Showing posts sorted by date for query 365 august. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query 365 august. Sort by relevance Show all posts

365 Days of Robert Pattinson! November calendar (Twilight themed Part 2) with updates

365 Days of Robert Pattinson! November calendar (Twilight themed Part 2) with updates 


We hope everyone celebrating had a Happy Halloween! October was a fantastic month! We celebrated our 5th blog birthday and had a week long schedule of fun posts and giveaways but that didn't keep us from having a great 365DoR month.

October was themed for How To Be and The Haunted Airman for two main reasons - Rob attended the Austin Film Festival this month in 2008 for HTB (who doesn't love Art??) and it's the month for Halloween! A creepy holiday also brought out ZygoteRob. ;)

The month as a whole was hardly creepy though. When you have a month looking at RomeRob, SexDriveRob, ScruffteeRob, ForeheadKissingRob, LaughingRob, Forearmporn, Neckporn, and Robporn in general - you a one pretty hot month to say the least. We took a drive with Rob and lingered on our favorite sweaters and tees. Rob's photoshoot with Vogue was poured over and ended up priming us for a batch of new outtakes that came out later in the month. SpanishRob said hola and saw Rob be sweet to his fans - like always. :) Click HERE if you want to see more from our October month.

November brings Part 2 of our Twilight themed month. June was the month for Part 1 but November is the perfect month to conclude the 5 year franchise in 365DoR. Check out our previous themed months Bel Ami: FebruaryWater for Elephants: AprilCosmopolis: MayTwilight Part 1: JuneLittle Ashes: July, The Bad Mother's Handbook and Harry Potter: August and Remember Me: September. Now it's time for....Robvember! ;)

Click HERE if you'd like to see all the months! The current month is always available on the side bar along with a link to the entire year.

365 Days of Robert Pattinson! October calendar (How To Be/The Haunted Airman themed) with updates

365 Days of Robert Pattinson! October calendar (How To Be/The Haunted Airman themed) with updates


September was all about DiorRob!

So epic! Not only did DiorRob have his own day, twice, but he influenced our fave edits of the day, Robporn of the day, black & white picture, PensiveRob and more! We've got DiorRob on our minds 24/7 since the Dior Homme ad debuted Sept. 1st.

The 365DoR month was actually themed for one of Rob's best films, Remember Me. We've covered Bel Ami: FebruaryWater for Elephants: AprilCosmopolis: MayTwilight Part 1: JuneLittle Ashes: July, and The Bad Mother's Handbook and Harry Potter: August. It was only right to celebrate Remember Me in the month of September. The filming for RM had so many pictures, we had to give it two days for pics and gifs from filming. Each of the PremiereRobs also got a day in NYC and London. From stills, to shots with Emilie de Ravin, to our fave Tyler pic, we truly had a great month for the special film.

Rarely shared pics, pic of nonPromoRob on a red carpet, and CandidRob kept things unique. GuitarRob and our fave books from Rob films kept things artsy. GQRob, bicepporn, and ProfileRob kept things hot, HOT, HOT! Click HERE if you want to scroll back through more of September.

October is going to be a great month just like the rest! We'll look at How To Be and The Haunted Airman a little bit but there are plenty other goodies....and not to mention...a certain blog's 5th anniversary. ;) Bring on October!

Click HERE if you'd like to see all the months! The current month is always available on the side bar along with a link to the entire year.

365 Days of Robert Pattinson! September calendar (Remember Me themed) with updates

365 Days of Robert Pattinson! September calendar (Remember Me themed) with updates


What an exciting month of Rob! We were showered with Maps To The Stars set pics and then DiorRob! We're entering September with more DiorRob since the Dior Homme film FINALLY comes out on the 1st but we're also celebrating a return to a themed month for 365DoR. Remember Me is up! Our themed months so far have been: Bel Ami: FebruaryWater for Elephants: AprilCosmopolis: MayTwilight Part 1: June and July a mixture of Little Ashes. August also looked at some of Rob's pre-Twilight films. Daniel Gale and Cedric Diggory popped up and we also payed attention to the talented work from Rob's fans. Sexy videos, funny videos, amazing wallpapers and edits - Rob fans have so much talent.

We've been getting so many DiorRob interviews (we'll be doing a roundup post on interviews for you guys soon) but we looked back at our favorite print interview and classic Ellen Show interviews. We also looked at two amazing photoshoots: Vanity Fair and Premiere with the special homage to David Cronenberg films. And what's a DoR month without a proper dose of Robporn? Sideburns, TDP, sexhair, hands, kisses, drinking, that beautiful laugh and those smiling blue-grey-green eyes and more. Click HERE if you want to scroll back through some more August goodies.

We introduced our first, recurring day for DiorRob - Fave DiorRob of the day - and we see it twice in September. With all the DiorRob goodness coming soon, we're definitely doing to need it. ;)

Click HERE if you'd like to see all the months! The current month is always available on the side bar along with a link to the entire year.

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Aug 31 ~ Pic of Rob from The Bad Mother's Handbook

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: August 31 ~ Pic of Rob from The Bad Mother's Handbook
"SO easy it HAS to be Daniel and his 99. My 2 favourite things in one pic Rob and ice cream ;-} Oh and I found this little treat while look for my pic and HAD to share ;-D Enjoy!"

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" i made this years ago. i think i covers all my bases. LOL"

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Update when Kat posts!

If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :) 

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Aug 30 ~ Fave Rob baseball cap

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Aug 30 ~ Fave Rob baseball cap

UPDATE: Added Kate's pick! Also a classic and she's just like me and Kat in one way :)

*sigh* I'll never forget how much I flailed when I saw Rob wearing a Long Beach State baseball cap back in 2009. It had a good run. Almost 2 years. The longest of any of Rob's baseball caps. GO BEACH! I love Kat's recent choice. ABOVE! Rob is definitely a cut above the rest and his hat makes us think of that. Kat and I also twinsies with the hat forward look!

"I can’t really say I have a favourite… but I do prefer it facing forward. Oooerrr missus!"

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"always and forever. i chose this pic because the hat’s last known location was in Toronto for the Cosmopolis shoot. and he looks delicious."

 photo HQRobertPattinsonLeavingtherCosmopolisSet12thJune20117.jpg

"I’m playing catch up ;-} Not quite sure I actually HAVE a fave Rob baseball cap BUT I’m quite partial to this one because I have one that is quite similar and i think I may have had it before he did ;-p"

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If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :) 

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365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Aug 29 ~ Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Aug 29 ~ Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood

Ooooooooweeeeeeeee! It's been a doozy of a day! Soooooo...

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"Excited, Overwhelmed & spinning ;-)) PS: I cheated and added twirlingDiorRob because just as I posted my 365 it came out and was pretty perfect for how I was feeling. So you’re getting 2 from me today"
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"this is pretty much how intense i am looking at everything in our #DiorRob bootcamp"

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Update when Kat posts!

If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :) 

Click for HQ!

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365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Aug 28 ~ Cute/funny fanmade vid

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Aug 28 ~ Cute/funny fanmade vid

You're probably still drooling and twitching from all the DiorRob goodness today but these videos are going to make you grin big time.

"I dare you to watch this without laughing! SO many great moments in it."

"such a cuuuuutie throwback video. yeah Rob, you’re not as weird as you’d like me to think. i’ll always think he’s awesome and his brand of “weird” is A+++++++ in my book. "

Update when Kat posts!

If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :) 

Click for HQ!

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365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Aug 27 ~ Pic showing Rob's green/blue/grey eyes

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Aug 27 ~ Pic showing Rob's green/blue/grey eyes

"Oh you've got green eyes...oh you've got blue eyes...oh you've got grey eyes. And I've never seen anyone quite like you before. No I've never met anyone quite like you before." ~ New Order

"Rob's face is constantly busy—especially his kaleidoscopic eyes, which are continually rolling and dilating, because he is always thinking. ~ Details (March 2010)

Rob's beautiful eyes.....time to celebrate!

"He has the kind of eyes that change colour depending on what he’s wearing. So blue here, but sometimes so green, sometimes so grey. Wonder what it says on his passport?"

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"It’s fascinating to me how his eyes seem to change colour but I love them no matter what colour they are ;-} They’re a kind of greeny/grey in this pic I’ve chosen."
 photo RobertPattinsonKatsBirthdayPics8.png

"im a firm believer Rob’s eyes are steel blue (blue-grey). they’re beautiful. they can also shift into more grey-blue or green-blue territory with certain clothes but i love them in their most natural, blue dominant state. this picture is just….well…you can see what it is. perfection. crazy handsome, crazy gorgeous. stunning man. "

 photo RobEyes.jpg

If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :) 

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365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Aug 26 ~ Fave DiorRob of the Day

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Aug 26 ~ Fave DiorRob of the Day

This is the inaugural day for DiorRob's permanent place in 365DoR! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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Be sure to check out the new website and go to their Facebook to like the new cover picture they posted of DiorRob HERE. Dior also changed their Twitter header to DiorRob so if you're on Twitter, make sure to check out @Dior!

On to the DoR....Kate and I are twinsies and we practically said the same thing too! Here's our pick....

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"Has to be this, obviously"

"Obviously. I made this gorgeousness my cell locked screen. I knew this day would be good! Every month for the rest of the year we’ll have a DiorRob day. Love it. DiorRob is our life now."

"I try to NOT look at Kate and Tink’s choices before I post, but today I had a funny feeling I’d picked the same one so I looked. Sure enough… I had. So I’m gonna go with my runner up, because you can never have too much DiorRob. Just LOVE the way he’s holding her… like a feather."

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If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :) 

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365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Aug 25 ~ Pic of Rob's sideburns

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Aug 25 ~ Pic of Rob's sideburns

We love all Rob's hair...even the bits of hair that take a detour and drift down the sides of his face. LOL

UPDATE: Added Kate's pick! DiorRob on the brain ;)

"After the day that was in it I think I have to choose a pic of DiorRob."

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"His sideburns have a life of their own, he’s a hairy man."

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"since #DiorRob is my life now, my selection for today HAD to come from the BTS video. "

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If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :) 

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365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Aug 24 ~ Fave Pic of Cedric Diggory

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Aug 24 ~ Fave Pic of Cedric Diggory

Awww it's a throwback day to Harry Potter goodness! Strut that stuff, Cedric!
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"Awwww Cedric, so beautiful <3" photo CD2.jpg

"i love this promo pic of Cedric. it's very striking and perfect basically. i don't know if this is my fave because it's hard to pick faves but this sure is at the top. "

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"It was our first glimpse… he looks so ruddy cheeked and baby faced. RIP sweet Cedric."
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The end. *tears*
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If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :) 

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365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Aug 23 ~ Fave Pic Edit Of The Day

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Aug 23 ~ Fave Pic Edit Of The Day

"I am LOVING this edit using the new Dior pics by the fantastic @Creationsjules. As always she picked out the perfect words to go with the pics. Just stunning!!"
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"YUP. that just about does it. DiorRob rocks my world."
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"How can you go wrong with this one. Complete focus on the man. Perfect."
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If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :) 

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365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Aug 22 ~ Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Aug 22 ~ Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood

It's great to be back and asking y'all...

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"Lots to smile about today….. JeRob on set, Sexytime JeRob, Dior Rob, Wet Dior Rob, New Rob Interview, finally feels like the Painter is making progress on my house AND Tink is back from her holidays! ;-))))"
Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

"im back from a vacay and these are the pics that greeted me?? the lyrics “french kissing in the USA” have been in my head because France is still on my mind and now KissingJeRob. my mood is quite turned on. LOL"
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"I'm anxious today. Oh so anxious..."

 photo RobertPattinsonVanityFairPhotoshoot24.jpg

If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :) 

Click for HQ!

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