Twilight Unofficial Collectors Guide

This magazine features articles by our friend Kimberly Sherman (Twilight Moonlighter/Twilight Parents Examiner).

Check it out :)

I only posted the parts where Rob is fetured If you would like to see the rest then visit the RobPattinsonUnlimited!


Anonymous said...

S*** thats awesome. Lol hope we get that over here. Thanks for posting.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

just more of the same. Nothing new
but anything with beautiful rob is a nice way to wake up

Mrs. Spunk Ransom ;) said...

That was actually really cool (:

Can you buy that in Ireland do you know?!

I love the You Know You're Obsessed with Twilight bit, LMAO cause I ticked most of the boxes!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

move on folks nothing new here,same old,same old.

Anonymous said...

Didn't read it yet, but at least Rob's pic isn't flopped?!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Morning ladies!

Lets hope for SOME news today!

TheQuietOne said...


No, the pic is not flopped, but it's not a very good one, either.

Of all the yummy pics of Rob, why would they choose this mediocre one?

cinzia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SluttyPattz said...

I agree the pic on the cover of Rob was not very well done. The information was all the same but I read it all again anyway :).

I hope today brings some type of breaking news. Maybe Rob was drying off from showering, accidentally in front of an open Window. LOL wet hair. We could only hope.

j/k it would be a total invasion of privacy but the V and then Wet Hair Rob a girl can dream right?

Nadine said...

Is it Rob or Elvis Presley?
Such a bad Pic!

Anonymous said...

@Nadine ~ Good one! LOL!

It's not so much a bad pic as it is bad Photoshop skills. It's a very bad silo (silhouette) job and they added hair to his sideburns. I really wish people would leave the Photoshop work to us graphic designers!!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

the image of wet rob drying his body with wet hair.......for the love of all that is sexy....Sweet jesus.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Thanks for that image! Yeah, I can work now!

Amber (EyesofAmber) said...

The World of Robert Pattinson was written by the wonderful Kimberly Sherman of Twilight Moonlighter and Twilight Parents Examiner. I think she did an awesome job.

Tenneil said...

Why do peeps do this to such a lucious man??? Lindarose you are right... leave it to the graphic designers... or someone who knows a hell of alot more that this person... His sideburns look awful... and I love his sideburns...

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

read an article saying the twilight obsession is what driving the NM ticket sales but i think its the Rob effect driving early tickrt sales,folks are so eager to ser rob on the big screen again its driving them crazy,i know twilight is very popular but Rob's influence is much stronger,his appeal is the reason for the twilight success.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


I agree-they're are millions of fans of the series-but I feel the frenzy is being driven by Rob..

I am hoping that frenzy carries over to Remember Me-I think it will-with the women anyway-not the ones who can't tell Rob from Edward.

Haystackhair said...

Holy hell, you just destroyed my hopes of getting any work done today Teri! The image of Rob drying off....wet sex hair....the V...the happy trail....THUD!

SluttyPattz said...

LOL, I am glad you all enjoyed the image. This is probably why I am having ADD at work. I wonder if there is a clinical term for ADD induced by Rob?

Jenniffer said...

How can we get that. It says that their will be more issues. I would like to be able to get them.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


Rob Induced ADD

SluttyPattz said...

yeah so that's definitely what I have RIADD. Can I go on short term disability for that? Better make that long term. By the way I am on chap 27 of a life extraordinary. OME!! Seriously, can not stop reading, thanks for the rec its stellar.

Angela said...

If only Rob showered though.

Very slow Rob day today. I have a feeling you are all absorbed in your FF, just waiting for Rob to resurface.

I have to say I am so pleased that he avoided the press at the airports for his last trip. It's so upsetting to see him hunted like that.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Oh wow, you're pushing through that fast. I'm starting 29 tonight..

It is smutty, filthy mouthed Edward! And I love that Bella OWNS him.

SluttyPattz said...

Bella totally owns him in that ff, and I LOVE IT!! She definitely keeps that man on his toes.

Anonymous said...

ooh, is this a new FF, "a life extraordinary"? I'm starting LYLS tonight and just finished WA.

Angie said...

A Life Extraordinary is the sequel to LYLS.

It is also a completed ff. No waiting for updates!

Krissy said...

When I was reading the scans of the page that says:


I completely did *NOT* think the acronym meant DID YOU KNOW.

I'll just leave it at that. ;)

Thanks, Gozde! ☺

Anonymous said...

ADM ~ Thanks!

Angie said...

LindaRose, you are very welcome.

Anonymous said...

Argg Teri, seriously?
Pictures of a wet Rob, drying off, ungh the visual images assaulting my head. That IS what dreams are made of. Lol. Yes one can only wish (although yes u do kinda feel sorry for the guy not having any personal space or time)
He should just not be allowed to be hot enough to make all us idiots weak in the knees & other places

Unknown said...

The sideburns are killing me! LMAO.

lina_zol said...

and you scanned my feature too: )

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