Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart with Rectangular Fan Last Weekend

The rumor mill was in full force last weekend (labor day weekend) saying Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart were spotted shopping in Vancouver in a vintage shop (Retro Rock Vintage Clothing) a few blocks away from hotel. Now we have a picture thanks to @TwilightStripp ;) And thanks to Megstar13 for identifying the location.

Rob and Kristen in a thrift shop? I'm shocked to my core!

Also here are 2 pictures from a year ago, September 2nd 2008, where Rob is wearing the same shirt and jacket :) Oh Rob...


DesiEnM said... them so much and i'm happy that they can and go out without the papz..

sagesse223 said...

Awww... but he is still Totes Hawtness!!!

jmm4832 said...

It doesn't matter that Rob is wearing the same clothes. He looks handsome no matter what. :)

Unknown said...

She looks cool with her short 'Jett black do' and they're so... right together. I'm jealous!

Anonymous said...

what am I missing? he's wearing a black tee in the top photo and a striped button down in the second photo.....Is i stoopid?

Gozde said...

:) LovesJasper, he is wearing the striped shirt on the black t-shirt then the leather jacket :)

jmm4832 said...

I know Rob wears the cap to be discreet but I miss his gorgeous hair!

Tenneil said...

hoboalious indeed... I was looking at pic yesterday and was thinking about that shirt... that we hadnt seen it in awhile... too funny...
He's F*ckhawt!!

Rene said...

They went shopping? Is this what the 'Salvation Army' store looks like inside??? LOL.
He is wearing the same clothes as on Monday for the BL concert, but with Rob you never know. They both look very tired and Rob's hat HAS to go. Kristen looks very cute.

Golnaz said...

How much do I love that they got to go walking around and shopping and no paps spotted them, only fans! Love it!

They look tired but still adorable. Sigh, Rob in a leather jacket. And seriously, KStews hair has really grown on me. She looks so cute

Tenneil said...

This must be Rob's September shirt... BBBWWAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!maybe he only brings out new/old clothes monthly.... TEE HEE I still love you Rob!!!

peeling a fig said...

Rob in a clothing shop?? Okay, a t-shirt shop, but still. Kristen must have dragged him in there.

Great title *snort*.

I miss sex hair...

MUST get back to work now...

Anna said...

Good for them. Wonder what they were shopping for? Maybe a new shirt for Rob?..

mya bluesky said...

oh Thank You Kristen for taking Rob to Clothes Store.He really need some new clothes cos he hasn't had any clean clothes anymore....LOL

Rob with the same outfit with the Boby one...

looking at the 2nd and 3rd pict make me sad..i miss his happy smile.

mya bluesky said...

i've just checked some news from gossip cop, there is another video of Rob/kris leaving Boby's show including their vid when they arrived at their hotel. oh my God,i almost cried watching that vid, it's awful. Kristen had to run to the door and Rob did too. just go to gossipcop if u dare to watched it

Yvonne said...

I'm so glad he keeps his clothes and actually wears them more than once, unlike some celebrities....cute picture, what a lucky fan! Rob really is looking too thin though....

Tyler said...

Rob just looks too good! Yummy, yummy, yummy! I remember the striped shirt when he wore it leaving Italy and his forearms were particularly defined... again, yummy! Kristen looks cute too :)

Oh, and Rob's hair in last year's pic - I call that Wolverine Rob :)

Unknown said...

Um! Cute but, they didn't have to go outside to get to that store because its in the hotel. There are way too many paps that wait outside that hotel. I follow the twilightstriped's twitter. Good person to follow.

Anonymous said...

It's so good to see a pic of them with a fan instead of a papz pic. Rob is just Hot and Kristen looks pretty. I'm so glad that they are able to avoid the papz!!

Anonymous said...

@Tyler ~ I call Rob's hair from last year his "sex hair". I wish he'd grow it back. Grrrrrrr!!!!!!!!

katie said...

That is definitely not a hotel front store I"m thinking. It looks like a second hand store. And I think the point is that Robert and Kristen do get out, they aren't holed up all the time, so either paps aren't waiting at all exits, or they are leaving by car or some other plan.

meryma said...

Well this is the post I thought I will never read...Rob went shopping... Oxymoron LOL

You would think that hanging with some good looking girls would broaden his horizons about wardrobe but NO, that's just not our Rob... He is so sentimental!

But I was wondering about his washing powder, that thing he uses is pretty awesome! I'm calculating how much money I would save with that kind of information!

DesiEnM said...

oh and btw is it the end of the world??? Robert is SHOPPING?? holy mother of fuc-...i never thought i'd see this day...i think KS dragged him there...there s no other explanation...and i really really hope that he got something new, i mean i love his hobo style but PLEASE hon u r something!

DesiEnM said...

oh and for the people who can watch the it's the one that @myabluesky was mentioning.. ...its horrible...

fatin said...

OMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. hehe they both look so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeee :) hehehe. sigh i love them <3

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I hate the hats too-wish the sex hair was back too-but hey...not complaining!!

Love any fan photos!! And oh look, Kristen took one too! To the drunk skank who called her a bitch, take that!

Tyler said...


"Sex hair" works too! LOL :) I like any which way, actually. Buzzed, longish, preppy... maybe except the super dark hair he had on for Little Ashes though he looked gorgeous there too. There's just no going wrong with Rob's hair. The hair that conquered 50% of the world (if the world had an even gender split)

AP said...

Like the rectangular fan.

Killer smile in the last photo!

Anonymous said...

Rob just has amazing hair! Thick and luscious!! I love a man and his hair!!

WinWin said...

Morning ladies, Rob looks like he needs a cheeseburger. His legs look so thin. I do miss his meaty thighs from his Twilight days. Oops, that's the mother in me talking again.

Anonymous said...

Morning WinWin ~ Yeah he does need a cheeseburger, but I think he's been looking thinner than Twilight since his appearance and the MTV Movie Awards. Either it's the pressures of Hollywood or he's probably over worked and stressed.

Kimmie44 said...

I don't care what he is wearing. he's still gorgeous. As much as I don't like the idea of them together. Half of think they are and half thinks they are good friends. I'm starting to fall off the fence. I think they are, but I don't think we'll see in pics of pda..I'm really glad he got to get out of the hotel room. He needs a break..

Unknown said...

they were shopping for Bellas wedding dress in BD. Look in the background! LOL

Haystackhair said...

Sigh, that smiley Rob pic owns me. THUD.

crazylife said...

I think it may be a vintage clothing store in Vancouver. I know of at least one of them.

It is nice to see them out with "the people."

Pet73 said...

Okay, I usually don't want to say anything negative about Rob, but ..... this awful cap definitely has to go!

Angela said...

I agree Rob looks great a year ago and now and it's odd to see them in a store together? I think that black t-shirt is from TW (remember the interviews where he talks about it?)

OK, I have been wondering something about Kristen. No offense meant at all, but how come sometimes her BB's look so small, like at the TCA and sometimes she looks more buxom? Is this just a good bra?

Either way good to see them. I am jealous too.

TINK said...

i feel weird that i totally love how anti chicness these 2 are...especially our boy...he really makes anything widely acceptable...he makes hand me downs the new hotness. maybe i WONT be clearing out clothes to give to charity. i'm gonna WEAR that shirt from 10 years ago. And i really LOVE him in these baseball caps. UGH! They're the new beanie. And too thin? no way...that fan is too thin. ;) Great pic of those 2 Goz...thanks for sharing!

WinWin said...

Waves to LindaRose, I'll be in and out today. I have to play catch up since I got nothing done yesterday.

Hi, Pet. Hugs, check your email. TTYL

MBMOM said...

Glad to see they weren't stuck in their hotel but their expressions are sad.
Too thin and stressed. C'mon pappz, leave them alone. GO harrass some other flavor du jour.
Don't like it....feel sad for them.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I'm just glad to see them out & about.

Making a mental note to check out the rummage stores when I get there..wink*

Pet73 said...

Hi Win (hugs back):p!

Tenneil said...

Hey RPG... when are you going?? and for how long??? are you going just find Rob and the cast??

Dilia said...

Im glad that they have gotten to go out without the paparazzi madness.
This pictures is gonna make Robsten Shipper go insane!

Shani said...

This shows once again that they can move around without being seen by the paps.

Rob has been shopping before. When he was in New York he bought that Nike jacket. The one with the tag still on it.

And he is possibly thinner because he may be working out a lot again. Jackson in a recent interview said they are in the gym for 3 or 4 hours and that they are on a special meal plan. Remember CH had to tell Rob last year to stop exercising so much because his head was bigger than his body.LOL

selective_fox said...

First of all, that is one short fan, rectangular or not.
Secondly I have to point out that England's national football (soccer for US) team is playing a very important game tonight, so it's very likely Rob will try and watch that. It's a big deal in Europe.
And third, I really hope he bought new clothes, God knows he needs some.

Haystackhair said...

OK, broke down and watched the vid. Girlfriend can run! She was like a bullet. LOL

JandR said...

Hi WinWin and LindaRose

Hey I followed your link WinWin to the Imdb discussion page and read a thread where a girl called Naomi claimed to have met Rob at a party in London before Goblet of Fire. So what he would have been 18 maybe? They talked for a while then he said how about it, where do you want to do this thing or something like that?? What is that do you think? Sound like just a drunk 18 yr old cracking onto a girl who's been making eyes at him for 2 hrs or a load of crap someone made up???Any thoughts?

I shouldn't read this sort of bs about him - it just annoyed me but then it made he think hell he's only human and was a teenager, hormones raging, full of grog...I do at least remember being that age and even younger than that and doing wild crazy things that I shudder to think of today so if it is true I'm cutting him some slack! LOL

JandR said...

Oh and i think they are shopping for Kris not Rob haha she's the one with the vintage tee fetish!

JandR said...

and just saying - they are hanging out an awful shaking my head at the thought of it...just so normal, but Rob doing it? is it earlier in the day of Bobby's gig - same clothes on Rob - but wait - that doesn't mean anything LOL he could have been wearing those clothes all week!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

We're going on 10/2 just for the weekend, and yes, we are vampire hunting...

I had hoped that Sam, Bobby or Marcus would be playing as that would be a given, but they're not. Sam is there the weekend before..

Tenneil said...

RPG... you said we?? is it a bunch of Robsessors??? I wish you a safe trip... Good Luck!!! maybe you two can swap t-shirts...I hear he likes to share his clothes...LOL

katie said...

I think all his chain smoking suppresses his appetite....he's a typical young college-aged male though, not eating well enough and probably drinking too much. lol

I think they look fine too, they are posing with the girl willingly at least. Kristen looks pretty there.

and the imdb boards are full of liars who make up fanciful stories about Robert. Another place for bad fanfiction presented as truth.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

No, they're just some friends, not near as obsessed as I am, this should be an interesting trip...

I wouldn't mind swapping tees, or spit for that matter!

Thanks! I'll be bragging if I see him, and crying if I don't.

No creepy stalking though, just hoping to "accidently" run into him.

WinWin said...

rpattgirl, if you get to swap spit with him , you better spill deets. lol

Ten, hugs!

Ana73 said...

goz - funny headline, i first i didn't get it then i saw the "rectangular fan", too funny. but twifans is posting the pic of the girls - there was 3 fans with rob & kristen in their pic, same place.

i saw the gossipcop video, that was depressing to see that, we see the pics and love them but now we got an actual video of how the pappz get the pics :(
boy, kristen can run.

the girl who calls out "bitch" really irritates me, i actually cringe when i hear it.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

first let me say rob looks f*** HOT,kristen looks beautiful as always,i was never a kristen fan but day by day its changing she is starting to grow on me,plus being called a bitch by that psycho whore really made me MAD and iam so jealous because i would love to go shopping with rob,taking him in the dressing to help him take off and put on the cloths OH YEA

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

You know I will!

At this point, I'd just settle to see him from afar...

Ana73 said...

jandr - i thought the same thing that it could be the same day with the same clothes but you never know with rob and now kristen too :)

WinWin said...

Hi JandR, I saw that post too and chuckled. Who knows what he's really like. He might have a wild side to him that he doesn't show. I think he might be a bit of a bad boy. : ) I still think our boy had some fun in Cannes. *wink*

Unknown said...

That is not a vintage store. A lot of hotels have stores like that one in them. Those stores sell everything including the shirts hanging above the window. Did no one else notice that there is a mannequin wearing a suit too. Doubtful it's a vintage store.

WinWin said...

I just went downstairs to get coffee across the street and trip over some wires from trucks setting up MTV VMA's stage and I cursed and thought of Rob. I need help. lol

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

do you think this is where they got the matching cloths?? sometimes my boyfriend tries to dress me like him and i hate it,i hope rob is not dressing her to look like him lol in any event i think its adorable and cute even though i hate doing it lol

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I forgot you're in NY-I hope you get to see him!!

Is he really going? Not just taping?

Tenneil said...

RTP if you swap spit with that very man... I will fly out just to have lunch with I cant personally get the deets..LOL Sounds like a good time...
PS love your blog!!

Win~ hey girl... :)

Tenneil said...

Win... can you go the movie awards???

Anonymous said...

hello lovely ladies!

i'm still shocked rob was doing any shopping...even in a thrift/retro store.

maybe he's scoring some new duds for the vmas :)

once again...just happy to see him outside the hotel.

WinWin said...

rpattzgirl, the last I heard they were coming to town to present clip. who knows? I work down the block from Radio City, but the awards are on Sunday. Bummed, I'll be home with my kids watching it on TV wishing for button fly jeans.

WinWin said...

30, hugs!

Ten, I wish. It's on Sunday. I'm on mommy duty with 3 kids.

Ana73 said...

RPG - i read on MTV site that they are supposed to be there but who knows.

Winwin-you are funny :))

Karina said...

no, that looks like a total thrift store. The mannequins have old, dated, and not in a cool upscale vintagey way, clothes on them. I can almost smell the second handedness from

WinWin said...

30, he was about to try on the suit on that mannequin. lol. Miami vice style!

WinWin said...

hi ana!

I'm so excited about Rob on red carpet. I hope he walks it. I read on Twilight examiner that Ashley will be MTV red carpet fashion correspendent. Family outing!

Ana73 said...

RPG - i cant believe you are going for a "vampire" weekend search, wow none of my family or friends would even think of going with me for that, good for you :)) i would go by myself but my husband would divorce me if i told him i wanted to go and try to find RP. do you have a plan, are you going to try to stay at the same hotel as them??

Ana73 said...

win- but seeing rob & kristen at other awards shows, one will walk and one won't. so you just dont know.

good luck trying to get your kids to go with you, maybe you can bribe them :)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

We have some plans..mostly just going to the places he frequents, trying out the local pubs (he seems to like those)..honestly, I doubt we'll get lucky, but it will feel good just be in the vicinity..
I missed him when he was in Portland for 5 months, and I will NEVER get over that...


Hell yea! Button flys!

WinWin said...

ana, oops I meant twilight family outing. lol

Anonymous said...

{{{hugs}}} win! long time, no see! vice style hahaha!

he's crockett...does that make kstew tubbs?

they'll both show up in tshirts and turquoise blazers with their raybans.

WinWin said...

rpattzgirl, that sounds so fun. I hope you do run into him and get a picture at least. so cool that your friends are going with you.

Ana73 said...

win - that is funny i thought you meant YOUR family, i am over here laughing :))

WinWin said...

30, lmao, can you imagine Rob with loafers without socks. the image has me in tears!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Yeah, just a few old broads prowling around the Couve lusting after a 23 year old man-life is good.

Ana73 said...

RPG - so i take it that you live in oregon or washington, so that's not a bad little weekend trip.

Cindeeloo said...

Morning Ladies,

Isn't that the pic of drunkie Rob walking out of a club in LA over a year ago.

If it is, I love that video!!!!

He was too damn adorable walking down the sidewalk, all smiley, and quite obvious had 1 too many all while talking to the camera dude.

Wow what a difference a year can make. Back then he had only a couple papz following him. Now he has 50!

I love drunk Rob!!!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Yes, I live in portland. It's about a 6 hr drive from here...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


You're so right, these are from the drunk video-god he was adorable!
Yea, only a few pappz, and they were 1/2 way nice.

Anonymous said...

win: omg i'm dying over here! loafers without socks. and they'll be italian leather ones.

not to mention the pleated pants!

averagegirl56 said...

I just saw that Rob and Taylors new films are going to be released the same day (which is weird)

Who do you think will get higher box office ticket sales?

I, of course think Rob but i may be biased as to how popular Rob is will the smaller teens, like 13 year olds.

Karina said...

ew, I wwatched that gossipcop video. For all the talk about Kristen being so tough, I think people forget she's 19 nonetheless. Seeing her bolt into the hotel like that kinda made my stomach churn. And on that video Robert is seen reacting to the "bitch" scream-you see him look back. People totally suck, seriously. The kids just wanted to go to a concert.

Tenneil said...

Hello TS!!! <3

Winwin... I dont think I can handle another Crocket in this life time...BBWWWAAAAHHHH

Yeah Mommy duty can so get in the way of Robsessing...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

He did wear some birks w/o socks in NY, just the site of his bare heel had me reeling!

Loafers w/o socks-can't picture that at all!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


You're talking about Remember Me & Taylors Valentine movie, right?

Geez, I would hope it would be Rob's...but Tay-tay has a lot of young fans..

Anonymous said...

hey t! :)

yep rpg... he did wear birks without socks during rm filming --with sweatpants!

gah i hope that was just what he slipped on between scenes and not something he actually wore during filming.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I'm pretty sure it was between filming-I think it the 2nd to last day of filming-

I thought it was precious!

Anonymous said...

rpg: yeah i'm sure it was...but with sweatpants? really? nah

Cindeeloo said...

@ RPG,

I thought so. Was it you that posted that video a couple weeks back? If so can you send me the link. I can't find it and it's one of my favorites.

@ I am SOOO JEALOUS (in a good way of course) that your taking a trip to Vancity. I SO hope you (accidently) bump into him (teehee)


Anonymous said...

back to work i go!

bye win! xoxo hope to see you again soon!!

see ya t & rpg :)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Thanks Cindeeloo-I think I have the video somewhere-I will see if I can find it.

Cindeeloo said...


Awww Thanks!

WinWin said...

oh 30, bye. That was a good laugh. I missed you girls so! I'll catch you soon.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


Here it is:

Tenneil said...

Hey TS... I dont think Edward would be caught dead (pun intended) in that ensemble...LOL
Alice wont go for it??HAHA

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Remember this one? Where the drunk girl tried to kiss him?

God, don't ever let this be me, please.

WinWin said...

Rm filming with birks and sweats, where? how did I miss that?

WinWin said...

Ten, you still here?

Tenneil said...

Bye TS... I hope that work thing goes okay for you today...:)

Rob's clothes are priceless...LOL

WinWin said...

rpatzzgirl, lol, I haven't seen that in ages. Love drunk Rob.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


Yes, he was walking around the set and had sweatpants on & birks-I think he had on the red tee shirt, but can't remember...

Ana73 said...

rpg - i dont remember that either, where's the pic at, love to see that one.

Tenneil said...

Yep Win... I am:)

Cindeeloo said...

I f*cking love this man. He's just to damn adorable for words. I miss him like this.

Thanks RPG. I heart you.

officially saved.

Treasure_7 said...

That guy can pull off any look and look fabulously, gorgeously, amazingly hott!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Here's the photo of Rob in his birks

Ana73 said...

RPG - now i remember, thank you. i think that was really close to comiccon and we had sooo many pics right at the same time.

WinWin said...

rpattzgirl, you rock, i don't remember that one. I guess after a while they all look the same. These were at the outside studio in queens. maybe sex scene shoot? easier to get naked!

Cindeeloo said...


OMG I do remember that one. It's funny because last week I had an appointment in Hollywood and I took a wrong turn and quess where I was. On that same street. You'd thought I entered the Twilight Zone (no pun intended) with the way I drove down that street. Everything all of a sudden was in SLOW MO!!!! LOL.

WinWin said...

rpattzgirl, you rock, i don't remember that one. I guess after a while they all look the same. These were at the outside studio in queens. maybe sex scene shoot? easier to get naked!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Gah! Sex scene shoot!

yep, it was right at the end, before CC.

He's adorable-sexy little hippee..

WinWin said...

oops, sorry for the double post. not sure what happened.

Hi cindeloo!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Ahh, good memories...any memory of Rob is a great one!

WinWin said...

That red looks so good on him. What a cute little heel. lol

Tenneil said...

Any one notice in that pic how long his stride is... HMMMM:)

Cindeeloo said...

Hey WinWin (waves)

I swear I could just sit here and do this ALL DAY LONG!!!

Oh thats right (hits head) I do!!

WinWin said...

Ten, I noticed that his steps are always so long. I guess if he took smaller steps, he'd trip or something. I'm still not over the birks and heel action!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Yes, looonnngg strides with his pigeon toes....

yep, loving the heels and bottoms of his long feet-GAH!

Cindeeloo said...

What I wouldnt do to massage those feet with gobs and gobs of lotion.

(did i say lotion?)

peeling a fig said...

One of my favourite vids as well. He 's all mellow and when asked if he was offended by someone's remark, he just shrugs and smiles. And then he strolls off ALONE! Wow -- what a diff world it was for him then.

WinWin said...

Going to lunch.
Ten, Cindeloo, rpattzgirl and everyone, catch you later!

Ellie said...

Ah, I miss that Sex Hair!!!

Tenneil said...

the man can do no wrong as long as he wears the buttonflies ever so often...:)

Wonder who's clothes he'll be in for the VMA's?? *bows down..buttonflies, buttonflies,and hmmmm buttonflies* please!!!

Tenneil said...

bye Win....*Waves*

hey Ellie... sexy hair rob...ahhh yes!!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I'd like to massage him all over with some body oil....

I love also that I have the same pair of birks! gee, we're twins..

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Bye WinWin!

Cindeeloo said...

@ peeling

I know, sad isn't it. I find myself more and more going back to his old interviews and videos wishing his life was how it was back then. I mean he still had the popularity but not as CRAZY as it is now.

Sadrilil said...

yes please someone tell Rob to get rid of that hat. It does nothing for him. Sorry Rob I think you are hot and sexy but that hat really drags you down let that Hair out to be FREE!!!

Cindeeloo said...

Bye Win!!!!

Anonymous said...

When I don't sew my own clothes, I go to thrift shops and vintage clothing shops. This looks like the ones I frequent. Clever of them to know that the best most comfortable clothes are well-worn, and that fashions of the past are better suited for interesting people. :-D

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

You're in Vancouver?

Cindeeloo said...


Do you have a twitter acct? If so I would love to follow you when in Vancouver.

heav85 said...

I too miss the hair, come on rob, that hats not fooling anyone. Still pretty reconizable.

solas said...

No--am not in Vancouver; just said the shop in the photo looks like vinatage shops I frequent. maybe they all have a certain look? ;-)

Stacy said...

Since it's not being posted, here is the original uncropped pic. Bobby was there as well. He's in doorway, holding the bags.

Stacy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Stacy said...

And I meant to say, assumed was safe to post because it's on IMDB as well.

And I'm laughing at poor Bobby being the baggage handler while they pose.

WinWin said...

Stacy, thanks, lol. Lucky fans!

Ana73 said...

stacy - you are right. i saw the pic on twifans but didn't realize until you pointed bobby out. her manager looks like the person standing outside of the store, what do you think? i wonder why the "fan" blocked herself out for this site, weird. i couldn't find a story to go along with the pic like when it was, did you see anything else?

Pet73 said...

Thank you Stacy for posting the pic. It seems like a very nice fan pic to me - (somehow sends out good vibrations, idk :p).

Stacy said...

You're welcome everyone.

Ana, you're right, that does look like her manager or whoever that guy is in the background. I didn't notice that until you pointed it out.

As for the fan blocking out - that's why I was nervous posting here. I've not see her actual posting. As far as I know, someone found it and cropped this one, and I don't know who is posting the original. Someone just posted it on IMDB. And no, no encounter story that I've seen. The person who posted full version on IMDB never answered that question. Would guess it was pretty mundane or it'd be everywhere.

Pet - you're welcome. Yeah, the fans look normal and nice:)

Alessandra C. said...

speaking of Robsten...I made a little video

nothing special, I just had the need to make something to celebrate them.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if he realizes how utterly, heartbreakingly beautiful he is.....WOW !!!

Angela said...

I think that might be a different jacket. The collar seems different and it's not as shiny.

Aitch said...

Oh so cute, adorable, sexy, in pics #2, #3. Rob smiling laughing...just melt here..... I love seeing the same clothes several times, part of the charm.

Janine said...

I think he looks thinner than last year and he look really tired :(

Anonymous said...

look how happy he looked then, and how sad he looks now...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


I do have a's under rpattzgirl (of course)

If I can get my dang Iphone to work-just got it & I'm clueless.

I will have access to a laptop, so I will do my best.

Akemi said...

Why do people care if Rob wears the same clothes? Almost everyone in the world wears the same clothes. I wear the same clothes that I fit in from last year and older. This just shows that Rob has not changed from the man he was before his star became big. He is still down to earth. Kudos to Kristen as well. She has not changed from the person she was and that's what makes them such an attractive couple. They are very down to earth, very "real" individuals who don't have to copy anybody else to make them feel like they are "big in the industry."

Tess said...

I haven't read any of the other comments, but GAH!!! this is my all time favorite shirt he has.. I love love love it.. I think he wears it just for me.. cause I'm crazy like that ;)

Vicki said...

I do not think these 2 should be together they seem to bring each other down. With them both being extremely shy it's like there is no one to off set the other. Rob does not look good in the recent photos I've seen of him. His normally handsome happy smile is gone. I think Rob is too old for Kristen she is still a teenager of 19 and he is a young adult of 23. Once she hits 21 or older I think the dating will be more acceptable. Why would he want to date someone so much younger then he is? I hope he grows out of his Peter Pan faze. P.S. I do love the site keep up the good work.

Unknown said...

I love these old shots of Rob (The hair!). He looks like he's got a good buzz goin and he wears it so well.

Unknown said...

Vicki, I disagree with you wholeheartedly.

Dear Rob(&Kris, too): Your life is short but it is all yours. Ya'll are doin great. Carry on.


Athena said...

Lovely to see Rob (and Kristen) out and about! :)

Don't laugh at me, but I actually probably *would* buy some of the shirts hanging in that shop... I think both Rob and Kristen have good taste regarding T-shirts. And I do hope that Rob got to keep the white Tee with the orange "sun" he was wearing in Remember Me, if it wasn't actually his own already. I love that one, I would certainly wear it myself (one my size, of course!).

Anonymous said...

Vicky, I kind of agree on the age factor, five years is a huge gap.
It's kinda taboo since she is still a teen..

But I did hear she's very mature and her work ethic is insane. So maybe age ain't nothing but a number.

JandR said...

So all it takes to get that divine Rob smile is to fill him up with booze - i am so there!!!

RPattzgirl - thanks so much for the link to the Drunk Rob vid - he is adorable, smiley, sexy and damn hot!!!
You always come up with the goods girl so thx!!! I am following your twitter when you go to Vancity so I can be in at the jump if you accidentally bump into him LOL ;-) That is one story I am hanging out to hear!!!

jmm4832 said...

Vicki, I'm not a Kristen fan, and yes 19 is young for Rob. But if Rob likes her then who am I to judge his choice. I don't know either of them. I say live and let live. I guess I would hate it more if he was with someone like Megan Fox.

Anonymous said...

A five year age difference is not a lot, even at their ages. Just because Rob is 23 doesn't mean that he's that mature. He is in some respects but think back to when you were that age and how the guys acted. And Kristen being 19, she seems more mature than the average 19 year old. So I would say that she acts around 21 and he acts around 21 so on average it equals out! LOL Anyway, it seems like they have a lot in common, more than us fans will ever know.

Anonymous said...

@JandR ~ "So all it takes to get that divine Rob smile is to fill him up with booze - i am so there!!!"

Can I join you?!? LOL!!!

Unknown said...

I'm surprised no one has mentioned this...

But, can you miss his fingers in the 2nd picture?

Oh my God, his fingers...they're sticking into his pocket like that. And..ungh.

So freaking hot.

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