Robert Pattinson Spotted at Bobby Long Concert

RobPattzNews Okay Rob, Kristen, Nikki, Elizabeth @ Bobby's Long's show

RobPattzNews Yeah late w/deets but u know our policy.. we wait until they left to post

RobPattzNews They all were in the back of venue.. Rob wearing a white cap and checkered black and white jacket

RobPattzNews Nikki, BF, Elizabeth actually came out and stood by stage.. no one bothered them as they watched Bobby perform.

RobPattzNews Rob, Kristen stayed in the back.. Kris sitting on a chair, Rob standing. No one bothered them either. But Rob was in plain view.

Robert Pattinson and his cute little brother :)
Just kidding! Kristen looks really cute with that cap ;)

From Malicious Mandy:

Rob, Kristen (both in ball caps) stayed mostly in back room watching from doorway. Kristen mostly sitting and Rob leaning in the doorway.

Noone bothered them or snapped their photo or invaded their privacy. I actually walked by them a few times to go outside for air or to the bathroom and they seemed to be enjoying themselves.

Nikki and Paris were inthe same area as Rob and Kristen but came out once to the dance floor.

Near the end a few crowded outside and two taxi's pulled up.

They backed into lot close to back door.

Papz lined up. Fans crowded around.

Door opened and out came the crew.... it happened so fast I was in a daze...

Nikki, Paris, Liz hopped into furthest cab apparently, I wasn't really paying attention because the cab in front of me had doors open.

Rob, Kristen and her manager hopped into that closest cab.

Manager in front seat.

Rob on right side and Kristen on left. Both crouched, covering faces, ball caps on.

I was shoved and someone stepped on my toe - it was chaos.

Lot's of flashes, I'd guess 8 paparazzi but I can't even be sure.

Lot's of fans though.... one paparazzi was cursing all the fans cameras and flashes LOL "you guys and all these cameras"

BAHAHHAHAH - from a paprazzi this is amusing!

One girl (who I have seen around frequently, she dates one of the autograph hounds... and gets autographs herself) shouted that Kristen was a bitch! (Gozde: I wish someone clocked THAT bitch for calling Kristen a bitch! Argh!)

I was so shocked!

She was at the back of the cab I was by the side door (Rob's door ;) tee hee) so I didn't see what happened exactly after that but I guess some fans pushed or hit her ? all I know is i heard her then say she would "punch you out" or something... LOL no clue...

Then the cabs pulled out... the papz ran and chased after.

It was over.

You can read her whole account HERE.

Picture source:

Thanks to The Twilight Moonlighter for the tip ;)

Gozde: Watch me contradict myself by posting these pictures while feeling like crap... *shame face*

Gozde: Seriously. Who are they to call her a bitch? Just because she wouldn't
sign her autograph hound boyfriend's pictures?

Kate: Well I'll tell you, no one should EVER buy an autograph from ebay or anywhere knowing that this is what's done to get them!


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nzkstewlover said...

I would've bashed the chick that called Kristen a bitch.


Unknown said...

i'm sorry but i don't feel bad for Kristen. When you walk around with like a so called "Bad A--" you should expect to be called many names. Kristen looks like a boy in these pics. Rob can never look bad

Georgie said...

That's a shame that the night ended on a sour note for them, ie the jostling and insults right at the end. At least they were treated respectfully while at the venue.

RPattzGirl, things are looking better and better for your visit.,

Anonymous said...

I feel horrible watching the madness..

However, Rob next to 'Thank you for not smoking' sign is priceless...and Kristen totally rocks the cap!

Tess said...

I feel bad for Kristen (or anyone really) for having to deal with unwarranted insults. This woman/girl basically showed her level of ignorance and evolution.

Hopefully there will be more positive encounters with fans in the future to balance out the negative.

Thanks for posting Goz.

Rhonda said...

I hope the jealous hag who called Kristen a bitch was graced with Kristen's primo bitchface, reserved for only the worst of the worst.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

so why did she called kstew a bitch? what was the reason behind the insult? rob looks great, nikki was with her man paris ummmm

Babs said...

I think that Rob looks a little tired and his face looks thinner than usual. But he looks gorgeous nonetheless.
Rob darling next time you go out please bring a book with you, I need something interesting to read LOL
I've just finished Kill Your Friends and I liked it. This guy doesn't have a flaw :)

peeling a fig said...

Hello Gorgeous! Looks like his pants were falling down a bit -- just the way we like it. It's comforting to see a familiar shirt (the stripey one).

Someone should push the paps over, call them bitches and step on their toes.

peeling a fig said...

And the autograph hounds too. They need to 'get another vocation' as someone once said.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i must say kristen is naturally a very pretty girl and why do rob and kris have to drag the manager along?it use to be taylor now its the manager *sigh* makes no sense.

niossap said...

love it!!! yeah right... get yourself another vocation!!!!

...wowie! said...

I really like those dark jeans on him.
Kristen, for some reason, looks way more fem than when she did filming Joan Jett. I like it. She's a really pretty girl.
I'm choosing not to watch any vids. It upsets me.

Anyhoo...yay for them supporting his friend's show even tho they know who'd be around taking photos.

jmm4832 said...

Yeah, I hate Kristen's haircut. Not cool calling her a bitch when she didn't even do anything.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

even with that awful hair kris is still a pretty girl,no need for make up or hair....on another note i read chap 36 of WA last night and DAMN i had to take a cold shower,i know you ladies warned me and told me to brace myself but HOT DAMN i was shocked ,if only bella was that bold in the movie.... HOT

JandR said...

I knew Rob would be at Bobby's concert and if I was anywhere near Vancouver I would have been too. The one sure fire thing to get him out of hiding is one of his mates doing a gig!!

I'm sorry but I don't think anyone deserves the treatment Kristen is being dished - that's BS about being Bad ass - that's just your impression of her and nothing to do with who she really is. The pappz are just a load of rabid pricks and are out of line when they curse and shove the people who are their meal tickets!

But back to the real reasonn we are here!!! We got to see gorgeous Rob - out in public, out enjoying himself, seeing his mate and out of that hotel room prison. Thank god he has some semblance of a life left and thank god that it allows us to see his beautiful face again. We love you Rob!!!

JandR said...

who was that body language expert who said something about people into each other mirroring how the other one dresses. Kristen in her black leather jacket and baseball cap - the mirror image of Rob - is she dressing that way on purpose? Or is the cap his nod to her???
just putting it out there... lol

Marenostrum said...

When did Kristen and Rob decide to dress up like twins??? It looks funny. Upto couple months ago, Kris had a girl outfit all the time. And now, she looks exactly like Rob... Same style. I get the fact that she made a movie and changed her hair whatever. As the movie is over long time ago, it shouldn't change all the idea of how to dress up, right??? She is getting influenced by something else or somebody else????

Anonymous said...

Godze - please don't feel guilty about posting these pics...I've been on tenterhooks all week waiting for some new pics to come out and I think the majority of us fans probably felt the same way that makes us ALL guilty but I can't help it. I'm a very selfish person and these pics have made my day so thank you for posting them so quickly...and as JandR said it IS good to see him out and about enjoying himself even though he paid the price at the end but I suppose he was expecting it.

Kristin I think actually looks really pretty and that woman calling her a bitch was just atrocious. Let's hope Kristin has pretty thick skin. No need for that kind of behaviour.

jmm4832 said...

I think it's kinda cute that they're dressed the same. Love the leather jackets.

Jacqui said...

I think he has his Tyler shoes on....did he walk off the set of RM with them???

Anonymous said...

Hey Tess! Out came the grey striped shirt :)

I am happy rob got to enjoy bobbys show...I hope that exit didn't outweigh the fact that he got to see his friend.

Thanks for posting Goz! It really is good to see him outside of the hotel, if only for a few hours.

Kate said...

What an ignorant cow she was to call Kristen a bitch!!! Hope Kristen was able to ignore it and not let it ruin their night!!!

Ellie said...

How awful for Kristen. Some people are just really rude and she didn't deserve the harsh language.

And Rob looks so incredibly sad and/or pissed.

Their personal lives are gone...

Jewels64 said...

I may not be a big KStew fan, but damn...she DID NOT deserve that!!

And seeing how she is really good friends with Rob...that insults Rob at the same time.

I hope they at least relaxed and enjoyed the show while there!!

Pet73 said...

Hi girls! Finally I'm back from my vacation and this is the first time after my return I managed to write a few words here.

As I said already before and probably much too often, I also don't like Kristen but ..... there is definitely a BIG difference between not liking someone that much and calling her a bitch.

Those crazy, sh**tous "fans" ruin so much for the rest of us. If you don't like Kristen, at least think about Rob. He definitely likes (loves?) Kristen. How must it feel for him to have her called a bitch??!!

BTW, missed you all :p!

Pet73 said...

Jacqui- Actually Tyler had the Rob shoes on :p!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

rob and kris dressing the same is cute......and rob looks pissed maybe he heard that psycho called kris a bitch and it pissed him off

MiCh said...

It's sad that the night ended bad for them. I know many people say this comes with the territory, but everyone deserves to be treated with respect.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

rather they are a couple or not (no one knows) but one thing is obvious rob have a special place in his heart for kris and she for him,iam not a kris fan but if you hurt her it will affect him to

jmm4832 said...

Not a Kristen fan either but no one deserves that. It's jealously. That woman will never be with Rob (friends, whatever) so she's going to take it out on anyone who is.

Golnaz said...

Rob looks hot as usual, but boy he does not look happy with the paps:(

And Kristen looks freaking adorable in the baseball hat.

But gosh, im started to really really feel bad for these two, the video really showed how bad it has gotten:( makes me feel guilty for wanting to see the pics at all

Anonymous said...

I have mixed emotions - a.) no one has the right to call another person a foul name for no reason other than she won't look up or won't smile....Kristen has a right to be herself and if the stories are true and she's super shy then she's going to fold into herself a bit when there are swarms of paps around but then b.) she chose this life and really should find a way to be comfortable in the limelight and just enjoy it. Smile and wave and carry on about her business. One day there will be no paps around and THAT is the day you know your career is want the paps, you want the exposure for your career....the management of the paps is what she needs to learn to use to her advantage.

Love you Kristen...but LOVE Rob more!

DesiEnM said...

haha they dress alike...that's adorable, creepy but adorable...they look like twins lol...and i'm sorry that some ho called ks a bit**...that's just horrible and uncalled for...btw she s the gf of one of the papz...i heard that someone hit hope so...ok violence is never the answer but i accept it with her and Perez H...

Dilia said...

We all contradict ourselfs and its kinda funny...we say we want them to enjoy their privacy and we feel bad for what they have to go through with the paparazzi but here we are just waiting by the computer for new pictures to come up.
I still think the paparazzi are way to invading, i mean im a photographer and if you have a good lense you can do the job without having to get in their faces.
this two seem like really shy people and sooner rather than later all this attention is gonna get to them and not in a good way.
I think the paps need to be more respectful, yeah i get it they are all waiting for the so call "money shot" that proves that Kristen and Rob are together but its getting ridiculous and if they are together i think all this attention they are getting would probably pull them apart.
and as ive said before you cant really make assumptions as to are they or arent they just by the pics you get from the paps, this pictures are take in the time span of minutes and sometimes seconds cause with a fast shutter speed you can take up to 6 frames per second, so people take all the pictures and speculations with a grain of salt and lets just be fans and enjoy. these people body of work

JandR said...

Is the photo through the window on RPattzNews - Rob with Bobby?? Anyone know?

orion said...

Rob looks sad.
I have mix feelings about Kristen but she doesn't deserve that people calling her bitch.

JandR said...

Rob's cap says Interior Power - that's a local electrical company - Electrical power and chemical services - local in vancouver. LOL He really doesn't give a flying f*ck about what he wears does he?? LMAO

JandR said...

Hi LindaRose
I agree

Jacqui said...

Hey JandR...whats the bet they are the electrical contractors on the set of Eclipse & a workman left it behind???

JandR said...

too true Jac - that is exactly what hobo Rob would do - free clothing - at least he doesn't have to go buy it LOL

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Morning All...
Well, the story started off nice, enjoying his friends concert, not being hounded-then BAM!

Too bad the girl that called her a bitch didn't get her toe run over by the cab...

Yea Georgie, it's looking up. but sadly, Bobby, Marcus & Sam are all not in Vancouver that weekend-

Rob looks great, of course!

Anonymous said...

Hi JandR!
(waves back)

JandR said...

LindaRose - what do you think of our theories so far?? Having fun with it. Rob hobo wearing Tyler's shoes from RM and some random electrical contractor's hat from the set of Eclipse...LOL

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

iam still confused as to why the crazy girl called kris a bitch??what the fuck did kris do?i dont get it and iam not a robsten believer but its just an observation that no matter where rob and kris go and with whom they ALWAYS
leave together no matter what WEIRD or a reason??

Unknown said...


I'm not putting Kristen down, I am just stating that when you act they way she does don't be surprised if someone calls you a name whether you deserve it at the time or not. Kristen is known for giving "the B--ch Face" most of the time. She is not hounded nearly as much as Rob, yet you don't see him acting they way she does. She act very ungrateful.

I don't feel sorry for anyone (including Rob) that became famous after the internet and paps were born. These people know there is a chance that they could be this the next big thing. There are plenty of careers out there no one told them to choose this one. I'm happy as hell Rob did though. LOL! Rob however has handled the fame better than most celebs.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Because she wouldn't sign her autograph-what a pig-

Did someone really hit Kristen???

debbi said...

I realize that they are the "it" celebrities right now and craziness comes with the territory, but what's happening to them seems really excessive to me.

Glad to see some folks defending Kristen for a change. She may not be everyone's cup of tea, but calling her a bitch is just plain wrong. What's next? That question scares me a little. Last year at this time, the atmosphere around Rob felt much lighter and more fun. Now it feels tense, both for him and on message boards. Such a shame.

katie said...

I like kristen but even if I didn't, I would never say she chose this or deserves this.

She is not being called a bitch or maligned because she is in Twilight.

Make no mistake.

All this public ridicule of her is because she is most likely with Robert.

Women have a terrible tendency of being catty when a girl bags a hot guy. Times that by 20 with twilight fans.

So I don't like her mullet. So what? Robert's changed his hair for parts too, and he probably likes the lack of vanity Kristen showed by cutting her hair for her role. And yet you'd think she chopped off a limb the way fans go on about it.

All I can imagine is Robert thinks twilight fans are a bunch of jealous miserable bitches the way they go off on Kristen. He doesn't have to sleep with her to feel like shit he's made her twilight's public enemy number one.

katie said...

ps: Look at old pap shots of Kristen before and just after the Mtv movie awards, when all the speculation started getting intense. The girl used to smile and wave at the paps. She's only become more guarded since then.

Anonymous said...

@JandR ~ Well your probably spot on about the wearing Tyler's clothes since they pretty much looked like what Rob would wear. Poor guy, he's even admitted to taking the Twilight clothes because he didn't have any new ones. LOL!!! Hopefully the hat is a new one that they gave him, but then again he wears Marcus' sweaty shirts to an awards show. Let me repeat what Ellen said on her show to him, "Good God Man, who is taking care of you!!!"

@joeya 85 ~ I disagree with you. Just because they chose this profession doesn't give the papz the right to hound them the way they do. They've lost all privacy, pics are even taken through hotel windows of Rob. Come on!! As I said before, there should be laws made on rules & restrictions for the papz. And if Kristen wants to have a "bitch face" on, then let her! Keeps the assholes away right?

katie said...

and joeya: Robert and Kristen are hounded differently. You can't compare them. No one really cared about her or boethered her until people thought she was sleeping with Robert.That's made her hated among the fanbase because they don't like her as a romantic choice. And that's made her pap experiences full of "are you fucking Robert?" and "does your boyfriend know you're fucking Robert?" yells by dozens of paps--while the girl is just pumping gas. They accosted her one night where she couldn't even move her car while they surrounded it and she couldn't move. The video of that time shows her so upset,a nd when she's driving off her eyes are blinking really hard like she's about to cry and due to the flashes. This was a t night-not exactly safe.

NO ONE deserves to be put in possible danger like that or treated like that, just because you might be sleeping with a wanted a guy.

Haystackhair said...

I think someone hit the skank who called Kristen a bitch. Glad they got out of the hotel for some fun and that peeps left them alone inside. The paps, well, they never change. Good for Rob and Kristen hiding their faces. i would too! Rob looks great. Dang that manager blocking the asscandy going up the stairs!!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


ROTFLMAO! Ellen was dead on!

JandR, you're probably right about the clothes-I think he just grabs what ever he can find, where ever he can find out-he's so adrokable that way!

Yea, Kris tends to have that FU face, but who can blame her? How would you feel if you were putting gas in your car & someone stuck a camera in your face & asked if you were sleeping with Rob?

Just because they're in the business doesn't mean they are pieces of meat, and they deserve respect & privacy.

I don't like pappz photos or videos, I prefer to see fan encounters.

solas said...

ONce again, people are reinforcing the ugliness by enjoying the photos, by demanding or pining or whining for them.

I don't get this shyte about people deserving to be mistreated; I am hearing rationalizations for stalking, papping, etc.; if you convince yourself they 'deserve' it, or 'asked for it' by going into this profession, then you can excuse yourself or pat yourself on the back for giving them what they 'deserve?'

No one DESERVES to be mistreated or abused, except, perhaps abusers. REfusing autographs, and wanting privacy, and feeling distress from being followed around, shoted and screamed at, photographed at any and all times, is not abusive behaviour. ON the other hand, disregarding people's feelings and wishes, treating them with disrespect, treating them as objects, may very well be in the category of abusive behaviour.
Which do you choose?

Unknown said...

Dude, people are so stupid. People need to stop riding Robert's jock so hard and fast, as well as Kristen's.

And I"m sorry, but if I was Robert and Kristen is at the very least someone he's really close to, and she gets so much shit just for standing by him publicly like she does, I'd had all my fans. lol I seriously would, I would think I had some seriously shitty and haggy fans.

Robert's already talked about how he hates putting his friends out-well, Kristen gets the biggest brunt of that, so I'm sure he feels like crap about it. And yet she still stays close to him. Says something about her I think.

Unknown said...


Exactly! Let her have a b--tch face but don't get mad if someone calls you one. I don't really care for Kristen but she has potential to be a great actress. If she continues to act the way she does in interviews or promotional events hollywood will turn on her. If she didn't dump her boyfriend and started dating Rob, the paps wouldn't be hounding her. I bet if they break up. The paps will stop. They want the MONEY SHOT. Rob however, may be hounded for years. Which is sad.
I do agree with you 100% on the pap part though. I think there should be a law that makes them stay so many feet away from these celebs. No one should be photographed through a window neither that is invasion of privacy.

WinWin said...

Again, I feel all guilty about wanting to see him. He looks hot as usual, KS looked adorable. Glad they enjoyed the show and was not bothered inside.

Feel bad someone yelled at KS. Wrong!

JandR said...

Hi WinWin - (waving)

solas said...

As for lashing out at Kristen, I don't see a 'bad a$$' attitude, but rather an attitude of someone who chooses sometimes, when it is too much, of giving it back. There is so much one can take. The 'bad a$$' adjective excuse is another rationalization to cover up envy over her being in Rob's life, and having Rob's attention and affection, however that is expressed.

orion said...

I really don't like to see this kind of pics of Rob, because he looks unhappy, the poor guy has to suffer that invasion from the papz, and for Kristen too, is awful that they said things like that to her, I don't think she's too bad, she's acting different same Rob after all this frenzy started. :-(

jmm4832 said...

Anyone who dates Rob is in for public hounding, scrutiny, etc. I'm starting to believe Kristen and Rob are dating. Otherwise why would she put up with this crap, and crap it is. I'm not a Kristen fan but she doesn't deserve it, just because she may be dating a hot guy. C'mon.

Anonymous said...

@joeya85 ~ Still doesn't give the right for some catty jealous girl to call her a bitch regardless what kind of face she has on. I actually like the fact that she seems to have an edge to her. I think she would still get the attention even without Rob because she is portraying Twilights Bella. But one thing is for sure, the spotlight on Rob is more intense than on any of the other cast members.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


LMAO-cold showers with WA!!
I can't remember is you said you have read The Office yet? If not, you will need to read that WHILE in the shower...

tnan said...

Harsh to see them go through this, but trying to believe that this chaos is just 5 min of their otherwise pleasant night. They were left alone inside tho they were in plain view.

On positive side, there's plenty of buzz that Rob and Kristen will be highest paid actors due to the Twilight mania. Hope it's true, tho I'm doubting it at this point, unless they got a HUGE raise for Breaking Dawn. Don't think they get a % for merchandising etc. (which they totally should).

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


ROTFLMAO! Ellen was dead on!

JandR, you're probably right about the clothes-I think he just grabs what ever he can find, where ever he can find out-he's so adrokable that way!

Yea, Kris tends to have that FU face, but who can blame her? How would you feel if you were putting gas in your car & someone stuck a camera in your face & asked if you were sleeping with Rob?

Just because they're in the business doesn't mean they are pieces of meat, and they deserve respect & privacy.

I don't like pappz photos or videos, I prefer to see fan encounters.

solas said...

Lizzibee--I don't think Kristen DOES have thick skin; that is why she comes across as 'tough' sometimes, or why she lashes back, albeit mostly in a clever way-- to get it away before it hurts, or offensive defense.
People with thick skin just let it roll over; it doesn't hurt or penetrate.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

for all thepublic ridicule and hate directed at kris it is NOT keeping her away from rob,with all the ugly rumors and hated by most the public and media kris is still by rob's side ,for her to go through this hell it got to me more than friendship,NO WOMAN would go through this for a friend NO WAY its got to be more that keeps her by his side

mya bluesky said...

i feel so bad watching the vid and pict. Poor Kristen for taking the negative comment from the "Real B***". Rob looks thinner and tired.i wonder what was he doing with his pout mouth? was he humming a song or something???

mya bluesky said...

by the way..this is a sneaky sample of "meet me on the equinox"
just listen to it here

Dilia said...

the whole she's still hanging out with him even with all the public scrutiny thing and saying that means they are together is bullshit i mean what is she suposed to do, stop hanging out with her friend just because people are talking shit...
this shit happens all the time with friendships between guys and girls, everyone has an opinion, some people just can fathom that a girl and a guy can be close without being together as a couple.
ive had similar situations happening to me, not to the same degree cause im not famous but with my best guy friend i had people come up to me and him and basically just screamed at us because we always hung out together and talked to each other and saw each other everyday and they couldnt believe we werent dating
people are crazy and there is nothing that we as humans love more than speculate about other peoples life instead of our own.

debbi said...

Last year, you never saw pics of Rob and Kris hanging out socially - at events and photo shoots, yes - but never socially. There was less tension in the fan world then. Now they hang out regularly and it makes people CRAZY. I honestly cringe a little when new pics/info comes out for fear of the frenzy that almost always ensues. I just don't get it. Maybe what's really bothering some fans is that Rob chooses to be good friends with a girl that's nothing like them - so what does that say?

Tyler said...

I feel sad that some people think that Kristen deserves to be called names just because she doesn't plaster a nice fake smile for the paparazzi. Rob has a gorgeous smile and that's his gift (to all of us) but Kristen is different. Rob himself was baffled by that when he first met her, citing the inner anger or fierceness (EW interview) that she carries around and that's why he felt intimidated by her.

This demeanor doesn't mean that she's a b---ch or that she acts likes one. She's just different. And I applaud that - how rare is it for a young 19-year old to be so self-possessed and have a clear idea of self? She's also said in interviews that the Runaways is such an important movie for her and I think she enjoys the whole rocker vibe - hence the extended mullet, dark eyeliner and black nailpolish. I think she rocks the look! We should all be so lucky to look as gorgeous as she is.

Bottomline, she's a gem and a perfect match for Rob. I'd rather see him with Kristen any day than some generic starlet with fake boobs and a creepy smile.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Hi Pet73!

Welcome back...

Unknown said...

People keep forgetting that Kristen is little more than a child. I know that she can sound quite confident and knowledgable when she speaks of her insight into her roles, but that is her job. She has been well trained over a significant length of time. In America, she is one year out of high school.

This is evident in what she says when she is not discussing her roles. She speaks like a normal teen girl.

She's not a badass. She's an actress in an insane situation. The only thing keeping them from getting harmed by a twitard is whatever modicom of restraint the fan has left. That's pretty frightening. Rob knows about this and he's spoken of it.

I'm still on the fence about their supposed romance. I've never seen two people in love so unaffectionate and unhappy. Spectators have been reduced to analyzing how they look at each other for lack of anything else to work with. They claim they are "private people". Kris wasn't private with MA and Rob was demonstrative with Katie and the other girl. If they are romantic, there's conflict, and that would be a very sad situation.

Unknown said...

@Tyler - Well said.
Hope they all had a good time. Hope Kristen (and Rob)didn't let the haters ruin their fun. Can you imagine being randomly called a bitch like that? And for what?

Man, she's a a young woman, not a fracking Barbie doll! Watch a beauty pageant if you're so desperate for stiff waves and plastic smiles. And neither her or Rob have to "perform" for the public or the fans if they don't feel up to it - especially when they're trying to enjoy their free time.

Unknown said...


clear idea of who she is? I disagree if you look pre twilight Kristen wore dresses and looked very girlie. Then after Twilight she started wearing skinny jeans cute button up shirts (like her character Bella). Then she starts fiming runaways and starts dressing in rocker clothes, heavy black eyeliner, and rocker attitude. Now that she is dating (or not) rob, she starts dressing like him. So I don't think clear idea of herself is correct. lets not forget the smoking pot pic either. Clear, not!

Mechevpao said...

Well, I bet that when they decided to go to the concert they knew fans and paps would be there because it is Rob´s friends playing in it, so what I mean is that they took they chancds probably knowign that this would be the result of all by the end of the night leaving the concert.

It seems Kristen´s manager is a s good friend of them as Rob´s manager, it is cute in one of the pis of them in the cab to see Rob´s hand onto the shoulder of the manager, it seems the manager needed more support going through it than the managed hahaha

Unknown said...

dillavirginia-they've always been good friends--everyone in the cast has spoken about how on the twilight set they'd be in their own "methody" bubble a lot of the times. But back then, she did NOT publicly make it clear how good of friends they were for obvious reasons. If I just watched public videos of them at promotional events, I would have thought they weren't close at all, because Kristen did not bother to hang out with him publicly in those situations. So to answer your questions-yes, Kristen didn't bother to hang out with him publicly back then, even though they were close. It's a lot of hassle hanging out with him.

I'm not sure they are together, but something's changed where now they do brave public scrutiny by hanging out together publicly. Different tactics now, and everyone can interpret it the way they want to.

Tyler said...


Guess we'll just have to disagree and I'm cool with that. How Kristen looks (and how we all look) is just part of who we are and not all that who we are.

Whether she was "girlie" pre-Twilight (and she still wore a lot of dresses post-Twilight, such lovely mini-skirts througout the press junket) and she's now into skinny jeans and rocker clothes is just how a normal young adult goes through fashion changes, trying out different looks that she likes. It doesn't mean she changes who she is on the inside with every change of style she goes through. From what I've gleaned from her interviews, she strikes me as a well-grounded teen, centered by a pretty stable family life. The fact that she's as normal as she appears given the fact that she's been a working actress since age 12 is a testament to her upbringing. Sure, she still has a lot of growing up to do and she's entitled to that, at 19. And smoking pot? C'mon, she's not the first (and won't be the last) kid to experiment. Unless I see her in a rehab with Lindsay Lohan, to me that's just part of trying out new experiences.

Anonymous said...

People, people, your speculating just like the rag mags. So what if Kristen changes her style, what she's not allowed to? Its okay for Rob to wear the clothes of his characters but not for Kristen. Talk about a double standard!!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

what ever it is going on?? nasty rumors,public hate is not driving them apart and i dont think anything will,rob and kris never hung out socially before but during/after new moon something changed

Unknown said...

ps: I agree that the perp walk pap photo ritual is a pain in the ass, but that robert realizes this is part of the price for going out in public to places people anticipate him. It's a pain in the ass, but it sounds like he had a good time inside, so it all evens out.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Tyler!!

Unknown said...


Kristen was 18 years old last year, right? Are young women not allowed to change their style, their manner of dress as they grow older/mature/develop? We call it "growing-up"

And again, she's 19 years old - and I don't know how old you are, but it's actually quite normal that she's experimenting with different looks - (i do think Kris is remarkably self-possessed for someone her age)she's still figuring out who she is as a person.

Unknown said...

one more thing: KRISTEN IS 19. Your wardrobe is completely schizophrenic in terms of styles and moods. People are scrutinizing what she does too much. She's 19 and at that age I was personally playing with all sorts of styles-because I could.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


Anonymous said...

rpattz girl ~ LOL!! Funny!

katie said...

French--You can't compare Kristen dating MA to Kristen possibly dating RP, who is a very desired celebrity and your romantic lead co-star for a franchise you front.

How she deals publicly with Robert will be very different with how she deals with a boyfriend who is not that famous.

Angela said...

I worry for Kristen sometimes more than I worry about Rob.

his thighs, the no smoking sign, yum

I think there should be laws for the paps. Why are there not privacy laws after what happened to Diana? I just dont get it.

riley said...

Robert is private, so is Kristen. I don't think it will ever be clear if they are together or not, and that's the point. lol That's how public people trying to keep some parts of themselves private act. Good for them, whether they are besties or more, I dont' want them to be like Shia and Megsan Fox, giving way too much TMI in every public appearance and interview they do.

WinWin said...

Psst! Ladies focus...

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@hi rpattz girl :-) no i did not read TO but iam very much looking forward to it,if its anything like WA iam gonna have to read it in the shower,iam at chap 38 now iam so excited .

Unknown said...


If they are romantic, there's conflict, and that would be a very sad situation.

I agree w/ you. I'm going to speculate that the conflict might be related to the drama that comes from trying to live one's private life under intense media scrutiny - something neither Kristen or Rob had to experience in their previous relationships (no one cared back then, after all).

Stacy said...

I just want to say this: ALL of your speculating about are they or aren't they, on Kristen's style, on their moods, etc, ALL of this plays into the media scrutiny. There is A REASON the paps hound Rob and Kristen for that supposed money shot - because they follow twitter, they follow the internet, and they KNOW how high the interest is in it. We are ALL part of the problem.

As for saying there must be something more because she's braving going out with him, that's reaching. And don't you think that all of this RIDICULOUS attention and speculation has brought them closer? I'm sure they are good friends, and that they HAVE to lean on one another thru all this crazy bs, because they are truly the only ones who understand it.

The level of obsession with Rob, and with "Robsten" is just unbelievable, and while it seems that laying low puts a damper on it, all it takes is ONE outing with friends for crap to fire up again.

Here's the bottom line: whatever the hell is going on, if they wanted it to be known, or they felt like they owed the "fans" an explanation, they'd tell us.

I'm not singling out people, because we've all played a part in it - we have taken away their privacy and so many have completely lost sight of them as individuals. It's very frustrating, and I have to admit, the fans themselves are slowly but surely ruining my Robsession. I'm sure many of you will blast me, but that's my opinion.

riley said...

what do you mean if they are romantic, there's conflict?

Sorry, just didn't understand what that mean exactly.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

dating MA is not like dating rob not only do they work together but rob is the most wanted man on the planet and the hottest.....while MA is just the kid from W&G who cares.....and i have said this many times before kris is only hounded and talked about because of her relationship with rob (what ever it is) if not for that no one would care who she is shagging because its all about ROB

Unknown said...

@LindaRose said...

"People, people, your speculating just like the rag mags..."

THANK YOU, Linda Rose. It's quite interesting that speculation about all things Rob (his professional development, his clothes, sense of humor, health, family, upbringing, education, previous love affairs, sexual oreintation, hygiene, etc.) NEVER bothers any of his fans until said speculation turns to his relationship with Ms. Kristen Stewart. Funny, that.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

You will love it-very different from WA (owns my heart) but man is it smutty!

I'm starting Dark side of the moon tonight and Let your light shine...

GiGi said...

I have a friend who hangs out with a guy all the time. They are BEST friends. No romantic involvement whatsoever. They are very close, go to parties together, hangs out all the time, even holds hands and hugs eachother once in awhile. They are just best friends and that's it! So it is very possible this could be that way with Rob and Kris. I would think there would be some sort of "affection" going on here if there was more to it with Rob and KS. We have seen NONE of that. Her dressing like him is a little freaky tho....I don't know what that's about. I think she broke up with MA, and now is free to hang out with Rob. I read somewhere that her breaking up with MA had nothing to do with Rob....don't know if that's true or not.

Cindeeloo said...

Hi rpattz, rptmo

I couldn't even get through the very 1st chapter of TO last night without running for my lil brown paper bag.

Holy Crap!!!

(cold showers pfffttt...I'm going to have to dive in a tub full of ice cubes)

That 1st chapter was HOT!!!
not to mention the 3 that followed.

Anonymous said...

Stacy (wltn) ~ You are right. I hate all the speculating done by his fans and the papz/rag mags.

Stacy said...

LovesRob - I agree with most of your post.

LindaRose - exactly. It's a two way street. Fan speculation/demand IS the reason for the paps craziness.

Unknown said...

stacy-I'd never bash anyone. :) I do think I have a point though, and I don't make any conclusions about it. I am just observing this:

Robert and kristen have always been close, by their own words and other cast members' accounts. Yet last year, they conducted themselves differently in public than they do now. That is not the gameplan anymore, now they publicly hang out. People can make what they want of that change in the game plan, but there's a difference.

And no, they didn't hold on closer to eachother, when the phenomenon broke out last year, if anything they tried to distance themselves publicly from one another. Different game plan a year later though.

I personally feel whther people are fangirling over "robsten"(ugh, horrible or Robert himself, it's all one in the same. It all comes back to feed the Robert frenzy. Whether you squeal of him kissing some girl with a mullet or squeal about his ass, it all adds fuel to the fire.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

and as long as the shit is in my face every fu** day iam gonna talk about it,this is all over the internet tv even radio,so as long i have free speech in this country iam not gonna shy away or pretend it dont exist,

Anonymous said...

@Yves ~ you are welcome!!

rpattzgirl, rpattz tmo, & cindeeloo ~ I have nothing to compare since I've only read TO, but TO is so fucking hot that I want to find my own Beautiful Bastard! Damn!! Cold showers won't do it, make sure you have an extra pair of panties and a little helping hand. :)~~

Unknown said...

@Stacy (who loves the Nikes)

I don't get you're argument here. All talk about Rob - be it from fan sites or gossip blogs feeds the media frenzy.

Yes, IA w/ you when you say that we're crazy interested in Rob so it's our fault the media won't let him alone. But then you say the fans are killing your Rob obsession.'re killing your own obsession? Is that what you are saying? That's kinda funny.

I don't get why Rob gossip gets people soooo mad! I lurk alot, so I know you yourself have said that one needs to "not take this so seriously" and remember that "this stuff doesn't directly effect your life." Sooo I'm just confused as to why you're frustrated.

Stacy said...

Wow. What an articulate and well thought out last post, rpattz-turns-me-on. Thanks for proving my point.

Rosa - I see what you're saying. I have my own opinions, and I think the bs brought on by the fans/paps over the year has brought them closer.

Anonymous said...

OMG people, Kristen had a boyfriend last year and now she doesn't which is why she's hanging out more with Rob. She also hung out with him last year a few times. A guy and a girl can be friends, and if they aren't just friends then good for them. Give it a freakin rest already!

Stacy said...

Yves - what's killing my Robsession is that you can't go anywhere anymore without seeing the speculation about Robsten, or Rob's state of mind or the expression on his face, etc. The over analyzing of everything is just old for me.

All I'm saying is that Robsessing used to be a lot more fun.

Is it partially my fault? Yes, never said it wasn't.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@hi cinde hugs :-)

Stacy said...

And Yves, before I go, I want to say yes, I've said those things and it's true. I'm running on very little sleep and I'm sure that's affecting my mood about this, lol.

It's just that it used to be we'd see new pics, ogle over them and be silly, and that was it. It was fun,e especially since the blog wasn't full of teenies.

It's just changed, a lot. That's why I don't come here much anymore.

Unknown said...

Gossip: idle talk or rumor, esp. about the personal or private affairs of others (from

I think all we do here is gossip - no matter the subject - and there's nothing wrong with that. It's supposed to be fun! And I enjoy any and all Rob gossip that is lighthearted and doesn't disparage him in anyway. For example, I hated the gossip about his hygiene. That was super rude and kinda vicious. But gossip about him and Kristen? That's just good fun. It doesn't, in my opinion, objectify/dehumanize him any more or less than all the other chatter that goes on here.

DesiEnM said... sigh.

Unknown said...

Yes, Kristen had a boyfriend last year. But she was also close to Robert. I"m supporting the notion that Kristen and Robert can be just friends by saying that.

The difference I'm talking about is WHAT THEY CHOOSE AND NOT CHOOSE TO SHOW THE PUBLIC. There are consequences for both of them, regardless of their relationship status, as to what they choose to show the public. What they choose to show now has changed.

That's the difference I'm talking about. That has VERY LITTLE to do with them, AND EVERYTHING TO DO WITH US.

Just clarifying, because I think that's an important point. This is less about them in some ways and more about us.

Loisada said...

Yawn is right. Every time a thread heads this direction I come to the same conclusion: reactions to Kris tell us more about ourselves than they do about a young woman we in truth know VERY little about except that a man we profess to adore holds her very dear.

One thing I regretfully believe: many woman, and especially younger women, still get ridiculously catty with other women. We don't need chauvinistic men to tear us down.... when we do it so damn well ourselves!

Cindeeloo said...

If you think about what we see is just 1 minute frozen in time. Once they're in the safety of the cab they probably let out a sigh of relief and move on. I think by now they probably have developed think skin especially when it comes to deragatory comments.

All in all I'm glad they have eachother to lean on and support @ Rob doesn't have to go through all this crap alone.


Unknown said...


I think I get what your saying. It sounds like Robsessing isn't as fun as it used to be for you - mostly due to R&K gossip. I can see how that could be frustrating but I still wonder what it is about R&K gossip, specifically, that puts such a damper on the fun (for some people, that is).

Cindeeloo said...

@hugs right back :)

katie said...

Yep, the cattiness is amazing to me in regards to Kristen. I'm so sick of people talkinga bout her hair or saying she looks like a boy. And the kicker? If Robert was seen out with Megan Fox the next night, Ms. Sexy vixen herself and the opposite of "boyish," the same women complaining about Kristen being manly would be having a fit Robert would be so "shallow" to date a "mannequin."

Envy isn't pretty.

Loisada said...

WinWin: Thank you, thank you, thank you. You are a goddess!!!!

connie56 said...

@Stacy (who loves Nikes):

MY SENTIMENTS EXACTLY ... "the fan's themselves are slowly ruining my Robsession."

I don't even know where to start. Early on I actually was curious as to whether they were or they weren't. I really don't care anymore. It's none of my business. What began for me with the desire to get an inside look at an incredible young man has turned to complete sickness over the lack of respect the "fans" seem to have for him as a human being. I look at his eyes in these photos and it makes me sick. He looks miserable. He doesn't deserve to be hounded like this, nor does Kristen. Someone had the nerve to call her a bitch? Insane, totally insane. WE have totally stripped them both of their privacy in the relentless quest for MORE, MORE, MORE.

I wouldn't wish this b.s. on my worst enemy.

It makes me ashamed to admit I'm a part of this by even being here.

I don't believe either of them signed up for this when they chose to pursue acting, or took on the roles of Bella and Edward. Nothing could have possibly prepared them for the intense scrutinty they've been subjected to.

fatin said...

ugh no one calls my kristen a bitch! >=( the paps were so annoying.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@cindy nikes WHAT POINT??? i was just stating i have free speech and NO ONE is going to shut me up,last time i checked this is not saudi arabia but the US of f** A.....GOD BLESS AMERICA

connie56 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shani said...

Tyler- I with you on why Kris dresses the way she does. Or right now it could be the whole dress like my boyfriend phase. We have all done it a time or two.

Katie- I with you on why dating MA and Rob are completely two different things. That's like comparing apples and oranges. One guy has intense fame and the other is hardly well known.

So I can understand why they would want to keep things private and to not show PDA in public. You can do all that in private or someplace where you feel you want get caught.And truly somewhere you can feel comfortable at. Kris has already said people ask her if she is fucking Rob and Rob have paps asking him if he is fucking Kris.
So enduring all that insanity is really going to make them want to show their Love out in the public eye. I don't think so. I think they will continue to act the same way they have been acting. Plus, they don't need to flaunt their relationship in our face to appease us.It's their private lives.

Unknown said...

"Just clarifying, because I think that's an important point. This is less about them in some ways and more about us."

ITA, Rosa! And I think that the...emotion that R&K gossip elicits here and on other Robsessor sites has little to do with Rob and Kristen and EVERYTHING to do w/ his fans. So when I say "I don't get why R&K gossip is so bothersome," that's not exactly true. I have a pretty good idea. lol..

Mechevpao said...

Rosa, I don´t think they are conducting themselves differently in the public eye, I think that they may be hanging out as much as they always did during promotion and filming times; the difference lies in the fact that there is a growing interest on them so the scrutiny is bigger; as a result we see them hanging out together and we think they are hanging out more when they probably were hanging out the same before but there were not pics to see it because paps were not that interested in them just few months ago.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

and NO one will kill my rob obsession NO ONE,every one have the right to state their own opinions with respect without being told to shut up, nothing or no one will stop me from coming to this site or enjoying my rob obsession no one have that power over me

Cindeeloo said...

OMG connie, you are right on!!!

Although I love it here and have no intentions on leaving I miss the original reasons I came here in the first place. Watching old videos of them breaks my heart. They were so innocent and candid and real, not having to be careful of what they said and where they stood in relation to eachother.

If WE don't want Rob to change, then we should all figure a way to get past this and respect whatever decisions he chooses to make in his personal life.

In other words be a part of the soloution and not the problem.

(I need a life)

Unknown said...

I have to say that I lurve the pics where Rob seems to be whistling.
He's at the eye of a media storm and he's whistling: "it's all good. just anotha normal nite out with me peeps, nothin ta see here at allll."

Good technique, Rob.

Shani said...

rpattz-turns-me-on- Exactly. I am totally with you. NO ONE IS STOPPING ME. I have a right to my opinion too.
And we can all agree to disagree.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@shani as always wel said.

Ana73 said...

well Rob finally goes out and we get pics and all of the comments have started all over again...

just enjoy the pics :))

but i understand why they dont venture out of their walk into this nonsense. i still cant understand why someone would call her a bitch, if she stopped to sign one autograph it wouldn't end, plus those are the ones that sell them online.

Shani said...

Yves - I love that pic too. It's too cute.

Unknown said...

Yves-it's totally about us and our issues...:)lol

Mech-I actually see it the other way around personally. They've always been close, yet they were careful not to be seen as looking romantical or even that friendly in public. And both have been getting papped regularly since last fall.

There's two changes that have happened. One is that they don't publicly deny or confirm their relationship status like they used. And they do venture out in public together in groups and/or alone and/or chaperoned by "their people."

This is a change in how they do things publicly, but not necessarily privately. The frenzy came after they began to be seen in public together socially, not before.

Shani said...

rpattz-turns-me-on- Thank you.


Shani said...

rosa- I agree with you on how they acted last year compared to this year....and the changes.

connie56 said...

@ Cindeloo "hugs"

Cindeeloo said...

Can I jump into the Shani and rpattz turns me on band wagon I need hugs too!!!


rpattz-turn-me-on said...

agree to disagree but with respect for others while doing it and DONT allow anyone telling you to shut up just because they dont like or disagree with what you have to say.HELL NO

Ana73 said...

rosa - so do you think all of their "friendly" interviews that they did for twilight will change for new moon. i really enjoyed their friendliness and honestly last year. just was wondering what you think because i agree with your earlier thoughts on how they have changed.

Cindeeloo said...

@ connie,
same to you!!!

I think we All need group hugs. lol

connie56 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

ana-dude, if comicon is any indication, Robert will probably do promotion by his own cause he's so popular, and then the less popular Kristen is going to be paired up interview wise with Taylor, since they gotta sell the J/B angle for New Moon, and Taylor seems to make Kristen less awkward in interviews. And then probably all three of them interviewing, since they all three seem to get on well.

I think the days of off-the-cuff Robert are done though. :( His candid answers last year came back to bite him in the ass(ie, all his jokes about hygiene ended up being literalized and now everyone thinks he

Loisada said...

If you want to skip the crapsten and simply Robsess... did you all pick up on WinWin's link? Rush!

connie56 said...


all in favor of group hugs (raises hand) ...

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

awwww to shani,rpattzgirl,connie and cinde BIG HUGSSS.....anyone else want a hug ?? rob come and get it lol

Unknown said...

I don't know that R&K are a couple but I love the idea of the two of them together - I'm a hopeless romantic and I can't help it! He was sooooooo into her for soooooo long and he didn't even TRY to hide it - which made me adore him all the more and kinda got me into the whole twi saga to begin with. It seems he's been mooning over the girl for almost two years now (Doomed Love by Virgil, giving her that guitar for her b-day, talking about his crush in every almost every interview)- I'm just giddy that he *might* actually be winning Kris's affection. Lord knows he's been patient enough.

And if my saying all this annoys people, well, what can I do? I'm sorry that you don't agree with me? I dunno...

And I hate that you have to go to "Robsten" sites to talk about this. Most of the Robstenners take the speculation straight into the fantasy/ fanfiction realm. At the same time, I have to be careful about how I address the subject here as the topic makes so many uncomfortable....

Rant over...

WinWin said...

I don't think Stacy was telling anyone to keep their traps shut. I understand where she is coming from. I had the same frustrations. I don't want to speculate on their personal lives. I'm not a hater, but at the end of the day is doesn't add any value to my life. I stayed away for a while because I found that people were too serious when it comes to Robsten and none of us know them and have the right to state facts about what we see in a few pictures.

I think what makes a lot of us sad is that Rob fans have become divided and a lot of us just wish to come and be silly and not speculate on his personal life. I miss the days when we all got along and just loved the heck out of our Rob and his juicy photos.

I love this blog and being able to escape reality a bit and enter this Rob bubble with you guys. But I hate all the fighting and arguing.

I second the group hug! : )

WinWin said...

Loisada, Hugs and Kisses for you!

I don't think anyone else noticed.
: (

connie56 said...

I wonder if anyone besides myself might find this amusing ... I'm on vacation today, and here I sit at 1:13 in the afternoon still in my jammies, chatting about someone I don't know and never will.
I should mention I spent almost all morning reading fanfic. I may wish I'd never discovered that. I get started and I can't tear myself away.
Talk about needing to get a life.

Unknown said...


So funny - I'm taking a vacay day and I'll done so far is browse rob sites!

MBMOM said...

Oh My ~ this is getting out of calling? Bodily threats?
They (Rob & Kristen) look sooooo sad!
Broke my heart! No one deserves to be treated like a piece of meat and public property.
Wouldn't surprise me in the least if either one or both of them say "F*&# it" and pull a Howard Hughs.
Yes, they are actors and extremely popular but they are also human beings and should be treated as such. It's no wonder they cling to each other ~ who else would they turn to that could or would understand the lunacy surrounding them?
After reading the comments, decided not to watch the video....cannot stomach it.
Makes the "momma bear" come out and think if these were my kids, there would be a few less pappz and autograph hounds around.
Even if you're not a fan of Kristen or hate the idea of them together, is it really anybody else's business but there's?
OK - done with my soapbox but it just got me so upset to finally see Rob having some fun and then it's not!

WinWin said...

Connie and Yves. lol. Been at office all morning and haven't done anything but visit Rob sites and print out ff.

Cindeeloo said...

We are a funny group arn't we.

I heart you ALL!!!

Going back to The Office to bask in more naughtiness...


Unknown said...


It's just so good to know that I'm not alone! Sometimes I feel like such a least I'm a happy nut, though!

Ana73 said...

rosa - that is what i thought when i saw at comiccon too that when taylor and kristen came out started to get photographed (at the press conf.) rob just kind of stayed back for a little. oh well any interview with rob alone or in a group is great, it's rob :))

Karina said...

Robert and kristen look fine in the photos to me. They are smart cookies-the baseball caps pulled down low and not smiling and keeping their heads down is defensive but it also serves another purpose--the paps gets shitty shots of them that are worth less.

They are both flipping off the paps without saying a word by doing what they are doing!

I doubt they are sad, I be they had a great time, and I think they are little rascals for not giving the paps any extra cash on top of it!!!

Loisada said...

Thanks WinWin, sloppy kisses right back 2u. She who givith shall receive. Gotta keep our priorities straight!

Yves: you're not alone, your observations seem obvious to many here as well. We just steer away from any further speculating and leave the intimate juicy stuff to Rob himself... cause he deserves it!

Unknown said...


No, I meant alone in my insane Robsession!lolz

Cindeeloo said...

HAHAHA Connie,

I just discovered fanfic as well. All I have to say is WHERE HAVE I BEEN?????

I've read WA and loved it,and now I'm reading The Office.


I couldn't get past chapter 1 without giving myself

Ana73 said...

connie - you are not alone in browsing and then staying on for far too long. between robsessing and FF, i keep on putting off looking for a job. my husband is wanting for me to look for a job now that my son is in school but i am dreading it so this internet keeps me busy from job hunting :))

Stacy said...

Connie - thanks for your comment:)

Win, thanks to you as well! You pretty much said it in a nutshell for me.

Yves, it's not just about the Robsten stuff, its the tone of it in general. Opinions against the norm are disrespected and words twisted. And to some of you NEVER ONCE did I say to keep your traps shut. If I said something like that, it would be crystal clear. And there is a big difference, for me, of being a fan and being Robsessed. For me, being robsessed was coming on here and being able to have good discussions about silly things without it turning into a bunch of serious BS. Being Robsessed was about getting to know other fans. The problem is, I guess, I know too much about too many of them now.

Some of you have proved my point in this thread, so thanks for that.

IMO, we fans are just as responsible for all the things we are bitching about - the media scrutiny, the robsten obsession, etc. My biggest point was that you can't complain about the attitude and craziness without putting some of the blame on us, and that is what's most frustrating to me, and part of why I don't take part in much discussion anymore.

I broke my rule today, and I should have known better.

Ana73 said...

cindee - i knew that you would like the office. besides the smuttiness it actually has a good story. i am looking forward to the next chapters :))

Karina said...

Here's the thing-Robert's life sorta sucks right now, so does Kristen's to a lesser extent.

But this too shall pass. Someone else will come along and steal some of Robert's thunder, and to be honest, Robert will probably send him a thank you card.

Twilight stuff will die down eventually, and hopefully robert will be able to move on professionally. And even if he doesn't, he's going to make out like a bandit money wise.

So, I think fans need to be more responsible in how they love him. But Robert's a lucky guy right now too, and I think he realizes that.

Cindeeloo said...

@ Ana...

LOL, I just can't get PAST the smuttiness thats the problem. I keep re-reading the same chapters.


(is there really a storyline?)

connie56 said...

It's so nice to know I'm not the only one. I had such grand plans today, but my computer called ... come read some fanfic, check out Robsessed ... you know you want to!

At least when I'm at work I have to restrain myself until lunchtime or when the bossman leaves the office to indulge my Robsession. Here there's nothing to stop me ... aaaaggghhhh.

Ana73 said...

cindee - you are funny. yeah somewhere between screwing in the office, car, bathroom, kitchen, bedroom..... there is a storyline.

i am going to start another FF, not sure which one yet, everyone told me about so many yesterday.

Emily said...

All I'm going to say is that I'm happy to see Rob and his buttons got out and had a good time. I'm glad no one bothered them during the concert. I like his new hat. :)

I gotta say, it would take a lot of restraint for me to not say something back if my close friend was being insulted like that. Good for them for not giving them what they want.

Some people are such trash, it's unbelievable.

Unknown said...

@Stacy - Rob discussions aren't as fun for you anymore -- and that sucks, I think I get what you're saying.

But what is it about the tone that bothers you - like my last comment where I talked about liking R&K together - does that strike the wrong tone? It's very difficult to know when/where speculating on what *could be* becomes "disrespectful." of what *is* And disrespectful to whom, exactly?
And to take the propriety issue as step further - how is speculating on R&K different from speculating on any other aspect of his private life?

I don't complain about Rob's insanely high profil (not that you accused me of such), cuz A) I think it comes w/ the territory and I'm sure he'll adapt, B) I'm pretty confident that it's temporary and will subside into something approaching normalcy someday, and C) I think all the interest is ultimately good for his career.

Cindeeloo said...

LOL Connie

That was me yesterday. I was in my jammies ALL DAY LONG!!! Reading, chatting, watching old videos, visiting other websites, with noone shouting I'M HUNGRY!! (because I was all alone) LOL

It was a perfect day. So indluge and enjoy.

Shani said...

Cindeeloo- {{{Hugs back}}}

Yves- I'm with you.

Karina- I'm with you too.

Unknown said...

@connie56 said...

"At least when I'm at work I have to restrain myself until lunchtime or when the bossman leaves the office to indulge my Robsession. Here there's nothing to stop me ... aaaaggghhhh."

IKR! At work I'm extra careful but at home...forget about it. I have a long to-do list but have already made peace with the fact that I'm not going to get much done today. If only Rob wasn't so appealing, my apartment *might* get a cleaning today. sigh...

Emily said...

You know what they say, "A clean house is the sign of a broken computer." lol

Mechevpao said...

you know what is the most ironic stuff, it is that if we compare what gossip mags say to what we say here or in any other blog, te gossip mag stories are pretty close to the speculation we make here, I´m not sure what comes first, the gossip from the mags or the speculation from the fans, and then gossip mags taking it and making those as theirs; this is sort of becoming into "what came first, the egg or the chicken?"

Unknown said...

Are there any robsessors into astrology? I so want to read Rob's chart...
Kind of intrusive, I know but...

Karina said...

THe gossip rags are FOLLOWING the fan sites is my guess. The fans are so vigilant over Robert's life, half the time they do all the leg work for the gossip rags. People magazine got called out for finding some "source" regarding Robert and Kristen attending one of his concerts via Ted Casablanca's thread because all the posters were citing the various tweets from that night. They contacted her via Twitter if you cna believe it. lol

Cindeeloo said...

@ Ana,

You forgot dressing room!


Bye ladies,
hugs to you all!!!

connie56 said...

@Stacy (wltn) I heart you for your honesty, cause I feel the same. I never blogged (is that what this is?) before, yet the chance to get to know other Robsessors was too good to pass up. I usually just lurk and laugh, but today I got a little involved. The mother bear in me just came out.

I just wanna have my little crush on Rob and laugh over the stupidity of my lust. No harm, no foul, just fun. Really.

Shani said...

Yves- I can email you the chart. Another Robsessor had already found a site that did it.

Shani said...

Yves- Email me and I can forward it to you. Just click on my name.

Mechevpao said...

Connie, I agree with you, and my focus is to keep lusting about him, the man is hot as hell and the truth is that I got to agree with Stacy, somethings "kill" my robsession (it has nothign to do with what ever Rob does in his personal life, mostly it is because the way we as fans come across)so I just try to shut out of it, but then I find my self posting about it here hahaha... contradiction!

Karina I had no idea about the people´s mag article, that is basically prooving the point, so th gossip mags do take what we say at places like this and run with te stories!... ironic thing is that then we scream "poor Rob, leave him alone" to the gossips and paps hahahaha

I love the irony of live

Unknown said...

I'd say that professional gossips have always depended on rumor an innuendo to write their stories. The internet age has made this process more immediate. If there were no fan sites, they'd find another source.

How these sources get to the TMZ's and Us Weekly's of the world, in my opinion, is kinda irrelevant - it's gossip, not journalism, after all. And besides, a gossip tip from a random waitress to a gossip columnist is no more/less reliable than a twitter...if that makes sense.

Unknown said...

thank you, Shani!

Cindeeloo said...

I heart you connie,

I'm glad you came out to play today! @ I hope to see you here more often. I mostly lurk and laugh too.

Robsessed is my life now. Sad but true.

Real life is calling @ I really have to go now.

(turn off computer)


Karina said...

yeah, she was the girl who said she saw Robert and Kristen kissing in a backroom, and US and People magazine, contacted her and then went with the story.

Robert was right, Twitter is the source of all fan evil. lol

Karina said...

yves-good point. It's not journalism really. Although People magazine has gotten very tabloidy as of late.

And I agree with what you said about all fangirling is equal really. Whether you want rob for yourself or kristen,it's making you come onto sites and forums and whatever. They all keep feeding the fire. Fangirls and shippers are equal in that sense and both are intrusive in similar ways.

Mechevpao said...

Gossip is gossip, it has existed through all history and even serious journalism follows the line of gossip to get to the real stories, gossip can be as strong as to take down governments; the written word is dangerous given the right use to it and the correct distribution to it to determinate masses or mobs... It will continue to exist; my point Yves, is that we are very contradicting to our selves, we complain about "poor Rob" yet we speculate about what he may be feeling with out remorse... but it is human nature to be contradictory in all of our actions.

Shani how do you have such astrology chart, girl? I wonder how someone obtained the info about the exact hour he was born, such info is very important to do the chart

Anonymous said...

Sorry Rob.
What's with the paparazzi&co, what happened to the long lenses and new technologies or respecting privacy distance...!?

connie56 said...

cleverly changing the subject ...

I don't get why the hot, hot Mark Segal pics had to go away. And where can I get my hands on them again? Or are they gone forever?

Unknown said...


Gossip ...has existed through all history and even serious journalism follows the line of gossip to get to the real stories, gossip can be as strong as to take down governments; the written word is dangerous... g

-Agreed, but as we're talking about celebrity gossip, the danger of the written word is decidedly less urgent in this case. I think Rob will survive...we will,too.

" point Yves, is that we are very contradicting to our selves, we complain about "poor Rob" yet we speculate about what he may be feeling with out remorse... but it is human nature to be contradictory in all of our actions.

- Yeah, I definitely got your point. I was just throwing in my own counterpoint - mostly in response to the notion (not satying that this is your point, btw)of fan sites as feeders for pro gossip.

WinWin said...

connie, look at my earlier post with imdb link. *winks*

Unknown said...


I know ur not talking to me but wanted to say that you can get the moon sign without time of birth - and that's what I really want to read about. I put a lot of stock into lunar astrology.

Unknown said...


So if you were in a relationship and someone was constantly after your bf/gf and buying them gifts, you would be ok with that?????

So your basically saying it's ok to be a homewrecker/cheater???

That's interesting!

Unknown said...


"Fangirls and shippers are equal in that sense and both are intrusive in similar ways."

THIS! ITA. So well put. Shippers, Twi fangirls, obsessors all share similar motives - they're just looking for different outcomes.

Mechevpao said...

Yves, I agree, he will survive gossip, we just have to look at brad pitt how well he has survived years and years of gossip.
As I´m asking: what came first?, "if the egg or the chicken?" in this matter, I´m not sure that all about Rob´s private life gossip comes from what we write here, because some comes from old quotes he said taken out of contest, but there are some like what Karina pointed and other that are very much into certain storyline that can be read at blogs.

Unknown said...


"So if you were in a relationship and someone was constantly after your bf/gf and buying them gifts, you would be ok with that?????

So your basically saying it's ok to be a homewrecker/cheater???

That's interesting!"

That is SUPER INTERESTING! Cuz I never, ever said any of that.

WinWin said...

Focus girls, focus girls...

Not sure if I like this one:

Anonymous said...

@Yves & Stacy
I am interested in both of your viewpoints and you make them very well....however at the end of the day shouldn't we as fans just want to look at this lovely man, watch his films, support him as true fans should whether he's with Kristin or not and not get too seriously involved in his 'PERCEIVED' life...after all - we don't know - he could be as 'happy as larry' for all we know! Hope so!
But do you know what is so bizarre (Rob's favourite term!) Here in the UK there is NOTHING in the papers, no mention of him. One of the biggest rising stars in Hollywood who happens to be ENGLISH and the knubskulls haven't a clue.....I give up...I really do.......Too busy giving publicity to skancky x list reality tv wannabes...ugh

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