Robert Pattinson Spotted at Bobby Long Concert

RobPattzNews Okay Rob, Kristen, Nikki, Elizabeth @ Bobby's Long's show

RobPattzNews Yeah late w/deets but u know our policy.. we wait until they left to post

RobPattzNews They all were in the back of venue.. Rob wearing a white cap and checkered black and white jacket

RobPattzNews Nikki, BF, Elizabeth actually came out and stood by stage.. no one bothered them as they watched Bobby perform.

RobPattzNews Rob, Kristen stayed in the back.. Kris sitting on a chair, Rob standing. No one bothered them either. But Rob was in plain view.

Robert Pattinson and his cute little brother :)
Just kidding! Kristen looks really cute with that cap ;)

From Malicious Mandy:

Rob, Kristen (both in ball caps) stayed mostly in back room watching from doorway. Kristen mostly sitting and Rob leaning in the doorway.

Noone bothered them or snapped their photo or invaded their privacy. I actually walked by them a few times to go outside for air or to the bathroom and they seemed to be enjoying themselves.

Nikki and Paris were inthe same area as Rob and Kristen but came out once to the dance floor.

Near the end a few crowded outside and two taxi's pulled up.

They backed into lot close to back door.

Papz lined up. Fans crowded around.

Door opened and out came the crew.... it happened so fast I was in a daze...

Nikki, Paris, Liz hopped into furthest cab apparently, I wasn't really paying attention because the cab in front of me had doors open.

Rob, Kristen and her manager hopped into that closest cab.

Manager in front seat.

Rob on right side and Kristen on left. Both crouched, covering faces, ball caps on.

I was shoved and someone stepped on my toe - it was chaos.

Lot's of flashes, I'd guess 8 paparazzi but I can't even be sure.

Lot's of fans though.... one paparazzi was cursing all the fans cameras and flashes LOL "you guys and all these cameras"

BAHAHHAHAH - from a paprazzi this is amusing!

One girl (who I have seen around frequently, she dates one of the autograph hounds... and gets autographs herself) shouted that Kristen was a bitch! (Gozde: I wish someone clocked THAT bitch for calling Kristen a bitch! Argh!)

I was so shocked!

She was at the back of the cab I was by the side door (Rob's door ;) tee hee) so I didn't see what happened exactly after that but I guess some fans pushed or hit her ? all I know is i heard her then say she would "punch you out" or something... LOL no clue...

Then the cabs pulled out... the papz ran and chased after.

It was over.

You can read her whole account HERE.

Picture source:

Thanks to The Twilight Moonlighter for the tip ;)

Gozde: Watch me contradict myself by posting these pictures while feeling like crap... *shame face*

Gozde: Seriously. Who are they to call her a bitch? Just because she wouldn't
sign her autograph hound boyfriend's pictures?

Kate: Well I'll tell you, no one should EVER buy an autograph from ebay or anywhere knowing that this is what's done to get them!


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Mechevpao said...

Lizibee, could not agree more with you!!

Win, I heart you, alwas trying to keep us in focus

connie56 said...


THANK YOU!!!!!((hugs))

My day is now complete ...

Unknown said...

@Mechevpao. IA
I wonder if Rob would be feeling this kind of heat if Twilight came out four years ago..See, I think Rob is the first star we've seen ascend in the internet age. I vaguely remember Orlando Bloom getting serious media buzz when he came out, but this was pre-Twitter (which IMO represents a bit of a cultural revolution in that it's changed the way people communicate + channel information online)and before internet use became as ubiquitous as it now.

Unknown said...

So you don't think what you stated below applies to my last comment?
Read part of your statement below. If you were in a relationship you would be ok if your bf/gf to had someone doing what YOU stated below?

Yves said...
He was sooooooo into her for soooooo long and he didn't even TRY to hide it - which made me adore him all the more and kinda got me into the whole twi saga to begin with. It seems he's been mooning over the girl for almost two years now (Doomed Love by Virgil, giving her that guitar for her b-day, talking about his crush in every almost every interview)-

WinWin said...

Welcome girls!

Just wanted to refocus on the hotness of Rob.

I miss conversations about what clothes he'll wear for VMAs and what roles he should play next.

Mechevpao said...

Yves, I wonder that too... I don´t think there is any other celeb that has his career so constructed in the internet as much as Rob, he had a celb status jut by the buss he was doing Twilight, before the movie was out.

Twitter is hell for celebs, today any person that sees him or any other celb just writes it on the phone, tweets about it and in a matter of minutes people that read it have a clear idea what such celeb is doing minute by minute.

I remember the day when we had to buy gossip mags to read Leonardo Dicaprio crazy party life after the success of Titanic.. now the fans are as much protagonist of the gossip as the mags, thanks to internet. hahaha

Mechevpao said...

Oh Win, you made me remember about BEL AMI and all those sex scenes he will have to shoot, damn!! I can not wait for that movie hahaha

Unknown said...

@lizzibee...however at the end of the day shouldn't we as fans just want to look at this lovely man, watch his films, support him as true fans should whether he's with Kristin or not and not get too seriously involved in his 'PERCEIVED' life...

My short answer is yes. But what does "not get too seriously involved in his 'PERCEIVED' life" really mean? That's a personal judgment call, right? Stacy might say that my speculation about R&K is taking his "Perceived Life," too seriously. I might say that taking any offense to my speculating about R&K is taking his "Percieved Life" too seriously - It's all in how you judge a situation,I guess.
And FWIW, all I've ever seen of Rob counts (to me)as a perception of reality - I don't know him so all of my discussions here rely on my vision of his perceived life. And as far as taking said perceptions too seriously - I've never been interested enough in a celeb to visit fan sites the way I do now, so, to a degree I already see myself as too seriously involved! Part of me feels like spending this much time talking, dreaming,reading about a stranger is all sorts of wrong. But it's fun so...

connie56 said...


I hope he wears black, cuz he looks oh so hot in anything black. And maybe the button fly jeans?

Tee hee! (how am I doing on refocusing??)

Emily said...

Win - Thank you! Nice find.

As for the VMAs, I'm personally hoping he breaks out those awful, dirty, yet somehow sexy boots he wore last year.

I'm sure he hasn't given a single thought to what he'll wear. Not that it matters, no matter what he's going to look better than everyone else who spent weeks choosing their clothes.

WinWin said...

let's not forget youtube girls. how many of us fell in love with Rob from watching an interview or old movie or him playing live. this is a whole new world now.

I was never a big fan, but remember in HS we had to buy Tigerbeat and the like to see photos of our favorite stars. Now fans know exactly where their stars are.

back to refocusing. Not getting any work done today. lol

Anonymous said...

Mechevpao Thanks!
I'm selfish ...I admit it...I love seeing new pics of Rob...can't help it. Let's lighten the tone and speculate as to the VMA's and whetehr that twit Russel Brand will be a complete 'dick' this year. Sorry but I absolutely loathe the man. Don't kow how he's got to the level of stardom he seems to have achieved. He's disgusting.

Unknown said...

Im not a Robsten or Anti-robsten shipper the thing that gets to me is how people make silly assumption from paparazzi pictures, pictures which take place in the time spam of minutes and even seconds, a professional camera can take up to 6 frames per second and sometimes more, people assume they are together by pictures they've seen of them which only show them interacting for small amounts of time.
The way they act with each other seems like nothing more than really close friends, i've been in similar situations with my best guy friend were people always assumed that we were together cause we hung out everyday and sometimes even slept at each other house the difference is im not famous so is not as big of a deal as it happens with Rob and Kristen were they have thousands of people around the world speculating that they are together.

WinWin said...

connie, hugs and kisses to you. I love the black top and button fly jeans combo. (Melting!)

He's also uber hot in bright colors as well.

VeilsofLight said...

Wow, he does look ill in some of these pictures, his face is gaunt and pale. Hope it's just an off day and not the smoking taking a toll on his system. I don't care who you are, it's only a matter of time until all those carcinogens take their toll on your lungs and immune system, especially with the added spotlight pressure.

I know it's the toughest thing to quit, but take care of yourself Rob! These pics are a bit disconcerting.

WinWin said...

Mech, yes, Bel Ami. I have a new appreciation for doors. Love ROb for trying new things for us. : )

Emily said...

Ugh...Russell Brand. I had never even heard of him before last year's VMAs. His hair reminds me of how my daughter's hair looks when she gets up in the morning. Only much, much worse.

WinWin said...

Emily, miss sex boots. I always think of Rome Rob. can we add sexpender pants too. Haven't seen those seen NM filming. He didn't bring them to NY with him. lol

Mechevpao said...

None, I think very similar to what you said, thanks for expressing it so well.

Lizzibee, I think there will be some kind of interaction between Rob and that Russel guy (i don´t know anything about him more than he cut him last year) but we now that MTV likes to do "edgy" shows... so I suspect that if the same guy that was hired last year to host the show, was hired again for this year is because last year it brought MTV the kind of bizarre buss they love and they are looking to top it this year.

WinWin said...

VOL! hugs, I read your response on the RM set visit. Sorry you didn't get to see him. My office is very close to Grand Central , but I got wind that it was all indoor shoot and didn't bother. I did get a few second glimpse of him at the Plaza.

I agree he looks thin, sorry I'm speculating. That's the mother in me talking. Maybe too much fight training.

WinWin said...

Yuck Russell Brand. I don't see the appeal of him. Does he do music? There's no one else they could've gotten to host?

Mechevpao said...

well Win if you are going to speculate that, let me speculate that it is obvious Rob is trying to kill us, wearing always those diferent jeans with button fly jeans... always get me into the gutter

Unknown said...

@Joey "So you don't think what you stated below applies to my last comment? "

Look, I know exactly what I wrote. And I see (and saw it right from the giddy-up) where you're going with this. My response was deliberate. See, it would be one thing if you had respected my original comment Re: being happy for Rob if he's finally wooed Kristen and then presented your opinion on it. Instead you to willfully misrepresented everything I said. Your approach was and high-handed and condescending and needlessly aggressive - So I responded in kind.

Anyway, since I'm a giver and am never afraid to be servicey - I'll reformat your question in a manner more befitting of the spirit of congeniality and respect that (usually) defines discussion here at Robsessesed:

Joey: Yves you said you're happy for Rob if he's convinced his crush to give him a chance, but what about Michael Angarano, the dude Kristen dated for three years?

Yves: What about him?

Federico Zarco said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
VeilsofLight said...

Hi Win! That's great that you at least got a few second glimpse of him...was it a bit surreal?

I know, I don't mean to sound like his mother, and I know those Brits like to smoke, but the nutritionist in me wants to cringe everytime I see him puffing away. Even if it is sexy as hell. :) Oops, scratch that.

Federico Zarco said...

wow!! what a picture!!

Unknown said...

Im not a Robsten or Anti-robsten shipper the thing that gets to me is how people make silly assumption from paparazzi pictures, pictures which take place in the time spam of minutes and even seconds, a professional camera can take up to 6 frames per second and sometimes more, people assume they are together by pictures they've seen of them which only show them interacting for small amounts of time.
The way they act with each other seems like nothing more than really close friends, i've been in similar situations with my best guy friend were people always assumed that we were together cause we hung out everyday and sometimes even slept at each other house the difference is im not famous so is not as big of a deal as it happens with Rob and Kristen were they have thousands of people around the world speculating that they are together.

WinWin said...

Mech, you said gutter...

I've been there all weekend with Bel Ami and this:

I think this was our favorite. : P

enjoykim said...

Yeah,the sexpenders!!I would so love to see him wearing those at the vma´s.Didn´t Kellan borrow them?C´mon,give them back to Rob!!

WinWin said...

VOL, it was very surreal. Him in a suit, enough said. He bounced up the stairs so adorably. My girlfriend and I skipped lunch that day. We call it the Pattinson diet.

Emily said...

Win - I adore the sex boots but I meant a different pair. I don't think they belonged to him because I haven't seen them since.

And a close-up

Aren't they awesome!?

WinWin said...

enjoykim, what about he gets them back from Kellan and then borrows Kellans white waffle knit shirt. The one that clings to him. Yum!

WinWin said...

Emily, How did I miss those boots. Did he steal them off a biker? lmao

Mechevpao said...

Win, I know... Bel Ami, weekend!!.. your fault!!
If just with pics he makes our panty melt.. what would he do to us wen we see him up against a door.

AP said...

@connie: :DD Life!

Just fyi: Rob was given that cap. He didn't pick it up off the floor, along with Marcus's shirt. Promise. ;)

Maybe he and someone can both wear Stolis to the VMA's...Kristen will wear a dress. lol

Emily said...

Maybe! They look like they've seen better days. I love that he wore them. He probably tracked dirt on the red carpet.

WinWin said...

Mech, Sorry hon. I needed company. : )I am dead when Bel Ami comes out. Will it be safe to watch in public???

Mars said...

I wish these were pics of a smiling Rob. It's gotta suck having cameras in your face all the time.

I'm so excited that he's supporting his friends! Wonder if he'll be at the Sam Bradley show later this month, too....?

marie said...

I love kristen. I am surprised that her hair is still black that explains why her hairline looks unnatural with the wig because they have to hide everything under it.

summit should have relaxed her hair and dyed it brown as bella's hair to create a natural hairline.

Unknown said...


All valid points. It doesn't bother me at all that some people don't agree w/ me as far as R&K are concerned or don't see what I see when I view pics or vids of them together

The thing is - what you see when you look at pics of them (two good friends)is also a perception. The difference is that your viewpoint is perfectly acceptable for the most part but mine causes tension, fights,etc.

"The way they act with each other seems like nothing more than really close friends, i've been in similar situations with my best guy friend were people always assumed that we were together cause we hung out everyday and sometimes even slept at each other house"

-I had a close friend in college, too, we hung out nonstop, everyone assumed we were a couple even though we told them otherwise. The thing is...we were totally getting in on my entire freshman year - we just didn't want to talk about it! We didn't want people to know. So my perception of R&K is definitely skewed because of my experience!

Anonymous said...

@ Yves
Yes...I suppose to use a cliche 'at the end of the day' we all 'perceive' what we want to perceive. My interpretation of a pic or video could be completely different to any one else' and none of us really can speak with any authority because (unfortunatey) we do not know him...sigh. Things are getting a bit too serious on here - but that would NEVER and I mean NEVER detract from my admiration of a unique, talented young man.

Unknown said...


Yes, Twitter is the devil. tru factz.
And it's funny that you mention Leo D -cuz I was thinking his fame after Titanic is the only reasonable comparison (in my opinion)to what Rob is experiencing right now.

Mechevpao said...

Win, you had company, that is for sure... I was a very dirty thinking company all weekend..

I don´t think that movie is safe to watch in public, I will probably will be making funny noises all the way through it.

AP said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...


ITA re: The arguing amongst robsessors. That is a level of seriousness that is universally unfun. It could be worse, though - I think things get super heated on IMDB.

WinWin said...

A, i forgot about that part.

Mech, 2 words, oxygen mask!

peeling a fig said...

Thanks Winwin. This discussion needs the distraction...

WinWin said...

A, I want to see Rob in fencing suit. : )

I've been dying for someone to cast him (and for him to accept) a superhero in tights. Greedy, huh?

WinWin said...

peelig a fig, I just want my girls back and I have no one to talk dirty Robtalk to. I'm going to bust!

Stacy said...

None- great post. That's pretty much how I feel.

Completely agree about the Internet age. That's a big factor and it's pretty obvious that's where the media is getting the majority of their inside info.

Yves- as for tone, yours is not offensive no. If i'm being honest the point I was trying to make was that we all spend too much time speculating and discussing, and again it's picked up on. Personally, it's irritating that most threads end up going this way. The are they or aren't they talk is old and yes, for me, speculating on their feelings for each other or anything else from a pic is invasive and offensive. I doubt many of us would be okay with the fact that no matter what we say or do, it's going to be analyzed and broken down for evidence of whatever we are trying to prove. A pic is never just a pic anymore.

And I'll say again: all the speculation and discussion is feeding the machine. We are just as guilty. Of course rob will be okay but the speculation and demand isn't making his life any easier.

And u can't really go to any blog or mb anymore without having this discussion and it's just old for me.

Unknown said...


I read that Brett Ratner wants him for some action movie - the "Youngbloodz", I think? So we may see Rob In Tights sooner than later, right?

enjoykim said...

a superhero batman-like?Can you image him in tights? LMFAO

Emily said...

Okay, Rob in tights. Why did my mind immediately go to Batman & Robin only with Rob in the flesh colored tights and green briefs? Yikes.

Anonymous said...

@ Yves
I haven't been on IMDB and don't fully understand it. LLooks like I should stay off it! LOL
Anyway I think he looks lovely albeit a bit tired and a little thinner? AND Kristin looks good and I'm really happy to see them sticking together despite all the drama going on around them.

WinWin said...

Everytime I think of superhero Rob, I think of lumberjack ScruffRob with Ryan Reynold's body from Wolverine. Sorry I wish I could photoshop. I need intervention. lol

enjoykim said...

Rob in tights-can´t get that out of my head...
At least we could figure out whether hes a left-or right-leaner ifyouknowwhatimean...;-)

WinWin said...

Yves, I forgot about that. I would love to see Rob in tights with slightly muscular body kicking butt.

I would also love to see him as a detective or a scientist, concentrating on something with his eyebrows furrowed. That would be hot too. None that blinking sh*t CH had him do in Twilight when he realizes James changed his course. What was that? I still cringe at that.

Emily said...

Thanks Win. That's a much better mental image.

WinWin said...

enjoykim, you just killed me with that. A good kill. Just don't cup him. lol

Anonymous said...

Oh my God ! What's all this about Rob being intights? Robin Hood?

Lina said...


OMG!!! I got a heart atack!!! :)))

Emily said...

I'm afraid not even Rob could make green tights on a man look sexy.

Mechevpao said...

ewww no no, please no tights for Rob... better just nude that is tights, how about that? how about instead of wishing for thights we wish for Rob all nude.. hot and sweating all nude... OMG what is my head doing to me?? THUD

WinWin said...

Emily, I think us perves just want a better look at what's under the tights. *winks*

I'm stilling at work with a stupid grin on my face! lol

WinWin said...

Mech, UC, comanche Rob. You know the vision. Loin cloth, half naked Rob on horseback, all primitive!

Emily said...

Apparently if you pause Harry Potter and the GOF at a certain point you can tell which side Rob, know...prefers.

Unknown said...


Oh IMDB - no discussion is safe. People get snarky over...everything. And the

Anyway, he is looking thin. That i can see. I wonder if the weight loss is related to professional (weightlifting/conditioning for Twi) or personal (poor diet). I hope it's the former.

WinWin said...

Emily, no way. Now I have to put it back on my Netflix que. Only watched it on ABC Family. He looks too young there. Makes me feel like a pedophile. lol

Anonymous said...

I could definitely see Rob as Sir Lancelot...all Arthurian and romanticand Per-Rapahelite painting like...sigh....

Anonymous said...

But tights are a definite no - no...

enjoykim said...

TELL ME!!Or I have to go to a video store right now ( and it´s 10 pm over here)! ;-)
Oh I´m such a perv...

Unknown said...

"that blinking sh*t CH had him do in Twilight when he realizes James changed his course. What was that? I still cringe at that."

HAAAAAAA! OMG So funny! The hard blink - that was so bad. Poor Rob!

WinWin said...

lizzibee, I agree. He would be so hot and romantic. Can't wait to see what other films he's negotiating.

Karina said...

none-I totally see your point too, I"m not invested either way with the robsten or anti-robsten crap. Live and let live.

But Robert and kristen aren't us and to apply normal standards on how nonfamous friends act publicly doesn't quite work as a result.

Since their actions are being scrutinized publicly, that sorta throws out trying to apply what we all did with friends or boyfriends out the window.

Karina said...

Oh, god the hard blink too, so funny. I can't wait to see Chris Weitz right the many wrongs of the first picture.. I think Robert under the right direction will be amazing.

Emily said...

I don't know exactly what part though. It's been mentioned here a few times in the comments. Maybe when he's in his cute little swimming trunks? I think the consensus was that he's a righty.

Don't feel like a perv. He was what, 18 or 19 in that movie? That's legal, right?
Just kidding, I feel the same way.

Shani said...

Here is the link to when the girl calls Kris a "bitch". This girl is so beyond ignornant. She says this at the end after calling Kris a bitch "I don't care. I just want to go home."

Well, take your butt home. Did Kris stop you from leaving? NO.
Did she deserve to be talked to like that? No.

Yves- Your right, everyone is going off of their own experiences. People do lie about their relationships. And they don't have to tell us anything. All I know is most people who are talking about their guy and girl friendships are saying that it was completely platonic the entire time. For Rob and Kris that was never the issue. Rob has always had a crush and if you look at a number of vids they were flirting with each other a number of times. So right at the get go platonic feelings were never apart of it. So now that Kris is not with MA.I believe that they are exploring their feelings for one another and are together.

Emily said...

I'm sure he'd be THRILLED to know that we're discussing that, by the way. :)

WinWin said...

Karina, I agree, I can't wait for Rob to work with someone like Ron Howard, Scorcese or Coppola. Didn't Harvey Weinstein mention him in a gangster movie. I would totally love that.

Emily, it's back on my que. I'll rent it for my kids. lol

Unknown said...

Rob in his punk pants with suspenders hanging down, steel toe stompers, and a white shirt is the best Rob of all....

VeilsofLight said...

@Win...Rob...bouncing...up the stairs...suit...

*long, drawn out sigh*

I would never have recovered.

How do you function each day after that? I'm impressed. :)

WinWin said...

VOL, not sure how we survived. It's all a blur. Rob being in town was the highlight of our summer. Can't wait for RM. Wonder if we'll see trailers soon.

Anonymous said...

@ Win Win
I hate to say this but I for one will be really glad when he's finsihed with the Twilight stuff. It was a good story initially and I really enjoyed reading the first and indeed the second book (New Moon - even with the annoying and boring Jacob) but the other two books I have to say I really struggled with and I felt I really SHOULDN'T have because my daughter -who'd recommended them in the first place was so adament I would enjoy them. So I can't wait to see Rob do Unborn Captives and even more so Bel-Amie and I hope to God he lines up some more totally against character type roles in the future. He CAN ACT and I'm sick and tired of people saying he can't. In The Haunted Airman he was superb...and when I watched it I'd never heard of him. Three years ago that was..

enjoykim said...

@ Emily
A righty,yep?Good to know...I´ll pay attention to that from now on...;-)

Maybe he could do that kind of Armani underwear advertising Becks-style?Oh no,I forgot,he´s the Fruit of the loom-type...

Shani said...

Karina- Exactly. They way we act with boyfriends is totally different than someone who is in the spotlight everyday. You can not compare the two. They are under such scrutiny for every little thing. If I was Kris, I wouldn't be touching him either. Especially when I know strangers from around the world are going to analyze something so personal. So I would keep whatever we are doing in the dark.

Mechevpao said...

Lizzibee, again I have to admit I could not agree more with you.

beyonce said...

That girl screaming at Kristen is an idiot. Kristen isn't a bitch - that girl is Kristen's bitch! She's the one hanging outside waiting for her cab like a beggar, hoping Kristen will stop to sign or take a picture so she can eat this week.

enjoykim said...

I totally agree.I liked the books,but I´m more excited to see him as Tyler.

Shani said...

beyonce- Exactly, she is the one waiting around. Nobody is stopping her from moving along.

WinWin said...

lizzibee, I so with you. I can not wait for all the twilight films to be done. Not crazy about BD.

I think all the Twilight attention has jaded some people. He has serious acting chops. I was blown away by Little Ashes. The comedic timing of him tiptoeing across courtyard, breakdown with shaved head and the end of the movie totally blew me away. I'm most excited about his talents and looks. Everything else is kinda meaningless.

Emily said...

Okay, did you have to bring up the David Beckham underwear ads? Oh my...beyond hot.

I was secretly hoping when Rob cut his hair last year he would have gone as short as that. Don't get me wrong, I love the sex hair but he looked very sexy with the buzz cut.

WinWin said...

Underwear ads. If he ever does them, I hope they will be plastered high and big in Times Square. I remember when Adrien Brody won the Oscar and then he did the ads for AD and he plastered all over Fifth Avenue. I can't wait for NM posters to start gracing our highways.

Mrs. Spunk Ransom ;) said...

Wow, Kristen and Rob look like twins, and that is SO wrong considering all things, haha :)

WinWin said...

Emily, you mentioned buzz cut. I recently watched the trailer for Brothers and totally wished that he had Tobey Maguire's part.

enjoykim said...

IF they were plastered in Fifth Ave,that would cause a hugh traffic jam.Women standing in front of them,drooling and blocking the sidewalk...

roxiegirl said...

No comment on todays discussion. I think everyone has said it all. Bottom line we love Rob. Muff said.

In regard to fan fiction-OMG. I now have another obsession!! Like many of you I could read all day. I had to print out some of the stories as I got tired of sitting at the computer. I loved Let You Light Shine and am just finishing up A Life Extraordinary. Absolutey awesome and very juicy. I bet my DH wonders why Im squirming in my chair while reading haha! I also recomend Blood and Lust. Next up darkside of the Moon, The Office (since I've heard it's so good) and Wide Awake. Go read some fanfic and forget the madness!

WinWin said...

Just realized I got nothing done today. I'm checking out girls. Thanks for all the silly Rob talk. I so needed it. Catch you on the flipside. Hugs to all!

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE to see Rob do some of these high profile designer fragrance ads dressed in a sharp suit, looking all moody and magnificent LOL. Crikey we all know he's capable of that. I WANT ney I NEED to see some top of the range arty type pics of him now..not appearing in Life and Style or Teens R Us type mags. He has moved on - he is a CLASS ACT! Come on you 'Quality Magazines' What are you waiting for?

roxiegirl said...

Um i meant to say "nuff" said! Darn iPhone changes my words-but I still love it!

Emily said...

Win - you've probably already left but I just watched that trailer and I could totally see that. Honestly though, Rob could make pretty much any haircut look good. He even rocked a mullet in Lord of the Nibelungs. :)

enjoykim said...

hugs back,have nice Robdreams!

@ lizzibee
yeah,GQ style...*sigh* he looked so handsome...

Unknown said...

"...most people who are talking about their guy and girl friendships are saying that it was completely platonic the entire time. For Rob and Kris that was never the issue. Rob has always had a crush..."

ITA!!!The "platonic friend" meme always comes up always comes up during these debates and of course, if you're going to speculate on the nature of R&K's relationship, you have to consider that they could be just friends. But while I firmly believe guys and girls can have platonic friendships - I've had many - I am am, too, aware of how that dynamic changes when one friend crushes on the other (been there too!see post 28o-something) And in Rob's case, like you said, he was ready to go from day 1, it was *always* more than platonic for him, the poor thing. He let the world know often enough. I think R& are courting, to use an old-school term. Maybe they'll get pinned, maybe he'll let her wear his letterman's sweater, who knows? heh.

Unknown said...


Don't change my question I would never be happy for anyone who was successful in breaking up any relationship! Rob included. However, I am still on the fence about their relationship even though it seems to be true. You are the one who stated that YOU are a hopeless romantic because he persued Kristen and bought her a guitar, etc..... Kristen was in a relationship. I was asking you questions because i am confused on how you would think that was an AWWW! So which brings up the question would you think it was an aww if someone pursued you bf/gf? NO! You wouldn't, hell i would be mad if someone was trying to steal my bf. All i was saying is how can THAT approach be romantic? Since you brought the keebler elf into it, put yourself in his place. You would feel like crap. Hell, no normal man can stand a chance to Rob right now. Enough about the elf. If it turns out that Rob and Kristen are dating, Yes i would look at him differently because of how their relationship started. As of now I am still a fan of his and Paulex!

roxiegirl said...

I have my fingers crossed (could be wishful thinking) that he will be on the cover and a main story in Vanity Fair this fall-maybe Oct or Nov?? I love that mag- and they really are on top of what and who are hot in Hollywood.

enjoykim said...

Hmm,does he also look good in a green cardigan with embroidered snowmen?!


Emily said...

enjoykim - That was the funniest thing I've ever seen. Photoshop is so entertaining.
I think my mom has that sweater.

Anonymous said...

@ enjoykim
Ah yes...the GQ photos...God he looked unbelievable. I was thinking today...I have never come across a 'celebrity' that I've been remotely interested in who has so many looks. so many faces. I mean at times he can literally look like 'the boy next door' albeit a vey handsome boy and the next you could say he was classically beautiful. I read a comment a few months ago from a lady who was an artist and she was intrigued by his face and said words to the effect that he was a fascinating subject to paint and had a classically beautiful face. Let's face it - he is unique...there are lots and lots of pretty boy actors out there at the moment but they don't hold a candle to Rob who is 'perfectly imperfect'. Just lovely.

Karina said...

Rob looks best with clothes on. lol Eric Bana and Alexander SKereelekekeard(whatever his name is who plays Eric in True Blood)? Those dudes need to dispense with the clothes. But Robert is built to wear them and wear them well. He looks great in suits particularly with his looks.

enjoykim said...

Oh yeah I love the differnet Robstyles/faces.Sometimes he looks like a man you can have a classy dinner with(GQ style/JapanRob),then he looks like a guy you can party with,or chat all night long,listen to music whatever.And then there´s hot eyef***ing RomeRob...

roxiegirl said...

@lizibee I agree so much!!! He has sooooo many faces! Hot, handsome,adorkable, gorgeous and on occasion rather bleh (not very often!). ( i thought the pics from last night weren't real flaterriing. Check out 350 pics in two minutes on utube. There is a link over at LTR. I just wish the pics went a little slower.

Shani said...

Yves- I love your old school ways. LOL Pinned and his letterman sweater... one can only hope.

Anonymous said...

@ enjoykim
LOL I'll take me some RomeRob anyday. Actually I was thinking about him in that scenario today as I was driving my 15 year old son to school and we have Depeche mode 'Personal Jesus' on the IPOD - said no more!!!LOL Visions of RomeRob got me to school. Haven't a clue what son was talking about.LOL

Motherhin said...

All I want to say is that they have both filmed movies without each other and you didn't see Rob hanging out with his co-star from Remember me ever! There's more to just friendship in this relationship and they try hiding it through the "group" hangouts. I personally don't care. I support them 100% whether they are a couple or not. I don't understand why people are purposely blinding their eyes to it but whatever helps you feel better.

I think that this attention is really starting to bother them both. They weren't huge stars when all this Twilight stuff started and now they are constantly being scrutinized by the media and fans that want things their way for their own enjoyment. These are people with feelings and regardless of their profession they don't deserve to be hounded like this. I don't care if it is just 5 minutes, it's 5 minutes were a young girl named Kristen Stewart was called a bitch for absolutely no reason and it's caught on film. What we as a society do to these celebrities is disgraceful. I'm just as much to blame by checking websites for news and gossip about them. They aren't our friends or relatives, they are strangers to us but we feel that it's our right to know about their personal business and get a record of every move they make.

I personally don't think that people live in caves and don't know about this when they are up and coming actors but until you live it, there's no way to grasp what it does to your spirit and how abnormal you have to live in their world.

I just feel sorry for them that they cannot be open about their relationship for fear of death threats to Kristen. No doubt that would happen if they were openly affectionate with each other. People feel like they own Rob and that's just insanity to me.

Unknown said...

@joey "All i was saying is how can THAT approach be romantic?"

--Yeah, and I was revolted by the passive-aggressive way you went about getting to this very simple point. I was equally offended that *you* would alter *my* original comment in order in order to launch your moral diatribe. That's why i responded as I did.

You were the one who decided to twist my point, which was, BTW meant to illustrate the ways in which Rob made his feelings toward Kristen clear for all the world to see.

"Since you brought the keebler elf into it, put yourself in his place. You would feel like crap. Hell, no normal man can stand a chance to Rob right now. Enough about the elf. If it turns out that Rob and Kristen are dating, Yes i would look at him
differently because of how their relationship started."

---(Um, What elf?)Judging Rob for his personal choices is a step to far for me. And Michael Angarano is where my speculation re R&K ends. I love Rob and I like Kristen, and I'm not going to conflate their previous affairs with their current relationship status in order to play the "self-righteous outrage" game. But have fun with that...

And with that, I'm out. FWIW, I think I'm finally clear on why one can't have a reasonable discussion on this topic. You comment on R&K here and someone uses said comment to be make shitty to make shitty character judgments. Sick the way the "Judgy McJudgersons" come out in droves.

Unknown said...

Rob looks skinny in the pics..looks like the fame is not getting into his head but in his health...(we hope not!!)

Unknown said...


Aww thanks, Shani.

Anonymous said...

This is an old but earlier on this year when I was deperate and crusing youtube I found a couple of fan made videos that had the most gorgeous pics of Rob from last years promotional tour.1) Piano Man...gorgeous pictures and great music...I downloaded it onto my Ipod and Black & White - again a load of pics that aren't widely Black and White set to appropriate music. Sorry can't post links because I'm basically computer illiterate. Buth they are worth watching....

Unknown said...

Peace,ya'll :)

Anonymous said...

Dear God I can't even type properly now....thinking 'bout Rob does it LOL

enjoykim said...

Oh I loove that vid.Unfortunately I´m not able to save it on my PC,cause it´s dailymotion and not on youtube...I want to watch it on my iphone...:-(

Unknown said...



Ok, now really, I'm gone!

Anonymous said...

Bye Yves! Have a nice afternoon/evening!

jmm4832 said...

Kristine, I agree with your post! I think Kristen and Rob are dating but may never come out and say it or show PDA because of fear for Kristen's safety. C'mon. Those two are photographed together a lot and were spending the night together in Rob's hotel in LA, even though Kristen lives in town. They're more than friends. Kristen's putting up with a lot of scrutiny and crap from the public because of her relationship with him and she doesn't have to. Yeah, I know she said in April that they were just friends but nothing's been said for a while and she could come out and say "I'm not dating him" but she isn't. I wonder why Rob always walks ahead of Kristen in photographs. Could it be for safety reasons?


Is it just me who thinks rob is rockin that jacket! Anywhoo i feel bad for kristen even though i dont belivie the hype about robsten (dont kill me!) Who's to say she's a bitch, i dont know her. If she is boning rob, I hope there enjoying all the hot sex they can get.
And remeber girls opinions are like assholes, everyone has one!

Athena said...

Honestly, I'm lost for words. Poor Rob and, most of all, poor Kristen :(.

I didn't have the heart to watch the video, the pictures already spoke volumes.

The only positive thing is that at least they got to enjoy Bobby's music (of that I *am* jealous once again!) without people bothering them, inside the venue.


@ stacy I love your name! I love the nikes too.

I have to say I have actually stopped posting comments on some sites because they get so wrapped up with speculation and arguing about robsten, when all I wanted was to talk to someone else about how hot rob looked in plaid. or how I enjoyed hunted airman.

cant we all just get along? lmao

Unknown said...

Two more pics


1 more account

roxiegirl said...

@lizibee. Tks I'll try to find those utube bids. I do like the black and white photos.

Bye everyone! Time to leave work. Haha!

lostinphilly said...

I'm not a big Kristen fan, (but she's growing on me more and more now)but she does not deserve to be called names or be treated badly. She hasn't done anything to deserve that kind of treatment.
And Rob looks very aggravated with all these paps in his face,that's why we never get many smilingRob pix lately.I feel so bad for him,I hope all this doesn't make him go in hiding for a long time and we won't get to see his sexy, smiling face again.
Are those black jeans button-flys?They look like it in the close-up pix. Or maybe I'm just seeing things.Anyone else see it?

Dilia said...

guys have you seen this shit!
its getting out of hand, im starting to fear for their safety.
if they are together with how the paps and the media are obsessing they are not goin to last.

isabel said...

oh please! kristen IS a bitch...dont worry...if she heard the girl she probably liked it...isn't that the "persona" that she wants people to think about h er... see?? she is a bitch and she DOES NOT care if people think that because that is how she acts and behaves and wants her media persona to be...she is just being herself...too bad if you dont like her she wont change that is the way that it is

peeling a fig said...

Wow, tonight's comments have exhausted me, and I'm only a-readin'. Time for a quickie rob video and bed. -- peeling

Loisada said...

Yves darling don't take the bait! Love your courtly musings.

Fact is: no one here knows what KS and MA's relationship was exactly, including when "it" started and when or why "it" ended. That's their business alone, not ours. There's no reason for anyone to intimate Rob might be a girlfriend stealer and judge him "accordingly." I have never heard a single one of these three share the intimate deets on their commitments or non commitments to specific romantic partners. None of them have ever been married or engaged. No wonder they take great pains to keep their personal lives "personal," when so many complete strangers feel they have a right to label, judge and even chastise them. This isn't the inquisition people!!

But damn that gives me a great idea: KS would make a fierce Joan of Arc!

Loisada said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
solas said...

So, consider this kind of fan: she finds Rob a beautiful boy, but has no phantasies about him or desires for him, other than, in a mothermode sort of way, for his happiness and safety; no interests in his 'leanings' or even in seeing a discussion on them; no interest in fanfic; is interested in his work and seeing it; is not interested in seeing photos that were taken in a way that invades his life in any way and in no way wants to support the ragazines or 'paps' etc that invade and intrude; is interested in his views and takes on things because he is a bright and insightful lad--- perhaps all of you who are so much more technology-savvy and internet-savvy than I can tell me--where does such a person go to find about which movies he is doing next and when they can be viewed; how he is progressing in his crafts; and how he is faring and if there is a way to keep him safe and happy, to learn how?

I am new to RObsites and had thought they would be the place to go for such information, or discussion on himself, his talents, his projects, in a respectful way. But I see the need here and elsewhere to chat in ways that are 'fun' to yourselves, but no so much to me. So where do I go? So far I've been observing and commenting where I can, but I think my views and words are not in keeping with the 'mood' here. SO, again, where do I go?

beyonce said...

Isabel-I'm sorry but seeing a grown woman curse out a teen girl who's just trying to get into her cab is cowardly and tacky. As if Kristen owes her anything. Give me a break, she's just mad she didn't get her John Hancock. I hate entitlement, and that was an example of someone feeling entitled.

Solas-I think the mood is very different here at different times. Anything thread that has Kristen involved gets people a little cagey sometimes. I you'll find that a lot of people talk about his career and stuff on other posts though, so don't fret, they mood changes with who posts.

solas said...

Thanks, Beyonce. :-) That was kind.

zlove said...

she's like mini-me

Ana73 said...

just saw the video with the girl calling Kristen a bitch and i dont care if you like or dont like kristen, that just wasn't cool. i dont hear or see where she gets hit though like the report from the girl that was there, maybe it was after the camera was off. i also dont get why rob goes first because friend or girlfriend (whatever she is) he should have made sure that she got in first. just my observation :) but the video does show how much that does suck for them just to go out.

Anonymous said...

I have just noticed this.. Rob LOVES to whistle!! A LOT of his photos have him whistling in it.. its so CUTE!! ugh.. if i was there and heard that girl call Kristen a b*tch, she would have died right then and there.. it would have not been pretty.. robsten CUTE! rob the whistler!!!! LOVE IT!!

Cali said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mars said...

Haha! You're right! Rob whistles/purses his lips a ton. *melts* I love guys who can whistle! It shows they're happy-go-lucky! (I think, at least)

Cali said...

Love "whistling" Rob, love Rob in black, LOVE ROB!!

Do NOT like that VMA host...ugh, not again!!! What are they thinking?

Solas...if you're still out there...don't be disheartened. You just have to steer-clear of certain threads...anything touching on the whole Rob/Kristen thing..."Warning, Warning Will Robinson!!!"

Okay, now that I've dated myself...I, too, cannot wait to see Rob in more mature roles...outside of the Twilight realm. I AM, however, looking forward to New Moon, mainly to see the differences due to directing styles. They appear to be significant. ^.^

Edit...Oops...forgot to change my "forbidden" avi

jmm4832 said...

I can't wait for Remember Me! I love Rob in anything he does.

solas said...

LOL@Cali!! WIll RObinson!! So you are from the era of the Flood, as well? ;-)

Thanks-- I just wonder if my views are too weird for here. I don't believe ROb or Kristen 'deserve' or 'asked for' all of ths shyte; I don't think of ROb as 'hot' and don't even want to go there; I don't read racy stuff, let alone fanporn- er --fanfic; I don't believe in supporting the paps or the ragazines that pay for their pictures or that drudge up the hideous headlines and stories. (In fact, I DO support a boycott by all ROb fans of all of those that push garbage and pay the hunters with cameras, who make his life a prison. ) Perhaps worst of all, I keep viewing a lot of postings through the eyes of a psychologist, and consider which DSM categories I am seeing each day. (You might not BELIEVE the mental illnesses ROb seems to have caused ;-))
But if you all can take weird, that's cool. :-)

bonemama said...

I miss the RM days...that's when my obsession began...I recently saw the x17 video of him saying goodbye to Kristen and her family before he left for new York. It's like a family away from home for him. Who else did he have in LA to count on? I believe he and Kristen are very close regardless of what they do behind closed doors. I'm sure he does lean on her and visversa. Who else can he trust at this moment? What do you ladies think?

bonemama said...

Cali. I will date myself with you. Yes I thought will Robinson was cute. Somebody needs to create a chat room where we can all get together. What do u think? But back to rob. Sorry

elvis4scilla said...

Here's the thing, if you look at the evidence, there is NO doubt Rob and Kristen are a couple, but if you still want to be blind to that, I have personal knowledge that they are indeed a couple. Someone I know very well stayed at the Chateau Marmont when Rob and Kristen were there and he saw with his own eyes that they were sharing a suite and that they acted like a couple. You don't have to believe me, but I'm telling you the truth. Rob and Kristen are indeed very much in love. Let's wish them well, shall we.

elvis4scilla said...

I know many of you are not convinced that Rob and Kristen are a couple, but if you really look at the evidence, it is plain to see that they are. Regardless, I have first hand knowledge that they are indeed a couple. Someone I know very well who is in the entertainment industry was staying at the Chateau Marmont when Rob and Kristen were staying there and he confirmed to me that they shared a suite and saw them acting very much like a couple. Rob and Kristen, are without a doubt, very much in love. Let's wish them well shall we.

solas said...

Elvis, I just don't think it is our business, and I don't think it is a nice practice to talk about or speculate other people's personal lives.
So, yes, let us just wish happiness for ROb, and for Kristen as well, be it as a couple together, or not.

AP said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
solas said...

A- this is EXACTLY what I am looking for! I would love to discuss his projects and methods, etc.

I am wondering how you know the difference between Bel Ami, the book, and what seems, from what you write, the script. I know very little of directors. IN fact,I know very little of the movie world, and the industry, and in fact live in a different world than most who post here, I think. But I do love to learn and think and discuss!

RIght now I must get some sleep, but I do hope that on this or another thread, or even I-m or email, that we can go with this.

Re loose lips-- in my world, we have a saying that translates: enter the wine, and exit the secret.

Treasure_7 said...

I am glad that they got to go out and have a good time. To bad it had to turn out bad but I am sure that they are used to that by now.

Unknown said...



Heather (a.k.a. Bella) said...

I used to know the guys in a major US band, and one of them told me that he refuses to sign autographs for people who don't want them personalized because he knows they'll be going on eBay.

Karina said...

yeah, and it sounds like it's the same autograph takers over and over again in know the whole cast sees these dudes day after day with a pen in hand and are like, "not these bitches again.."lol

Karina said...

solas-I'm very interested in Rob's future work too. He has such a natural screen presence and yet he has precious little experience at the same time that his acting can be very raw-for better or worse sometimes, and even within a minute of eachother onscreen!

I am really interested in seeing him harness it and be guided under the right director, so I'm very interested in seeing his future projects.

But yeah, on this site, Kristen is very polarizing and no matter how benign the post is, people will always end up taking sides. I find myself doing it everytime, even though I know better. lol

elvis4scilla said...

Solas, I'm not speculating, I'm stating a fact witnessed by someone I know very well, who I know is telling me the truth. This person is a 30 something year old married man, who has no interest in whether Rob and Kristen are together or not. I knew he was staying at the Chateau Marmont at the same time as Rob and Kristen, I asked him if he saw anyone from Twilight. Since, he's a guy he wasn't too into giving me details but he said "they were staying in a suite near mine, they had a party, it was loud, then everyone left, but the lead guy and girl stayed in there and then I saw her leaving the next day saying goodbye to him at the door." I asked, "so do you think they're together?" to which he looked at me, rolled his eyes and said, "well, the way they acted toward each other, they sure as heck weren't playing Scrabble in there all night." This is not speculation, this is what he said he saw. Whether you choose to believe it is up to you.

ivy_seer said...

To all those saying that Kristen kinda deserved being called a bitch because she's a BADA__ and not smiling for the fans-- u gotta remember not all of those peeps asking for autographs are fans-- they're hounders who sell her pic with her augtograph.@joeya_85
u might wanna check out this vid:

AP said...

Solas: yes, I was referring to differences between the book and the script. At least, a draft of the script.

About your world - is it at all rabbinical? Just wondering. ;) Have a good night and see you around the blog or on another thread.

@Karina: I agree that he is a natural on film. He'll become a better actor with experience,but he has what it takes to begin with. Here's to him working with the best!

I, too, need to get some zzz's. Nite.

Amanda GĂłmez said...

omg.i've been reading all the post.. and all i can said is they aren't brangelina or tomkat or george clooney...they aren't yet a-list actor or actress..way they can't holding hands?if they are an item..she DID or DOES that with michael..when i see picture of them is like for he treats her like a freand ..worst like one's the boys jajaj i've nerver seen so much drama like that for this two..are they or aren't..plis!!!rob we all love you and want you but can you be more clear? jaja

jmm4832 said...

solas, when does the filming for Captives begin? I am very interested in Rob's other work also. Like Leo DiCaprio, I think Rob will have to take on roles that separate him from the dreamy hero persona so Hollywood will take him seriously. If he plays an SOB that's fine. That's exactly what Leo did.

solas said...

Elvis, like I said: I just don't think it is our business, and I don't think it is a nice practice to talk about or speculate other people's personal lives.

Even if something were true, it isn't our business.

For your education, though, I will tell you that, like in math, when plotting points, you can get a much different graph from 10 points than you can from 3, so in real life can you get a different and more accurate picture, the more 'points' (facts) you have. I have a very dear, much loved friend, whose company I enjoy, who enjoys my company, and I have stayed over his apartment, we have had lots of fun, putting heads together, etc--looking to the outside probably as very much in love, and his family and friends assumed we were 'lovers'--and one time when he called from his apartment when I was there, his family assumed we were going to announce an engagement. However, it was never anything like that, never physical other than hugs of close friends, never looking toward marriage. We just love each other as very close friends, in a way that most cannot understand.

solas said...

Jmm--I don't know when the filming will begin; 'A' posted a concern about that.

I don't really compare Rob with Leonardo Di Caprio. Rob is someone/something really different.

solas said...

A- how do you know about the script? Are these things easily obtained?

And how did you figure out my world?!? Very close! Very clever!

AP said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AP said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

A- hope I can see you, but thanks, and re my world: x in open, please. Those with understanding understand; please tell me you are one.

AP said...

Solas: Not sure if I fully understand but if you mean discretion, I do understand that.:)

solas said...

A- :-)

Unknown said...

OMG I fail at life for posting this OT comment onto a dead post, but whatevs. Anyway: OMG KS as Joan'D'Arc would be divine.

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