles. Dubious distinction, though!!! Not sure he would be so grateful for that!!!

Haystackhair said...

Well Rob should be a no brainer since he inspires screams everywhere he goes. LOL. And fantasies!

AP said...

There is actually something called the Scream Awards?? Leave off the S and I might indulge. As it is, with apologies to Tucker, oh, fuckity bye!

Anonymous said...

well as long as he's there...i'm watching.

this was demonstrated when i sat through two fucking hours of torture aka tca!

Krissy said...

Don't recall seeing the photo of Robalicious shown for the Scream Awards...

Whenever it was taken, though, it appears he was dressing left to right that evening.

Just a friendly fyi.

kumari said...
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Krissy said...

@ Kumari

Since ROBsessed *is* Gozde's Blog...ummmm, she can post whatever whenever she likes.

Personally, I think she should be Princess of the Universe for the TREMENDOUS job she does!

RPLover said...

well said, Krissy! Gozde, Dani and Kate do an awesome job, no one should criticize.

Krissy said...


Color my face red...I should have mentioned the excellent work done by both Dani & Kate!

Thank you both!

And Thank You, RPLover, for mentioning those two Great Gals! ☺

RPLover said...

no problem, Krissy, I'm always impressed with the way they help us out when Gozde is gone! and yes, I say "help us out" instead of "update the site" because this is a total addiction for me and I depend on these girls to supply my Robcrack ;)

kumari said...

I understand and agree this is an awesome site. Rob is my favorite and the comment was not meant as critcism. The only thing I was trying to convey is that the post indicates categories for Rob and Twilight and the other cast voting links. Leads the impression these are the only categories they were nominated in where the were more. I still want to give some of the other cast members their kudos too. Not ignore them just because Rob is my favorite. I just was indicating that there are more categories that pertain to twilight than the links posted here. Sorry if people took it as a critisism.

RPLover said...

@kumari-sorry for any misunderstanding!! no worries, we're just a little protective of these great ladies because they're so generous with the Rob(drugs)info! lol didn't mean to get on your case :)

Anonymous said...

I second what Georgie and LindaRose said about Rob still being a mystery. I'm into RP (not Edward) because of his many interviews. Thank goodness, he "rebelled" against being media-trained (and saying "no" to hair extensions).

Kumari, my sentiment is similar to yours. Here are the "Scream Awards" 9 categories I voted for (all Twi-related):
The Ultimate Scream (Twi)
Best Fantasy Movie (Twi)
Best Fantasy Actress (KS)
Best Fantasy Actor (RP)
Best Supporting Actress (AG)
Breakout Performance Actor (RP)
Best Ensemble (Twi)
Scream Song of the Year (Decode)
Best Villain (CG)

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