Robert Pattinson With Fans March 9th 2009

I wish I didn't have to blur the face of the guy.
He kinda looks like Pete Wentz...A drunk Pete Wentz :))
And Rob looks like a card board cut out. It's his "aura" :)

Hello Peter and Kellan (in the mirror)!

This girl is really pretty. Rob was probably telling people to leave them alone :)

Excuse me while I THUD...

Thanks to Emily-Jade for the pictures :)


DD said...

I swear to god if I had met him like this >>> *ded*

I would have never had the guts to walk over to him, NEVER!

He is so fucking beautiful it hurts my eyes...

on a lighter note: love how you can totally read 'Vamp Tours' on his cap in the last pic lmao! yea Imma dork =P

Thanks for sharing =)

Maria said...

Actually I was asking where the hell is Goz in that third pic.

Mrs. Spunk Ransom ;) said...

Last one *Falls flat on face*

Little tip, if you wanna render me speechless, just show me the "Rob Pout"

Ahh, how I wish I lived in America..

You know you're utterly obsessed when you're studying the body language between the fan and Rob, so you know if you should be suspicious and even more jealous than you already are..


Ash7586 said...

HaHa, that second picture. I make that face all the time in pictures. :)

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

Rob looks bored as hell lol

Great pics :-)

Anonymous said...

Why do we love Rob?

Here are a few of the million radio interviews he did last year: Enjoy!

twilightmami2008 said...

I wish i meet him once!!

I wish i lived in America!!

Who knows maybe my Dream will come true!!

I wish I wish!!I'll keep my fingers crossed!! :-)

Gozde said...

Umm, hi Rob? :)

heav85 said...

I LOVE THE CAMO Truckerish hat!!

Maria said...

And now you know why I don't tweet or comment. Thanks for acknowledging Goz but this will be my last one.

Temptation said...

Classic - see you Rob, thanks for taking the time...hahah

Gozde said...

lol :) thanks Rob! i love you :)

Temptation said...

Rob before you go the Ozpatts girls are knitting you a pair of boxers, we just want confirmation do you hang to the left or right ?? looks like right to

Gozde said...

LMAO Temp! One day real Rob is gonna show up and y'all are gonna scare him to death!


Temptation said...

I just need to know so I can add a couple of extra stitches on one side, it's getting cold in Vancouver......

Maria said...

Thanks Temptation, but I think KS is already onto the knitting for me

Temptation said...

Now you can always use 1 extra pair and we don' want those rumors surfacing about your hygiene again do we.

Plus I'll put Koalas and Kangaroos on them, my expectation of what is down there may be a little more generous than first hand know for the ego...

Robluver631 said...

U guys are too funny!!! Thanks for the laughs!!!

Georgie said...

Hi girls. We do love you to bits Rob if you're out there LOL!! Plus Tempt will knit the boxers in "vegemite black" and try not to drop any stitches in the process, although she'd prefer to do it using you as a live make sure the measurements are accurate!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i wish i knew how to knit (Lucky Kstew) its going to get very cold in BC soon.

JandR said...

Sorry Dana but i think the cap reads Louisiana Swamp Tours! But i think the Vamp Tours idea is much funnier!! LOL

orion said...

Hi Girls! Tempt, extra stitches to the right, LOL
Hi Georgie
Hi Jandr

orion said...

I can't stop reading Wide Awake...

Georgie said...

Hi Orion, just reading your FB.
I'd love to go on a Louisiana Swamp tour JandR - down on the Bayou why you never know just what you do...

Rhonda said...

boy, that last look is quite deadly. What a man!

JandR said...

Goz - I'm wondering if maybe we have already scared Rob to death!! LOL
Tempt are we really that outrageous? I thought we were quite normal if you can call it that when we are all crazily Robsessed??!!
The folks here make me feel 'normal' as we all seem to have similar feelings towards and about Rob.

Rather than Rob showing up here where we are I think I'd prefer to show up there, where he
yes i could probably still scare him to death esp if you are with me Tempt!

My daughter freaked me out earlier today by casually mentioning that she was trying to find Robsessed to check out the thread we were it was all about bulges, crotches, and bitch-fights over who said what about whom I did all I could to deter her!

It's alright - once I mentioned Orion's proposed vid with certain body parts of Rob's she backed off in a big hurry!! haha

JandR said...

Orion - where are you up to in WA??

orion said...

Jandr! was Tempt idea not mine, but I didn't need much to be convinced about I have to admit, lol

bonemama said...

Very gorgeous. Probably one of his last hoorahs before the real craziness started. Now he's a robot for summit! :-p

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

Rob is not a robot for anyone,he is the one with the Power Not summit,they know this he is their golden Egg,smart actor he is,Robot he is NOT.

starfire09 said...

I guess I'll ask, since no one else has. Just curious as to why you fuzzed out the fans faces?

WinWin said...

Gozde, thanks for sharing the goods.
Gawd he puts on the sexiest faces. Are they sitting on Peter's lap in the 3rd one. LOL He is sex god!!!

JandR said...

maybe it's a privacy or copyright issue starfire09!
People seem to get away with posting anything on the internet though! esp stuff shown on youtube - copyright nightmare if you ask me!

Angie said...


She has posted fan pics before, some fans have complained about having their face posted. Even though they posted the pics on the internet themselves.

jmm4832 said...

Will someone please please post again the link to the bulge? The only one I've seen is the one with Rob in his red underwear, lol. Gotta get me my Rob fix! Thanks.

JandR said...

which bulge in particular are you after jmm? my personal fave is from RM set 30 June 09 - leaning back in his seat wearing white t with aztec sun design and buttn fly jeans! lol

Federico Zarco said...

strange pics

JandR said...

jmm these two


were posted by Cindeloo earlier today

Anonymous said...

@ JandR could you please post or send the link to the RM set 30 June 09 pic?? I just can't find it...

xoRobxo said...

JMM4832~The one of Rob in red underware~~was NOT Rob. It was a manip. Well it was his face and that was it.

Orion~I Love WA. I'm starting it again. I love LOVE Edward in this.

rpgirl27 said...

HAHA is he really wearing a hat that says Louisiana swamp tour LOL!
I've been on one before...alligators really love marshmallows BTW!

jmm4832 said...

JandR, thanks for the links. That bulge is really something, lol. I could eat him up.

Red said...

I wonder if Kristen gave him the hat b/c she went to Louisiana to shoot "Welcome to the Rileys" towards the end of 2008...hmmm...

enjoykim said...


This is the RM set bulge pic ;-)

Khou said...

OMG! I've never seen this cap on Rob. He's been holding out on how many caps he's got. Probably the beanies too, now that Kristen's knitting. Hhahahah

JandR said...


Hey a couple of pics sent your way! Enjoy the bulge...mmm

Kate said...

Aah I missed ROb LOL

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Morning ladies.... and Rob....

Love fan photos!!!! The last one is a THUD for sure!

I'll try to find out which side in a few days when I get to Couve!

BTW...I finished red line last night.... I need therepy now
as my emotions are raw... So good...

Shani said...

Goz- Have you forgotten about us old regulars??? We use to tear Robsessed up with our dirty comments during the day and night. Are you forgetting bout the complaints??? LOL

So Rob is probably already scared of us from how we acted months ago.

rpgirl27 and Khou- Yes, it really does say that.These pics are from earlier this year when he first arrived in Vancouver to do New Moon. Kris did a movie in Lousiana "Welcome to Rileys" that's coming out soon and gave some of the cast these hats. At first some people thought it was Peter's hat. That's all I can remember.

RPnKSaddict said...

Morning ladies,

what wonderful pictures to wake up to.

Hi Rob!!(waves) It's good of you to pop in and say Hi to Gozde and the rest of us. She works really hard on this blog for you and us.
You really should drop by more often. We have good times here.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ladies!! I see we're still on the subject of Rob's wonderful bulge!! LOL!!!

I think unless I had some liquid courage in me I would be so intimated to go up to Rob. *heavy sigh*

orion ~ WA is so good right?!

Anonymous said...

HA! I meant to say "intimidated". See told you. LOL

Haystackhair said...

always nice to see new Rob pics. Um, hi Rob! LOL

Candy Girl said...

LindaRose-I think there was a time I would've felt that way too. But, I'm going thru a divorce now. It has been so long since I got laid I think I'd probably try to pick him up. To hell with the picture taking - I have plenty of those already!

Ana73 said...

if that was me in those pics with rob, i wouldn't blur my face, i would put it out there so everyone could see that i took a pic with him :)) but that will never happen, but a girl could always dream.

loved all the comments about the "bulge", you ladies are all too funny.

Ana73 said...

RPG - glad you like the Red Line, like a said before a dark and sad edward but a well written story. i am really hoping that you get to see rob when you get up there, i know it's coming up soon. and i would do ANYTHING you can to try to meet him because you will never see him again and who cares if you embarass yourself - LOL.

Unknown said...


That last one is FUCKAWESOME.

Panties are dropping. If that was me in the picture I would brag forever.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Anonymous said...

@Candy Girl ~ LOL!! Well good luck with that and please kiss and tell!!

@Ana73 ~ I think some people may have gotten offended by our bulge talk.

@rpattz girl ~ Your trip is coming soon!! Good luck and I hope you get to meet him. So jealous!! No not really just excited for you!!!

Gozde said...

I blurred the fans faces for their privacy. And I'm sick of the complaints :) This way is safer.

And Shani, how can I forget you? lol :)) XOXO

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

LR& Ana

yeah few more days and I'm already feeling tingels all over my body...

Omg watching About Last Night... Rob Lowe was fucking Hot and that break up scene always makes me cry!

I've been single Way too long... Poor Rob better watch out... Not sure how much control I'll have!

Federico Zarco said...

maybe Rob is talking with pornstars in the pictures. ooohh... and absolutely drunk.

Ana73 said...

RPG - what day are you going up there??? if you really want to try to see him -you should start following the twitter of the twifans that are up there stalking the sites to find out where to go. i know that sounds crazy but hey if you really want to try to see him, just a suggestion. when i was young i used to be a groupie, didn't screw the bands but i did get to meet a few of my favs.

honestly, if i met rob i dont know how i would react. i would probably be starstruck, i know i am lame.

Ana73 said...

linda rose - i started of FF His personal assistant yesterday (i think you are the one who told me about it) boy that one is really hot. plus my husband let me read part of the day and brought home pizza and wine, so you know how that went ;) thank you for the suggestion.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I'll be there on Friday sadly only for 3 days ...
I follow several gals on Twitter who are there. I have a lot of tips already... But really it will boil down to luck and right place right time...

Rob & Kris were out last night , photos have surfaced yet....

Shani said...




Ana73 said...

RPG - so you have started your detective work - good. just think positive and anything is possible.

i did see that rob & kris were out last night too but no pics yet and maybe we wont see any, good for them if they got away without being photographed. i saw the pics of some of the wolf pack with some of the vamps out for dinner. i am really liking the wolf pack, they are always together and they are really into their heritage, i think that is really cool.

Angie said...

Love the new banner!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@rpattzG you finish the RL,You are brave....... how do you feel after reading it? iam to chap 33 iam having a very hard time reading it,iam skipping over lots of stuff,

The Torture stuff is getting to me,to much Torture,this is the most disturbing thing i have ever read, i dont think iam brave enough to finish this story.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ana73 ~ Yes it was me who suggested HPA. So glad you like it! What chap are you on? I'm on 25. I'm reading TD the same time so I keep switching stories.

Cindeeloo said...

Hi Ladies...

My entire family went to Disnelyland without me today :{ feeling kinda mopey. But there is nothing like a lil Pattiporn, this blog, and of course ALL OF YOU to cheer me up!!!!!

RPG...crossing all my fingers and toes for you!!!!

@ Hi Linda R :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindeeloo!! It's a rainy, chilly Sunday here, so a little FF with the kitties around me is the order of the day. Though I really need to clean my house!!

Cindeeloo said...

@ Linda R...I guess you and I are on the same page then. Except in my area it's over 100 degrees!!! (YUK!!!) much rather it be rainy, chilly and cozy. Hmmmm maybe I'll watch How To Be today cause sometimes you just need a little Art!!! Haha.

How is His Personal Assistant? Is it similar to TO. I'm on chapter 21on TD had to take a couple breaks on that one.

Ana73 said...

LR - i am on chapter 19, wow so far 19 chapters of foreplay, half way thru and no real sex yet but really hot already, i can only imagine what's ahead. usually i dont read on the weekends because my hubby is home but my son is sick so i stayed home while he did his thing without us, that's why i have read so much. i am reading just that one, and waiting for updates on TO and My Yes, My No. it's hard for me to read too many at one time because i get my "edward's" confused.

Hi Cindee - why did you skip out on mickey??? last time we went to calif. we went to disneyland which was not so fun - too long of a day and whining husband and son and spent way toooo much money. enjoy your day alone :)

Cindeeloo said...

Hi Ana.... LOL!!! "The Happiest Place On Earth" will do that to you, hence the reason why my ass is sitting here all alone.(GRRRR) O'well at least my daughter was able to go :) So yes, I will enjoy my day alone reading and searching for crotch pics (Teehee) @ not being interupted with I'm hungry and I'm bored!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@Cindeeloo ~ I understand about the breaks from TD. HPA is good. Like Ana73 said, lots of foreplay without the lemons though they get there. It's a bit like TO and a little TS/TD, but not similar at all, if that makes any sense at all. It's also funny.

@Ana73 ~ Hope your son feels better. It does get a little confusing between the Edwards. I'm on chap 25 of HPA so when I went back to TD, I had to refocus on that Edward. LOL!!! It's all good though!

Anonymous said...

Ah,..I heard that some have been offended with the "bulge" talk here...

@Cindee - you might have already seen it....but let me find the one when Rob was photographed with one of his handlers (a lady in electric blue gown); I can't remember the event-- might be a premier abroad (or Cannes night?)

(I forgot to bookmark it. Also, I have to do some projects, so it may take me a while to get back here.)

Perhaps some of the ladies on here have it. It was the most pronounced, I think. (I think it had a "tight pants" tag, but it's not the E-news "tight pants" posted in Robssessed in April).

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


I'm emotionally drained after reading the red line-I absolutely loved it-but it KILLED ME on the Edward emotions...

I didn't skip any-but had to take constant breaks, cried...and don't want to post spoilers, but I thank god she did not describe what happened between him and "Sir".


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Oh nad again ladies, thank you for the well wishes on the trip & my vampire hunting...

You know I will spill my guts if there's any sightings, so fear I said before-I'll probably just go from bar to bar and get smashed and think I saw him anyway!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Hey you girls making the bulge videos, I'm sure you already know this and have this...but be sure to get all the BUTTON FLY photos, and of course the commando photos from Italy & the airports...

Can't wait to see the finished product!

Cindeeloo said...

@ Rpattz...LOL, "I'll get smashed and think I saw him anyway" That fine line between reality and fantasy :} Heck, I'm so confused I don't even know what reality vs fantasy is anymore. I mean there's days when I walk around thinking I actually know him (WTF!!! LMAO!!!) Anyway I'll be following you on twitter and living vicariously throught you for 3 whole days :)

@ in regards to the red line....That is my next one after the training. Do I have to brace myself for the ugly cry? your scaring me :{

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@rpattzG i thought i was tough and brave,this story killed me inside,this is the first FF that made me cry, i dont think i can read anymore,the last straw for me was when 'SIR' did__________*heavy sigh* i cant finish iam stopping at 33,i know its fiction and its odd for me to have such a strong reaction *sigh* but i love the Edward character (because of Rob)

him being tortured makes me sad f**** Mad,i guess the author hated men,she made bella strong but Edward weak,the weakness of edward in this story is heart breaking, :-(

Cindeeloo said...

Now you both are scaring me. Edward is being tortured?

JLD said...

One of the things I've noticed about Rob is he's good with his fans. I think that's one of the things I really like about him.

He's really down to earth, and if fans treat him properly and don't jump on him or chase him down the street he's more then happy to spend time with them.

He's a cool guy and seems like fun to hang out with. Good on him and I hope that doesn't change. I think he's great.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@rpattzG i read you are taking a trip,have a safe Trip and iam glad you are going to be up there to beat the skanks of my Rob Lol

Ana73 said...

cindee - it is a sad dark edward in this one and it's not for everyone. at first, i wasn't sure about it but i thought that it was well written but the story is very hard one to read. i dont want to give away to much but edward is tortured physically, sexually and mentally but there is a reason that he goes thru it. after i read it my mind was blown away but then i read a happy one so then i was ok :))
and yes i cried too.

Dahlia said...

Rob gives me unicorns :) 'Nuff said, hehe

Cindeeloo said...

@ Ana...thank you, I might have to rethink reading it. Not giving too much away, does it at least have a happy ending? Believe it or not these FF seem to sometimes follow me when I walk out my door. Tortured Edward would kill me :{ Maybe I better read one a lil on the lighter side, but dammit I'm curious?

lane said...

mmmm last pic = drunk svelte rob! yummah! hahaha :)

omg LMFAO @ whomever said they're knitting a pair of boxers and need to know if rob hangs to the left or the right. AWESOME.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


Yea, a little ugly cry, mostly gut wrenching cry, heavy breathing, but you just gotta get through it. You will fucking love Edward & Bella...

You know I will bitch slap any skanks...if I am lucky enough to find him, I will take good care of him..

Ana73 said...

cindee - yes it has a happy ending, all of the FF that i have read so far have all had happy endings, you know it's a "bella & edward" story :))

have you read his personal asst., i am reading right now and it is full of steamy smut, like i said before 20+ chapters of foreplay and no sex yet, can only imagine what's ahead.

Cindeeloo said...

OK Ana...Thanks, I think I'll go that route!!!! I'm a big chicken!!!


orion said...

HI Linda, Cindeeloo! I have few minutes before go to not a better way to start the day talking to you guys and with a sight of my man Rob....
Cindeeloo how your research is going?

Anonymous said...

Hi orion!! Is it Monday for you? What time is it by you? Sunday eve here.

orion said...

It's 7.45 am, I hate Mondays, thank you for your post on FB Linda. Won't be a bad Idea what Jacqui suggest.

Cindeeloo said...

Hi Orion :)... I have a few more I will post them here later tonight. We might need the eagle eye to approve them though. Sometimes I can't tell the difference between HIM and umm, mateiral, if that makes any sense. LOL!!!

orion said...

Cindeeloo, don't post it, send it to me:

Athena said...

Hahaha! I love these pictures! First of all because he looks relaxed and having fun and second because the faces he pulls sometimes are phenomenal! :D

That second pictures looks like he is singing drinking songs with that guy! Hahaha! :D

Oh, hi (fake) Rob, good to see you here :)!

orion said...

Ok I have to go, see you later. Have fun girls

Anonymous said...

Have a good day orion!

Anonymous said...

Ooh, Cindeeloo, please email to me too, pretty please?! :) I'll be an extra pair of eyes. You have my email address right?

Cindeeloo said...

Bye Orion, @ I'll email you tonight :)

Thanks Linda R, I need an extra pair of eyes, I'll sent them to you as well :p @ yes I have your email!!!!

Anonymous said...

Cindee ~ I'll email you with another email address for me. the one you have i don't check all the time. K?

Cindeeloo said... I feel special :)


Anonymous said...


Angie said...

RPG, RPTMO and Ana73,

I am about to start chap 23. You are telling me there is more torture!! Not sure I can stand it. However, this far in I do not want to give up. I want to get to the HEA. I hope!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


Hold on's a bumpy ride :o)

TwiHartRK said...

What a lucky girl!!

AP said...

Welcome introduction of the pixilated-faced fan. Fun pics. Haveanotherbeer,Rob.

Isa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Isa said...

This is Peter's truckerish hat.

I love Rob!

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