Australian TV Week Magazine Scans

Nice collection of guys :)

Source: TwiFans


Haystackhair said...

Nice! Did you guys see the guy who is playing one of the brothers in Vampire Diaries- could they try to make him look any more like Rob? Not even close. But cutely enough, DH gave me the paper last night opened to an article about him, thinking it was Rob. I told him not even close, but thanked him for wanting to show me a pic of Rob!! How cute, helping me Robsess! LOL.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

the vampire diaries is so ridiculous its kind of funny,this pathetic and obvious attempt to draw in twilight fans with their boring and copied storyline is not going to work,what ever happen to being original in hollywood.

Snarkier Than You said...

Oh c'mon - no Jasper? Poor Jacksper, getting dissed... I think there are one or two cuts that could have been made to make room for another Cullen on that list...

: )

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

and i said this before but will gladly say it again....just saq a pic of zac rfron and he is dressing more like rob everyday lol dont these fake blokes know that you CAN'T copy perfection,its like trying to remake the mona fellas listen good,dressing and cutting your hair the same and running your hands through your hair is WEIRD because you will never be him,there is only ONE ROB

Anonymous said...

WHAT? There's someone out there hotter than Rob (besides Brad Pitt)? Noooo, not true.

Rob's # 1! Rob's # 1! Rob's # 1!
Rob's # 1! Rob's # 1! Rob's # 1!
Rob's # 1! Rob's # 1! Rob's # 1!
Rob's # 1! Rob's # 1! Rob's # 1!
Rob's # 1! Rob's # 1! Rob's # 1!

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more. How many more of these Vampire themed TV series are we going to have to endure. I tried watching True Blood and after the first episode I wasn't hooked ....thought I might give it another chance but in the end couldn't be bothered.
I also agree that these actors they use tend to dress the same way as Rob. Roll on when he moves away from Twilight.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

sorry for my typing mistakes iam using my iphone today, blackberry needed charging i type better on that one*sigh*

Anonymous said...

oh-oh! i was really devoted to Robward, but since last week, i'm with the Australian TV Week choice, Eric Northman really really deserve that #1!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@liz good morning.....iam also a big fan of true blood i loveeee that show but i agree how many vampire shows do we have to endure,twiliggt and true blood is enough for me i cant take no more.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

who the hell is eric northman?? and is he hotter than rob??


does anybody else think stephen moyer or whatever his name is!!is not handsome or even good looking???please i've seen true blood but I think that guy is so ugly and old and has the strangest face please...I don not find any vampire form true blood atractive at all maybe the number 1 but rob is way better...also spike..brad and jasper who isn't on the list

Anonymous said...

He's the No 1 Vampire apparently on the main picture of this magazine. Does absolutely nothing for me whatsoever but then nobody does other than Rob! Looks like the next big thing in Britain is Ben Barnes according to all the advertising/plugging for his new film 'Dorian Gray'. He does nothing for me either. Another 'pretty boy actor'. I sound like I'm in a real narky mood and I'm not!

No he's not! I'm with you there!

kchambers77 said...

mmm alex skarsgard mmmmmm

Tyler said...

Rob is undeniably the most gorgeous vampire around but I have to say, Eric (Alex Skarsgard) has really grown on me. The man is h-o-t!

Anonymous said...

Vampire shows have always been around. I for one am happy about it since I've always had a thing for vampires and the dark side. Very sexy! True that the powers that be are jumping on the Twilight bandwagon but both Vampire Diaries and True Blood are from books too that were written way before Twilight. Stephenie Meyers vampires were written against the grain of what typically have been written describing vamps. So until these shows have their vamps without fangs and change you via a venomous bite like Twilight, relax and enjoy the other hot vampires!!

RPnKSaddict said...

Of coarse Rob will always be no. 1 to me, but I did love Angel..

I couldn't handle True Blood saw a sex scene with Bill and Sookie, he bit her then smeared blood all over her face when he kissed her...ummm Gross!!!

The Twilight vamps and story is more sexy and romantic to me. That's why I love this series so much. ( I am hoping that the romance in the movies are a bit more revealing ..ahem naked Rob)

anna F said...

It's a weird top 10... I don't even know who some of them are.

Putting as N°1 a secondary character from a cable show that isn't even shown wordwide is pretty bold more LOL. I have only watched season one on the net (not in my country), and it's not all that it's remoured to be (IMO).

But I have to say I still remember Angel first appearance on Buffy, that was HOT.
And Spike is the ultimate great character... I mean, Emett was like 20 min onscreen in twilight, with how many sentences as a whole? Don't tell me he beat up spike? ;_;

Robward could have been N+1, but I would not have minded Louis, Lestat, Angel or Spike to taked the lead either. Those are truely unforgettable characters.

Anonymous said...

@anna F ~ what about Armand from Interview with a Vampire?

Shani said...

I love Rob. But The Lost Boys with Keifer is the best.

OT: And the best werewolf movie ever is "Howling". That is the scariest movie ever with Grace Jones. I had nightmares.

CJ said...

Rob at #3? I don't think so.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i agree with you ladies stephen moyer(bill) is ugly but alex skarsgaard(eric) is HOTTTTT he is the hottest guy on the show,there is this movie called 'queen of the damed' with this rocker vampire i also thinks he is HOT,but hottest in my opinion is brad pitt and tom cruise (interview with a vampire) and my ROBWARD are my favs

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

oh i just remember the guys name from 'queen of the damed' his name is 'stewart townsend'i think?? he is so HOT in the movie.

All you Need is Moz said...

As much as i love Rob David will always be number one for me and i find Jasper much hotter than Emmett.

Anonymous said...

@rpattz tmo ~ yes it's Stewart Townsend playing Lestat when he became a rock star and yeah, he was Hot in it!!

anna F said...


Armand is one of my favorite character in Anne Rice's books... But I really thought that Antonio Banderas was the biggest miscast on earth as Armand LOL

Anonymous said...

@anna F ~ You're right, he was miscast because Armand is supposed to be a lot younger with a Botticelli face. But you have to admit that Antonio was freakin HOT in that movie. I have a thing for long hair on men so maybe it's just me. :)

Marna said...

Spike is only #9????? That is so wrong! LOL

The Vamnpire Diaries is only on television because of Twilight, but the books were written years before Twilight. If anyone is doing any copying, it's Stephanie Myers.


When I first heard of the vampire diaries i wentto my office on my high hores and stated how they CLEARLY WERE COPYING TWILIGHT, then my co worker sckolled me on how that series came out befor twilight, even before buffy and I had to eat my words. To be truthfull i'll proably watch it hell i watch true blood. Also i love me some edward but angel she be number one!

SugarM said...

Robward will always be my no 1 vamp to watch on the big screen. However when it comes down to vampire characters Eric Northman from Charlaine Harris Southern Vampire Series is seriously hot! He is definitely no 1 for me. :P

loredanapunga said...

no one is hotter than rob!!!!

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