Extended Version of Trailer

Really good quality


...wowie! said...

Everytime I see this trailer I'm sqeeing...clapping my hands like a lil girl about to get the biggest scoop of her favorite ice cream...with whipped cream on top. mmmm

Kate said...

I'm glad it's not just me!!!
My fave new part is the "You can go to hell" !!! I'm squeeing at that part!
Short and all that it is I LOVE it!
I cannot WAIT for november!

Tess said...

I wonder how many millions of times this trailer has been watched by now??

They really did an excellent job with this.. I alternately "squee" or "wince" in solidarity as I watch this

...wowie! said...

Kate...when he says that, I don't think Edward. I hear Rob...does that seem weird?

Suz said...

I saw on some entertainment news channel recently that the Star Trek Trailer was the most downloaded trailer of all time.

I'd be shocked if New Moon didn't just kick Treckie Azzzzzz

Haystackhair said...

OMG me too! I cannot stop watching, and I've stopped and dragged back and started again at the "you can go to hell" part over and over! SQUEEEEEEEE! If I am any indication, this will def beat the trekkie trailer.


This movie is going to be good, the fight scene looks incredible

T said...

Add me to the list of people loving the "You can go to Hell" part. I get chills every time I hear it.

mya bluesky said...

Haystackchair...i do the same thing with u.my roommate get mad at me cos i watch the same scene over and over...
"you can go to hell" is fantastic.just wonder how will it be sound when edward say "doggie" to jacob...i can imagine it.

Anonymous said...


Kate said...

Added another pic to the previous post!

Robaholic said...

WOOO HOOO it looks so good,can't freakin wait!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm another one for the "You can go to hell" line! Love pissed off Edward!! And Robs chest!!! :)

Cheshiregirl said...

junkie to it! love it!!!! CAANNN'TT WAITTT and loved the soundtrack for the Volturi part!!! soooo great fitting!

Renata NS said...

is it november yet? c'moooooooooon!

Haystackhair said...

LMAO, and I also have heard Taycob say "New Mooooon" about a thousand times cause I keep dragging that one back to the hot kiss over and over. LOL

Zoeey said...

OMG! I keep watching this and i can't get over how amazing it looks.
Seriously! The make-up is amazing, way better than the last movie.
I'm so excited!
I love roberttttt :)

AP said...
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Sharperoni said...


That's all I can say!

Shani said...

This trailer was amazing. I loved the extra stuff. I can't wait!!

Dahlia said...

It keeps on giving and keeps on getting better!! I've just ran around my house "squeeeeing" and replayed "You can go to hell" a million times!! I'm so excited!!!!!

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