Awwww..... Updated

Cropped Pic

Thanks to Su, Tess & BritneyRocks for the tip!

and Source


keely said...

Seriously, I´m totally girl crushing on Kristen on this pics. Love the hair and the dress! She looked gorgeous!

JandR said...

Does this count as PDA???? Or is Rob just leaning on KStew so he can stay upright??? LOL
Taylor doesn't get a look in...

Anonymous said...

poor taylor. third wheel much?

Anonymous said...

I think this says it all!! Lovely really really lovely!

Kate said...

I love KStew's hair and dress!
I think she should actually get it cut up in a bob especially if she wants to grow out the colour!

Tess said...

They look super cute..

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

c'mon Goz, why crop the pic.
they all look great :p

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
erikitty said...

I wonder what she is putting in his pocket... hmm.... So cute! Poor Taylor! He looks like he feels left out.

Unknown said...

I think KS hair looks like Zac Efron's LOL She should really start getting Ashley to help her out! Also saying this pic "means something" is QUITE the streach to say the least...BTW Rob looks so good he looks edible! YUM! Glad to see he got all the buttons right this time! hehe

mya bluesky said...

poor taylor...
no pda haaa???
but remember, pict can always lie..
if the moment when kristen whispered something so close into tay's ears get photo,then it will look like something intimacy...u know, pict can lie

Sarah said...

...and cue the robsteners freaking out over this. (READ INTO IT;) i must say they look so cute though. rob's beautiful neck......sigh

Anonymous said...

Heheh.Lmfao.Now who hated Kristen because she';s with Rob saw it.Hahah get it haters.Robsten is so on.And hahaahah the picture isn't a lie at all .Heheh Rob is hugged with Kristen and poor Taylor is the third wheel.Go Robsten

Anonymous said...

Cute photo, Taylor looks like he'd prefer to be someplace else. He was kinda acting like he a thing for Taylor(?) Swift earlier in the evening. Wouldn't blame him, she's a little cutie. Anyhow..definately a third wheel in this shot.

Anonymous said...

It's a adorable private moment even with Tayblocker.

Anonymous said...

I think they are defenitly together. They look amazing.

Marna said...

Even without the crop, the totally look like they're a couple. I still have no idea if they are, but they look like they are.

BrendaFlowers said...

Awww such a niec pic! but I agree with Mya, a pic can lie...
BTW: I love Robert's hands ♥
and can please anyone explain me what PDA means? 'cause I'm Argentinian and I don't get it :) hihi

Mechevpao said...

Actually that is no PDA, they were about to pose for a pic.
Never the less they look cute :) but why is Taylor cut out of the pic... trying to imply Robsten too much? hehehe

Anonymous said...

awww they look so vintage and adorable ...definitely a squee pic...DEFINATELY XD regardless if it was anything from the shot...still looks cute:)...btw I'm an avid avid supporter of kstew's usual jeans and ragged t style...but i seriously love seeing her in this softer girlier look for once...she looks so cute and and small with rob practically engulfing her that way... haa :)

Kate said...

I cropped and edited the pic not trying to imply anything the original pic is there!

Anonymous said...

Come on - this is total PDA. Rob has never looked so relaxed. Look at him - one hand in his pocket, the other hand on her shoulder. Kristen has her hand in his jacket and is totally leaning into him. This is saying they are a couple.

Since they have "come out" as a real life couple around May - they have been so careful about PDA. Last year when they were not together, in interviews and backstage, it was not a big deal for them to put their arms around each other for photo ops etc.

As a real-life couple, they have all but ceased to do that. Even though Tay Tay is in the shot, this seems to be a slip-up on Rob and Kris' part. They've been caught giving PDA! Finally!!

Anonymous said...

PDA is public display of affection

Pet73 said...

Where is Rob's necklace in this pic?

Don't like Kristen but really like her new hairdo. What an improvement!

Pet73 said...

Maybe Kristen is not reaching for Rob's pocket but for Taylors hand behind her back?

Mechevpao said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BrendaFlowers said...

Thank you Twi :)

Mechevpao said...

:( necklace in gone... maybe a fan hold on to it and it broke while he was nice touching the fans hands on stage presenting…. ;P

It´s great Kate, I see the original there, just poor Taylor cropped out of it, but I guess sooner of later someone was going to cut him out anyway.

Maryann said...

Cute pic, doesn't prove one way or another for me but they DO look adorable in the cropped and the non cropped video, if you consider Taylor as third weels is in the eye of the beholder, personally I just find the pic cute lol. End of story for me, and I find Kristen aboslutely adorable in the outfit and she get major cudos for working that new hairdo of hers, not easy to work a mullet into different hairstyle for events like this. So her (and her stylist) get major props for that!

The more I see of Kristen the more adorable I find her, so if she IS dating Rob, there is no hating from me, just well wishes all around.

I am done with trying to speculate etc with them, after my visit to Vancouver and seeing up close how hunted those ppl are by some fans and by paps I am keen to let them have their lives and what is going on between them private. I am just gonna enjoy having seen these actors in RL and enjoy pics and their work :-).

It makes ME feel better anyways.

Anonymous said...

No PDA for me but rather 2 "slightly" drunk people and she's holding on to him (or he's supporting her). From the video you can tell her balance is not good (she hits Taylor's shoulder at a moment) and well, they were backstage the whole time so with a lot, a lot to drink and we know that these 2...well...they never refuse a good drink (not a critic at all! I'm like that too lol) so really that's all I see in that picture :)

Mechevpao said...

If I had to go out in front of all that crowd that was looking kind of altered in that show, I would be getting drunk to lose some nerves hahaa

Maryann, you make some good points: it is all in the eyes of the beholder... so odd to have every movement dissected too.

AP said...

Nice pic - cropped or uncropped. Kristen looked more sophisticated in that dress with her hair up than I've ever seen her.

Rob got down -lol - watching Beyonce and knocked back a few. Must be the only tiny slice of partee he's had in months.

katie said...

Aw, it's not really "what" they are doing that's cute, it's the familiarity of it all, they are very familiar with one another, the way his arms is around her like that. Doesn't mean they are bumping uglies, I agree, but there is a comfort level there that is quite high. Cute. And Taylor is just adorable, and I love Kristen's dress and hair...

katie said...

and robert and his beyonce fetish....he references her constantly, to his doggie having a beyonce walk to saying Peter's entry walk in twilight was a beyonce sashay....please tell me he got to meet her and jay-z, he idolizes jay-z...

Babs said...

They all look very pretty. And the extended trailer is awesome. Chris W is gonna make me love the book of the saga I hated the most :)

Anonymous said...

Twi, my thoughts exactly. I agree with your observation: that may be a backstage PDA slip up; the start of guarded PDA since being a "couple" last May [even their interviews are more guarded now and some questions are off-limit from being asked, which is unfortunate--I admire the spontaneous Rob]; and last year's 'no big deal putting their arms around each other because they were not a "couple" yet'.

Also, does anyone know about Rob's necklace? It's always now-you-see-it-now-you-don't, even in the same event/scene. Any zoom-in photo(s)?

beyonce said...

um, he doesn't look like he's holding onto her for support, if he did that he'd be an ahole, cause the poor girl is in heels and weighs maybe 110 lbs.

I agree it's not like what they are doing is really affectionate, it's more how comfortable they look doing it, like he's held her like that before. Look how it looks when Taylor does a similar arm hold-it ends up looking like him and kstew are posing for prom pictures together. Cute, but not the same intimacy level. And I don't mean sex intimacy either, because that part's none of my business.

frenchy said...

chck this!!!

beyonce said...

poor taylor, geting poofed be gone from all the

peeling a fig said...

PDA or not, the photo is darling with a capital D. Can't stop staring at it.

riley said...

For some reason to me, the uncropped photo looks more shippy since poor Taylor looks like such a third wheel!lol

It's just a moment in time of course though, so take it for what it is. But it's really adorable, all of them are just adorable.

bbonin said...

Ohhh they looked good! Poor Taylor being a third wheel in that picture ha ha.

I still can't say they're definetly a couple but it's gettin' pretty obvious! ;)

Anonymous said...

Frenchy, did you do that? That's good manip! Also, scary... it confirms that you can't believe anything you see unless you hear directly from those concerned. (And sometimes even A/Vs can be tampered with.)

phosphorus said...

it's not like what they are doing is really affectionate, it's more how comfortable they look doing it, like he's held her like that before.

Well, he has - there are a lot of pics when they were promoting Twilight where he has his arms around her shoulders and she's very close to him.

Anonymous said...

If Rob got himself a girlfriend all the speculation would end with Kristen. I mean it would be lovely to hear him talk about the new person in his life. The world would welcome it. I'd bake him a cake in fact.

beyonce said...

phosophorous-when he had his arm around he last year for events, he was doing the taylor prom pose himself. It's not a big deal, I'm just saying I think they look quite comfortable that close together body language wise, and I agree that's a subjective opinion.

Anonymous said...

itissoover: I wish you were right but somehow I think his next gf will not be welcomed by a lot of "fans".... I'll be glad for him the day he'll have one but on the other side, it would be even crazier *sigh*

beyonce said...

the world would welcome it? lol No, they wouldn't. My guess is that most fans want to see him single. And many fans don't like him with Kristen if he is. But that they would take Kristen in a heartbeat if he turned up with megan fox at a bar somewhere at the same time.

Anonymous said...

Uh, I'm beginning to think that this is a manip. Proportions and heights are off.
(It would be interesting to see different versions of this backstage PDA from different photographers. Or shots from one photographer? Photogs usually use multi-frame cameras.)

riley said...

I don't think it's a manip-this came from MTV itself from the backstage. It came from their site.

Anonymous said...

It's not a manip; someone on the ImdB board saw the picture being taken :)

Nikola Six said...

Bottom line is...

Something has changed between then from last year. What that something is, nobody can say for sure. But something is different; the behavior, the photos...something.

And that's why half are defending it and half are arguing against it. Because we know something is...different.

She btw looks adorable. Love that retro dress and I think someone said that her mullet has been swept up. Are you sure? Looks like she may have just chopped it all off to me. Got to have a gorgeous face to wear your hair that short. And she does.

Whatever they are...they look absolutely adorable together.


Nikola Six said...

The body language.

How could I forget that one?

jenny said...

Hi everybody. Someone in a previous post talk about a video... is there a video??? Maybe I misunderstood... sorry but I'm from Italy! Anyway they're veeeeeeery cute!!!! ^_^

...wowie! said...

I think it's cute when ppl can just be comfortable around each other. This is one of the few times you see him with the arm/hand over the shoulder rather than lower at the small of her back.
I like it. Together or just really close friends. They cute either way.

marie said...

The difference?????

Rob used to close his fingers when he puts his arm on kristen's shoulder (when she was still with Michael A.) Now, its all spread out . Look at all the other previous pictures of them and you'll see what i mean.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Nikola6!
As usual a sensible comment from you! Doesn't bother me either way whether they are an item or not. He looks HAPPY and gorgeous and she looks beautiful. Didn't think I'd say that about KStew - but there you have it!

Pet73 said...

Marie, yes, you are right! It's the way he has his fingers when he holds her (the same with Catherine in Rome, for example). This actually is the first pic in which you can see his fingers when he's holding her!

Anonymous said...

IF THAT IS PDA THEN WHAT IS THIS: people want to believe they are together and they keep creating this scenarios that just aren't there she is like that with taylor, nikki and possibly all her friends why wold it be different with Rob ???

Netti said...

hahahaha 2 gorgeous people. if they aren't shagging they should be :-) love them both and I hope they are together, I couldn't think of another girl in the world for Rob. Adorable :-)

Noe said...

i agree with you whole heartedly! she looked like a classic beauty. and oh my god with that pic they are sooooooo f'n hot together. i was always a robstew supporter from the start. tay is cool but damn kid out of the pic next time.. aha :)

Georgie said...

Wow, what a welcome back to Robsessed-land after my short break on a tropical island with no internet! Rob...what can I say, gorgeous as ever at the MTV awards. Jacki and Sarah mentioned a) he looks edible and b) his beautiful neck - HELL YEAH!! Also kudos to Kristen on her presentation.

phosphorus said...

@ beyonce: All I said was that this was not the first time he had her arm around her. And they've been comfortable with each other for a long time - gee, he even let her pick his teeth in front of a camera without batting an eyelid (and I'm sure they were only friends then). There even was a video where Kristen has her arm on the back of Rob's chair during an interview like she wanted to hug him. Actually, their body language was already used as an argument by the pro-Robsteners as "proof" that it was on, when Kristen still was with Oregano.
All I'm saying is that this pic is not necessarily PDA of lovers, could also be PDA between friends.

Yes, something has changed, otherwise we wouldn't have seen the pics of this Chateau Moth and the following days. But I won't go into that discussion again and repeat myself. Check the archive, please, if you want to know.

Unknown said...

Kristen is glowing and looks absolutely stunning. No doubt - a young couple in love.

Netti said...

It has changd, their in love, Im in love, we're alllll in love :-)

Unknown said...

I still wouldn't consider this PDA! It loks like they were going to take a pic together like Kristen and Taylor. It does look like Rob is holdig on so that he doesn't fallover. LOL

dina said...

Kristen is glowing, she looks sooo happy. She looks like a little girl sweet and all smilie. I think love shoftens her edge. Love them both. No words for Rob he is all over his woman.

Haystackhair said...

Love the haircut on Kristen. She's beautiful. Not enough Rob last night, hardly worth watching, but I did to see him. WTF was that when Taylor Swift won? And could that guy have mentioned Rob any more frequently, after cutting him off last year? The trailer is awesome. I soooo can't wait!

noisefaidaus said...

Well they say body language is everything, what a hot couple, Taylor just looks uncomfortable!!
Kristen is so gorgeous, from the hair down to the shoes, she looks fantastic!!!
Rob always looks good and add Kristen on his arm my god they are sexy together!!!!!

Renata NS said...

OMG. they are breath-taking. amazing. perfect.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

OMG what a hot couple,iam glad FINALLY some PDA ,rob is looking at his girl like she is the most beautiful thing he had ever seen WOW what a beautiful pic,poor taylor third wheel

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i cant believe folks are still argueing about something that is so painfully obvious WOW

Unknown said...

OMG ...
It seems that dearest Rob is drowning in the enjoy of being with cute kristen...
I love them together

Sidd-o said...

Can we please stop mentioning the line "Robsten is so on"... everytime I read that I see Ted in front of me, I cannot handle that!!!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i cant stop staring at this pic....with one hand in his pocket and the other around kris WOW so fucking HOT

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

sometimes reality is a bitch huh..... sometimes it slaps you in the face BAM and wakes you the fuck up,so here it is BAM BAM......since being with rob kristen is happier and glowing,but who would'nt be knowing you bagged the hottest guy on the planet.

Unknown said...

I think this is the most serious PDA we'll ever see from these two. God, how beautiful are they together? It's almost otherworldly. If they ain't a couple, they should be.

yeah, you look nice, too Tay-Tay.

Golnaz said...

Awww, I love them! And seriously, how freaking gorgeous does Kristen look!

Kate said...

Added another pic!

JandR said...

Kristen looks kind of fragile and vulnerable and Rob looks all protective - so Bella and Edward lol

Unknown said...

they're sweet and I love them both! that's all

Maria said...

Oh my God look at the new picture!!!How he doesn't leave his hand, how lovingly he hugs her, how she leans even closer to him!!!!
They are so adorable!!!!!!!!!!!
Jesus what more do you people need to see how much in love they are???

bonemama said...

Well let's see how much my comment will get me in trouble today....;-). Cute pics. This is what the new one says to me. Rob had too many heinys. Kristen is thinking oh he's drunk again and embarrassing me and Taylor is thinking Jesus Christ not again! Just a first thought. Just a little fun. No thesis required.

orion said...

I really like them they look very nice together.

Anonymous said...

Really cute pic and Kristen really does look adorable! Nice to finally see a pic of them as they used to be to each other before all this "Robsten" crap started. Still envy her but nice to see!

Tyler said...

I love seeing Rob and Kristen together as much as I love seeing Bella and Edward (and I know the difference :))

I love how both of them glow with each other... Rob just has a different twinkle in his eyes whenever he's with her. Plus it was so obvious that Kristen was unthinkingly affectionate with other people (Taylor, Cam, Jackson, etc) while awkward and tentative with Rob. It was understandble because there was probably a strong attraction but she had a boyfriend.

Now that it's all over, Kristen leans towards Rob whenever she's in a pic with him and Taylor. And this almost-hug is just too sweet. I really really hope they stay happy together for a long time :)

Aitch said...

I join in with the girl crushes on KStew. Not only is she beautiful but she is so unique and "fresh" I stilll don't get the drunk Rob thing though, just don't see it!

Kimmie44 said...

Oh god..Here we go..The pose with a pic, nothing out of the ordinary and BAM..They are showing PDA and a couple...I knew it. I posed with my teacher just like they are with our arms around each other, does that mean we are a couple too? He left by himself. If they were a couple they would have left together. THere was never a confirmation they are a couple. People can not accept friends from them.

JandR said...

Hi LindaRose (waves)
I love them together...

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

rob looks like the edward from 'THE OFFICE' in these it possible that rob is getting hotter everyday.

Unknown said...


I agree with you on this one!

This is not the romantic hug I mentioned that we never get to see. Sorry people but they are just getting ready for a picture no PDA here. For the people who says he is looking at her lovingly, PLEASE! There are pictures of him looking like that with Megan Fox at the TCA and even though I hate to bring it up when he was at Cannes posing with that Erica girl. Same look on Rob's face.

Anonymous said...

Kimmie E ~ I can. Not all of us believe the whole couple thing. I just think it's a nice pic of them showing affection to each other like they used to do a year ago.

JandR said...

whatever it is, it is clear they share a special closeness

Anonymous said...

Hi JandR! (waves back)

JandR said...

great pics today - I loved them. Loved Kristen's outfit too. Just wanted to see Rob in the black stoli! lol

Anonymous said...

I agree JandR~ they definitely have special closeness. It's nice. Yeah, I was wondering if he would wear it too. lol

Stacy said...

Bonemama I agree. Rob looks tipsy after knocking back those heineys and she looks like she's half holding him up and kinda irritated in the second pic. Wouldn't say she looked all that thrilled.

Even Marc Malkin, who was clearly looking for PDA said calling this PDA was iffy. Said could go either way. And the fan on imdb said it lasted for about 5 seconds LOL.

Really I think marc is right. And as they're getting ready to pose I'm not sure you can deem this proof of anything other than people seeing what they want to see - and in some cases, desperately need to see- as usual.

Robaholic said...

Kimmie E-agreed, cute pics of some good friends...they all looked amazing regardless!LOVED her dress

Anonymous said...

@Stacy ~ And you're seeing what you want to see with him being tipsy. He doesn't look drunk or like he's leaning onto her. Where'd you get that from? He sounded a bit slurred in his presentation but not drunk.

JandR said...

Too true Stacey

People will always interpret things how they want to. You can convince yourself of anything if you try hard enough lol

Pet73 said...

Did Rob want to touch Kristen's back just before Kristen started to talk at the VMA's (he run his fingers through his hair instead)? Did anyone notice that?

kchambers77 said...

she looks super cute. i love her hair cut. she has a face for mod cuts.

Pet73 said...

Not sure if he wanted to touch her of simply wanted to steady himself.

Pet73 said...

"or" of course

orion said...

When they did the presentation of the trailer Rob has his hand on his pocket, and on this pic he still have his hand in his pocket....ummm???

Stacy said...

I suppose you could be right but that was my first impression. He looks tipsy. Didn't say he looked drunk. If I thought it looked like a valid couple moment I would say so. That's why I said I thought it could go either way.

It's just sad that we can't have pics without this discussion coming up constantly. I appreciate that they're close and I'm sure they've had to lean on each other. I'm glad they have each other.

I just think it's too bad their spotlight has become even more magnified by the intense need to prove/ disprove robsten.

Unknown said...



orion said...

For me, Rob doesn't look drunk, and in the pics looks like she's leaning on Rob. Anyway, I think they look great and relax in this pic.

Aitch said...

It seems like so many posters on this website are just as vehement about saying they are NOT together as those who are the "shippers." I am tired of the bitchy comments. Whatever the"status" of R and K (and perhaps they don't even want to "define" it)---this is THE girl who gets access to THE MAN--gets to hang out with him a lot, talk with him a lot and be physically close to him, a lot!

orion said...

You're right Stacy

Stacy said...

Joeya - you're welcome:)

Anonymous said...

Stacy ~ I agree with you on the whole "Robsten" thing. If you look back at any of my posts I for one hate the term and refuse to speculate from pics, interviews, etc. I just want him to be happy. Sorry if I bit your head off about the tipsy thing. Guess I just felt like that would get out of hand too because I said that I noticed in his presentation that his speech was a bit slurred and I mean extremely little. I look at it this way he had a couple of beers at a show, no big deal. I just wish I could join him and have a couple of beers with him too!!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

iam NOT a fan of ROBSTEN but i am a big fan of rob and kris the couple,they are two different is media hype and the other is just a private couple.iam glad rob is inlove,even though iam not a kristen fan(she is growing on me)iam glad its her and not some bimbo model all over him. until rob and OR kris come out and DENY (they are not doing) in person i am convince they are together.GO ROBSTEW

Angela said...

this is THE girl who gets access to THE MAN--gets to hang out with him a lot, talk with him a lot and be physically close to him, a lot!

yep, the luckiest girl in the world...we all wish we were her

the dress reminds me of Tinkerbell a little. She looks great, and Rob looks so out of this world I can't stand it.

Stacy said...

I understand. Sorry to imply that I thought he was stumbling around drunk, lol. I just think he was tipsy, and I wouldn't blame if he was. IMO, he looked a little tipsy and most of us get friendlier when we are. I just don't think it makes sense to make snap judgments from one moment in time.

I hear what you're saying and you're entitled to your opinion. But this is what bothers me: If (and for me I still say if) Rob and K are together in some capacity, fine, good for them. I'm still not sure that it's defined or something they want to share with the public, and that is perfectly acceptable.

What I really don't like is people inferring they're in love, etc. from pics like this, from facial expressions, etc. I just feel like that is reading so much into things. I'm not saying that you're doing this, but all over the Internet, people state this as fact, and it's not right to do so, IMO.

Honestly, we get bits and pieces of information about their lives, and we don't know much beyond that. We can all guess and speculate, but for me ... making such broad statements as "they're in love," is just as bad as making other broad statements.

The bottom line is that we don't know, and this is all subjective, and the constant speculation isn't doing anyone any good.

Dilia said...

I dont see this as PDA i mean it just look like people getting ready to take a picture, however Taylor did look a bit like a third wheel but this in no way do i see it as PDA.
Fans in IMDB are saying those pictures were taken in like five seconds so the couple of pics is just basically a fast shutter speed working and capturing them as they get ready to pose and people start making assumptions out of 5 seconds.
Thats the problem, people should stop overanalizing everything.

Anonymous said...

"The bottom line is that we don't know, and this is all subjective, and the constant speculation isn't doing anyone any good."

*clapping hands* I totally agree!!! :)

wideyes said...

Hmmm, Well normaly... lately anyway... they make a point of avoiding these kind of photos. Like putting taylor between them. The acting like they aren't cared anymore could mean two things. 1) They give up trying to prove they are BFF or 2)they have more than friendly feelings starting to show.
We have to remember though, they are in the middle of filming together. They both admitted in the twilight filming, to spending loads of time together bonding and getting closer emotionaly, ready to play there parts.
I would love them to be together at some time in the future. But I try not to speculate as I know they hate that.
It will or wont come out, in there own time.
Kristen looks jaw dropping! Very pretty. Rob? Goes without saying :)

Unknown said...

ok, now looking at the pictures for the 100th time. My friend made and interesting analysis. LOL! She said that it looks like Rob is trying not to step on Kritens feet and Kristen is trying to pull Robs jacket to the front. I am starting to believe it. It looks possible!

Stacy said...

Totally agree! People are forgetting that this was just a few seconds, and so it's hard to put any kind of meaning to it.

Thanks. I'm glad to know someone agrees with me.

Pet73 said...

joeya- That's just great! We are analysing the hell out of this pics and you come up with such a simple explanation! Love it! And to me it totally makes sense! Great ;)!

Stacy said...

joeya - confused. What looks possible? Sorry, running on little sleep ...

mya bluesky said...

next pict of rob/krist embrace

Maria said...

you guys seriously believe that if they weren't together, after all the hype and the rumors, they would hold each other like this and Kris would lean so close to Rob and Rob would hold her so tight against him his his whole hand caressing her??

Unknown said...


My friends analysis looks possible. Just like that is whats going on. LOL! Sorry to confuse people!

Stacy said...

@joeya - yeah, I realized that's what you meant right after I posted, lol. Too lazy to delete.

And I agree, it does look possible.

RPnKSaddict said...

I'm new to the Robsten camp and it's taken a lot of convincing to get me here.
My observations with the presentation and the back stage pics is...that Kristen always gravitates toward Rob. She almost always ends up faceing or leaning towards him. Even with Taylor there. I've been watching this because I was not convinced that they were more than just good frineds.
It's been consistant bodylanguage between Rob and Kristen for a long time now.Just my opinion.
It also looks like he's pulling her towards him in a unconcious posessive manner with his hand spread across her shoulder.
I noticed on Kristen's end that her hand gravitates toward Rob and with Taylor it's just dropped to the side.
Maybe I'm reading into more than I should but this is what has me questioning that R an K are just friends.

The whole cast looked gorgeous!!

Stacy said...

Where is your icon from? I don't recognize the pic...

RPnKSaddict said...

I do honestly feel that everyone is intitled to their opinion. The important thing being is that we all love Rob and that unites us as a group.
Hugs to all the Robsessed ladies!!

Cindeeloo said...

Regardless of what the picture MIGHT be saying....I think they... INDIVIDUALLY...look AMAZING, RELAXED,@ HAPPY!!!!!

In a nutshell I think that's what we ALL want.

RPnKSaddict said...

Stacy- got it off of site.

RPnKSaddict said...

cindyloo- Perfect sentiment.

Stacy said...

RPAddict - thanks!

Cindyloo & RP, agree with you both:)

Ana73 said...

good morning ladies - just saw the news pics and read a few comments. completely agree with you cindee...

at the link the goz posted as the source has more pics of just taylor & kristen together too but no pics of just rob & kristen, i wonder why.

GiGi said...

Hmmm..this puts a different light on things...but I'm still gonna stick with that they are just friends. There was no PDA spotted backstage at all, and you'd think there would be some of that even when they were in the lounge. If they were really "together" it would be very hard for anybody to not show some sort of PDA...and why would they hide it anyway? There are pics with Taylors arm around her too at other things. She was even holding hands with Nikki. They're just very close.

Unknown said...

Here is a link of Bradley Cooper and Renee Z in a romantic hug:

This is the type of hug I would suspect from a couple who are involved romantically.

Anonymous said...

Cindeeloo ~ Woohoo!!

hot4pattz said...

ok first of all I love both rob and kris and i absolutly adore them together. why cant an arm very protectively around the shoulders be considered PDA. he is saying hey this is my girl. he cant even keep his eyes off of her to get his pic taken. also look at the fingers they are all spread out usually we see him with his hand closed around her. They are most definately in love and anamoured by each other.

Unknown said...


Rob is clearly looking at the ground in these pics.

riley said...

This is not a PDA, in that sense I agree. It looks like they are getting ready to take a picture.

Where I think people make a good argument though is how he's holding her, I mean his armpit is almost wrapped around her neck he's holding her that close. And she looks perfectly fine with that.

But whatever, who cares, they are just adorable, and by "they" I mean tay tay too!lol

riley said...

joeya---renee and bradleyh and robert and kristen are apples and oranges. Two different sets of people, two VERY different sets of situations, two different sets of people who are in very different places career ways.

Cindeeloo said...

Thank you ladies...

@ watch Kristins new doo become the next hair trend. It's just too damn cute. And now I can honestly say I like her with jet black hair.

She's just beautiful regardless.

Cindeeloo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...



I was just stating that this is what a couple who are involved romantically and hugs should look like. Not to compare them to Robert or Kristen. Bradley has been around for a long time and he is finally getting the fame he deserves. I could put tons of pictures of young and old couples who hug romantically. It was an EXAMPLE. Nothing more!

Unknown said...

Some folks think this s PDA, others don't. Neither is wrong - just differing opinions. We're all entitled to our opinions, I hope.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

These are stunning photos!

Thank you Kate for cropping the photo-I know someone complained-get over it-you know that's what we all want to see-so check yourself!

All the comments dissecting the PDA, Robsten-whatever. It's a lovely, tender photo and it's RARE these days-so lets not tear it apart..

Lets just enjoy this wonderful moment-and leave it at that..

I have no sad feelings for Tay-Tay-I'm sure he could care less.

And TIPSY Rob, is one of my favorite Robs-I wished to god we could see him dancing-he used to break dance on the NM set-would love to have seen that!!

Unknown said...



Anonymous said...

@ Yves
Love your comment on and ROB ....BREAKDANCING?????? Really????

Unknown said...


Hell Yeah! I would love to see tipsy Rob get his groove on, LOL! I think I like him more when he is buzzed too!

riley said...

joeya-I hear you, I was just mentioning it's hard to say what romantic involvement "should" look like. Since it was on this thread and everyone is taking sides whether this is PDA or not(I already said I don't really see it as such either), I was assuming you were speaking in reference to what PDA should look like. That's all.

Anonymous said...

OOps sorry ...that last part of my comment was supposed to be @ RPATTZGIRL !!!

Cindeeloo said...


He used to break dance on the NM set????


God...just the thought of Rob dancing puts the biggest smile on my face. It just makes me giggle and I dont know why?

Unknown said...


I just thought of something! Who ever interviews Robert from now on should have a cooler of beer for him. That way he could knock back a few before the interview and BAM, buzzed Rob answers every question! What do you think???

riley said...

and I also agree with yves, Robert and Kristen's public behavior always walk a line, and never really tips one way or another. They are not confirming or denying anything, so don't expect their behavior to confirm or deny anything either. It is what it is, and neither of them feel compelled to define it for us, and good for them.

Unknown said...


Oh OK, got it. It's monday excuse me! LOL

noisefaidaus said...

You know what kills me are all the people that like to trash a possible Robsten connection, they expend a lot of energy trying to convince everyone that Robsten are just friends, or drunk.

Well somebody is wrong.

Taylor looks like more than the 3rd wheel. If everybody are just friends then he shouldn't be looking so uncomfortable.
But that's just my observation,hey he isn't old enough to drink till he's drunk at an awards show yet so maybe he just has a wedgie!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


Yeah, can you just imagine him swaying those hips and grinding, and then moving those big ol' beautiful feet...

It makes me giggle too and get all tingly!

I can't remember where I read about the break dancing, but several people said the same thing..

Despite the fact that I want to ravish him & be ravished by him-he would be such a blast to have some beers with & go dancing...

Unknown said...


it is soooo funny the way some people accuse folks of being rude and intrusive for pushing their "Robsten" theories but these same people don't mind being just as intrusive and rude in order to prove that "Robsten" doesn't exist!

TanjaB. said...

Oh my God, Kristen looked stunning yesterday! She was really glowing. Yep, young love. And Robert was definitely all over his woman!
Oh! The guys looked amazing too of course! ;)

summer said...

Rob doesn't usually hold kstew with open fingers, he's usually loosely fist-ed...(Based on the pics I've seen)I could be totally wrong though, but they really looked pretty together.

Nice pics. Thanks for keeping us posted.

Unknown said...


Yeah, they're pretty ambiguous and I bet they keep it that way.

Rob really is gripping her in these shots, though. And up until Comic Con '09 I always got a kick out of the way Kris would sort of guard her physical space in shots like this w/ Rob - like, don't get too close, Hot boy! lol. It looks like her defenses are down these days. Cute.

noisefaidaus said...

@ Yves yeah your right!!! I just get tried of the back and forth all the time, I say leave them alone.
I also really get sick of Rob and KStew being accused so often of either being drunk or deaf when they are leaning into each other.
Lets all stop guessing and wait to see what happens.
It's not like he's waiting for the perfect fan to make his life complete. LMAO!! If he wants KStew and visa/versa then go for it and enjoy each other Rob and Kristen!

Anonymous said...

Everytime a pic like this is posted the same discussion starts...Crikey in this shot he holds her with open fingers and most likely he didn't give a damn thought about it. Do you always think about how you hold your fingers when you hug someone?? Even if he had his hands fisted in the shots last year...maybe she just told him: "Hey Rob, it's very uncomfortable with your fist constantly pressed into my shoulders" or maybe they want to show their love. We shouldn't speculate about it, unless they say how it is. Even if he's not with Kristen, he will find his girl sooner or later and actually I think Kristen would be a good choice for him.
Hopefully there will be clearness when all Twilight movies are finished filming/promoting.

That's my opinion and if you read it and find mistakes bear in mind that I'm from Germany.

Shani said...

To cute..feelings...Love it!!!

Tay Tay third wheel as usual.

Kris looked really good and put together. Rob is Rob...looked hot as usual.I hope Rob got the chance to meet Jay Z because he really loves him. When he was in New York last year for Twilight promotion he went alone to Jay Z's old neighborhood that he grew up in. Now that's a true fan.LOL Walk the same streets where one of your music idols grew up.

Unknown said...


With all due respect, you have no right to tell people that we shouldn't talk about. If we want to talk about Rob's body language, that should be allowed. We dissect his behavior/body language on a regular basis - is he happy? Drunk? Tired? Hungry? Horny? It seems it's only Rob's actions in regard to Kristen that gets people so angry.

I just feel like if one doesn't like the discussion at hand, then start another one - don't try to shame others for talking about the things they want to talk about.

noisefaidaus said...

@ Yves
Your absolutely right!!!

Anonymous said...

@ Yves: I'm sorry if you see my comment this way. I don't want to blame you for discussing his/her bodylanguage. For my sake you can discuss the whole day. Mainly I wanted to say that all the interpretation comes to no end unless one of them says sth. But feel free to interpret!! :)

I would have to write in German so that I can really write what I want to say.

Unknown said...

I think he has a foot fetish and was admiring KStew's feet clad in heels for a change.

wintermistake said...

Let’s compare pic’s from ComiCon earlier this year where Kristen is so on edge and uncomfortable around Rob, when she was all over Tyler (not in a bad way) but every hug, every time she was leaning or laughing it was with Tyler. This time, it’s all Rob, every single picture with the three of them Kristen is leaning and touching Rob! No hiding, no discomfort. I think their relationship has been going through awkward, adjusting stage and it looks to me like at this point they just decided to go with what so naturally comes to them. I think those two are together and as time goes by and their affection and clearly a strong bond grows, we can expect to see more of ‘pda’s’. I’m still convince that they’ll remain private about their personal life, which is HOW IT SHOULD BE, but none the less maybe VMA’s was an intro into a relationship these two are becoming more confident in displaying.

Shani said...

Yves- I agree. I don't get why people act like all of this is new?? Speculating and dissecting a celebs life and persona has being going on since the start of Hollywood. Go on any celeb site or gossip site and you will see the same thing being done we all are doing here. It will never stop because we as humans are curious. So complaining about it what help either. THE END

Shani said...

NewMoonRising- I completely agree.

noisefaidaus said...

@ NewMoonRising I'm with you 100%!!!

Unknown said...


sentiments are lost in translation - ich wünsche, dass ich Deutsches sprechen könnte.manchmal ist eine andere Sprache ein anderer Verstand. I'm sorry if I misunderstood you.

Unknown said...

Hi there, Ms. Shani! So, when can we look for your new blog?! Can't wait to read!

Aitch said...

I will probably get blasted,--I look back and think K was acting strange there, because she was nervously excited, and excitedly nervous to be reunited with Rob again after several weeks being away. Like any normal 19 year old crushing girl feels!

Unknown said...

"I also really get sick of Rob and KStew being accused so often of either being drunk or deaf when they are leaning into each other."
---- O, shizz, "drunk or DEAF?!"lulllzzzz! too frackin funny!
Sweet alternatives, right? Much preferred to the idea of them actually *gasp* diggin each other, for whatever reason!!

noisefaidaus said...

@ Yves, you are so right!!
Personally I love the idea of them being together at least they can understand what each other has to go through in the entertainment business and be supportive.
I'm happy for them both if they have found that kind of loving relationship.
I really don't understand why some people don't want them to be together.
It's not like Rob is going to pick a fan out if the crowd and fall madly in love.
But he does make for a great wet dream and fantasy. LOL!!!!
In reality is he will more likely fall for someone in the business who is as intelligent, talented and complex and who compliments him if that is KStew then great, they are definitely as sexy couple and have a lot in common.

erikitty said...

Awww... they look like they are going to prom! All KStew needs is a corsage ;P

SarahBella said...

Awww. This is such a cute pic! I thought Kristen looked adorable last night. I don't know how she's able to work that awful haircut, but she has. And I thought that she did a great job presenting. She was so cute and enthusiastic. Keep it up Kristen! She's really starting to grow on me.

Poor Taylor. Why did he look so uncomfortable next to Rob and Kristen while presenting and in every single picture?

Oh, and I didn't know Rob is a huge Jay-Z fan. Jigga whaaat? Lol! He really does have ecelctic music tastes. I would have killed to see him dancing to "Single Ladies". Ahahaha! I love that!! He is so freakin CUTE.

Lmao@Wen saying that he's not waiting for the perfect fan to come along and make his life complete. Damn! Just crush my hopes and dreams why don't ya? Lol.

Acid Burn said...

if you watch the video put up earlier where they introduce the clip rob sounds like he's totally slurring! personally i think he's a bit drunk and she's holding him up. that's just me. whether or not i'm all about "robsten".

Anonymous said...

This is fun! Observing, analyzing, speculating, interpreting, hoping, debunking, etc. To each his/her own opinion. I agree, let's not shame each other just because one's opinion contradicts the other. As one commenter said, we are all connected by a common thread--Rob. Let's just wait for them to show/say without a doubt. We'll see/hear soon enough.

But, of course, because we are humans, we observe, analyze, interpret, speculate, etc., and give our own opinions, coupled with the accompanying emotions.

So I say, the MTV-VMA shot is not a voluntary PDA.

If they are a couple, surely they have reasons not to be public about it.

If they are not a couple now, there is an excellent probability that they will become a one.
What is stopping them now? They are single, normal young adults, beautiful, with similar interests, and seem attuned with each other. And they will be working (and relaxing) closely together for many, many months. We already know how RP feels about KS. And KS was not immuned to RP's positive qualities, even when she was still with MA. (Remember that CHardwicke even cautioned Rob not to "steal" KS away from MA; she probably already knew that that may happen; perceptive people.)

So let's enjoy the ride by googling "13 Reasons Why Smart Girls (and Women) Love Rob Pattinson".

Anonymous said...

become a* couple.
become one.

Anonymous said...

We came to know and admire RP even when we found out that he smokes and came from UK where people start frequenting pubs at 16 or even younger. He was honest about those things. Of course, many of his fans are mothers and are concerned. He may one day fall flat on his face in front of papz, or develop emphysema. He is an adult. We'll see whether his fans will love him unconditionally.

noisefaidaus said...

OK guys believe what you want!
I'm from the UK originally and still have family there and yes we can drink at an early age then in America.
But believe me he would have to drink a case of their beer to make Rob come even close to slurring his speech.
So in my opinion Rob was not drunk and re listening to the video he did not slur his speech.

Shani said...

Yves- The blog is not happening. My help is baking out. And I would need help to make it the success I know it would be. We came up with some great ideas, but what can you do.
Maybe one day...


Shani said...

I meant "backing"

hot4pattz said...

he is surely not looking at the floor if anything he is checking out her legs.

hot4pattz said...


I noticed the exact same thing.

Akemi said...

C'mon people, they are so together! I have male friends and I don't spend that many waking moments with them, to include the ones I work with. Also, I'm not touchy feely with even my most closest male friends like Robsten is. Who does that for real, let me know? I do know that would be two people who are more than friends! Wake up and smell the coffee!

Rachel said...

I think.... Kris and Tay are more matched than Kris and Rob~~~

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