Robert Pattinson on OK! Magazine Covers (Future)

Here are seven7000seven's suggestions for OK! Magazine's future covers.

I think she could easily work for them :)


Story13 said...

I can't stop laughting !!

Kate said...


T said...

Too funny!!!

Mars said...

GENIUS! Has she considered applying? I'm sure they're hiring interns... :)

Marna said...

LOL, I LOVE the last one! I can just see them standing around waiting for Stephanie to tell them what to do.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


I love the "break headboards" that's my fav!

Cupcake Donna said...

Performing the cesarian with his teeth!! Brills.

How about-
Kristen has a new found love of eggs, but mysteriously now hates chicken.

Cupcake Donna said...

Performing the cesarian with his teeth!! Brills.

How about-
Kristen has a new found love of eggs, but mysteriously now hates chicken.

Unknown said...

ROFABSOLUTELYLMAO! You are the Queen of sarcasm. A delight for my eyes to read your quips after a hard day at the office. You are the best Gozde!

Breaking headboards...yup!

Anonymous said...

teeheehee....good ones!

Anonymous said...

LMAO, I think Kris and Rob would even be rolling if they read those LOL

Unknown said...

I'm Sandra and I'm from Poland - this site is AWSOME! I couldn't find any better - pics, infos, bit of ironic jokes ;) I love it! And of course Poland is completely Robsessed!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Welcome Jessica!

Mechevpao said...


I expect that the next cover will probably contain one of your ideas.
The writes of OK mag seem to be obsessive Twilight Saga fans that can distinguish E/B from R/K… but who can blame them, so many people have the same problem.

Gozde said...

Thank you , I can't take credit it's all seven7000seven's creativity:)

And Jessica, welcome to out little blog :))

Anonymous said...

After "OK" joined so popular trend of flipped upsidedown photos of Rob (see Sep 9), following brazilian "Atrevida" (see Sep 7), is now catching up with australian "Famous" (see Sep 14):
"Famous" australian magazine goes ahead of all the crapazines, offering new possibilities, by "RobKris" photo-combination, for anyone who wants to be published with Rob, just send one of yours photos and it will be combined in any position with the crap text included!


Anonymous said...

it's funny, but obviously ok magazine said it was about the movie, i'm getting concerned about why he is high all the time, that's where all the attention should be going, and i ain't talking pot either.

RPLover said...

lmfao @ the last one!! love it...

Carys said...

HAAAAA!!!! ive been literally laughing at this for 10 minutes!!!! =)

Tess said...

damn! why didn't I think of doing this??

Gemgirl65 said...

heheee! That last one slays me. Does anyone believe the crap these rags espouse? Still, I must admit I am entertained. I try not to buy 'em, as I am not into dead puppies. ;) Occasionally I fail, when they pull out some too-beautiful-to-resist pic of Rob and plaster it full-page size inside. Bastards.

Rachel said...


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